library to test Azure resource names to meet the Azure naming conventions
Azure Naming Conventions test tool
Azure has many different naming rules and restrictions. These Naming conventions can break your ARM deployments. This library helps to determine if a name is applyable for the resource type in mind.
Other than manually downloading and building this library, azure-naming-conventions is available in the following options.
Build it
Download the master branch and run the following command to build the library:
npm run build
This will output the compiled sources in the /dist folder. You can copy this folder to your project.
Install the library via NPM:
npm install azure-naming-conventions --save
To use azure-naming-conventions in your project, you will need to add a reference to the module:
// Create a new Azure Naming Conventions Object
var example = AzureNamingConventions.NamingConvention("teststring", AzureNamingConventions.NamingConventionRule.VirtualMachineWindows);
var result = example.validate();
// Output the result
if(result.isValid) {
console.log('Name is valid');
} else {
console.log('Please make sure to fulfill the following Azure Naming Convention Rules: ' +
Think you found a bug
First chech the issues list to see if someone else has already found it. If not, create an issue and provide some details on how to reproduce this bug.