A module the deploy azure websites
Azure Deploy f. Node
This module allows to deploy an application, e.g. a node application or a single page application written in Angular.js into an Azure WebSite. The module relies on the Git based deployment of Azure WebSite and can easily used also for other services with a git backend.
In addition this module supports deployment of files into an Azure Storage account which is often used as backend for static web sites.
The module will be integrated in the project structure via node package manager. The following command installs and save it as development dependency:
npm install azure-deploy --saveDev
Usage WebSite Deployment
The module offers a couple simple to use classes which can be used as follows:
Include the module in a specific application:
var azureDeploy = require('azure-deploy');
Define the source folder which needs to be deployed to the Azure WebSite:
var sourceFolder = 'YOUR SOURCE FOLDER';
Instantiate the Deployment-Manager which orchestrates everything:
var deploymentManager = new azureDeploy.AzureWebSiteDeploymentManager(
'Azure WebSite Name', 'Azure Deployment UserName', 'Azure Deployment Password');
The deployment manager can be used to perform a deployment from a specific source directory. The deploy method returns a promise which will be resolved as soon the deployment is finished:
deploymentManager.deploy(sourceFolder).then(function() {
}).catch(function(error) {
Usage Azure Storage Deployment
The module offers a couple simple to use classes which can be used as follows:
Include the module in a specific application:
var azureDeploy = require('azure-deploy');
Define the source folder which needs to be deployed to the Azure WebSite:
var sourceFolder = 'YOUR SOURCE FOLDER';
Instantiate the Deployment-Manager which orchestrates everything:
var deploymentManager = new azureDeploy.AzureStorageDeploymentManager(
'AzureStorageKey', 'AzureStorageSecret', 'AzureStorageContainer');
The deployment manager can be used to perform a deployment from a specific source directory. The deploy method returns a promise which will be resolved as soon the deployment is finished:
deploymentManager.deploy(sourceFolder).then(function() {
}).catch(function(error) {
Usage Git Deployment
The module offers a couple simple to use classes which can be used as follows:
Include the module in a specific application:
var azureDeploy = require('azure-deploy');
Define the source folder which needs to be deployed to the Azure WebSite:
var sourceFolder = 'YOUR SOURCE FOLDER';
Instantiate the Deployment-Manager which orchestrates everything:
var deploymentManager = new azureDeploy.AzureGitDeploymentManager(
'URL to GitRepo', 'Git Repo UserName', 'Git Repo Password');
The deployment manager can be used to perform a deployment from a specific source directory. The deploy method returns a promise which will be resolved as soon the deployment is finished:
deploymentManager.deploy(sourceFolder).then(function() {
}).catch(function(error) {
The Git Deployment Manager is using a shallow copy of the target Git-Repository. To Prevent this initialize it as follows:
var deploymentManager = new azureDeploy.AzureGitDeploymentManager(
'URL to GitRepo', 'Git Repo UserName', 'Git Repo Password', { gitCloneOptions: { noShallowCopy: true }});
Grunt Integration
The node module can be integrated in an existing Gruntfile very easily. The following code fragment demonstrates an integration approach:
grunt.registerMultiTask('azureDeploy', 'Deploys the current build to an Azure Website.', function() {
var sourceFolder = appConfig.dist;
var deploymentManager = new azureDeploy.AzureWebSiteDeploymentManager(,,
grunt.log.writeln('Starting deployment...');
var done = this.async();
.then(function() {
grunt.log.writeln('Deployment to Azure Website finished successfully.');
.catch(function() {
grunt.log.writeln('Deployment to azure website finished with errors.');