Azure IoT SDK - Provisioning Service Client (Modified to use proxy) it will take proxy varible form the envirement.
Microsoft Azure IoT Provisioning Service SDK for Node.js
The Azure IoT Provisioning Service SDK for Node.js helps you build applications that perform CRUD operations with the provisioning service for your enrollments.
You need to install the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment to run the Azure IoT JavaScript client SDK on your platform. To check if Node.js supports your platform (OS), verify that an install package is available on the Node.js download page.
npm is a command-line package manager that is installed with Node.js is installed, and will be used to install Azure IoT node.js client side SDK.
npm install -g azure-iot-provisioning-service@latest
to get the latest (pre-release) version.
npm install -g azure-iot-provisioning-service
to get the latest (release) version.
- Create, update, delete, query, and get individual enrollments and enrollment groups in your provisioning service. Additionally you can query, get and delete device registration states.
How to use the Azure IoT Provisioning Service SDK for Node.js
Once you have installed the package as indicated above, you can start using the features of the Service SDK in your code. Below is a code snippet showing how to add a new enrollment in the provisioning registry:
Note that for this sample to work, you will need to setup your IoT Provisioning Service and retrieve credentials for the service app.
var provisioningServiceClient = require('azure-iot-provisioning-service').ProvisioningServiceClient;
var serviceClient = provisioningServiceClient.fromConnectionString(process.argv[2]);
var enrollment = {
registrationId: 'first',
attestation: {
type: 'tpm',
tpm: {
endorsementKey: 'a'
serviceClient.createOrUpdateIndividualEnrollment(enrollment, function(err, enrollmentResponse) {
if (err) {
console.log('error creating the enrollment: ' + err);
} else {
console.log("enrollment record returned: " + JSON.stringify(enrollmentResponse, null, 2))
Check out the samples for details on the various features of the Service SDK
Read more
Directory structure
Service SDK subfolders:
Development requirements documentation
Code for the library
Set of simple samples showing how to use the features of the Service SDK
Test files