Application that connects to AWS IoT platform to listen to changes to modify local NAD Amplifier over RS-232
AWT IoT NAD Controller
Application that keeps a AWS IoT Shadow device synchronized with a NAD Amplifier. Allowing controlling the NAD amplifier from the internet.
Uses nad-controller to read and set settings on the amplifier via a RS-232 connection.
Connects to AWS IoT Core to figure out what the desired state is from the shadow device. If the shadow device settings are different from the amplifier settings, then the amplifier settings are changed.
Example use
To connection to a AWS IoT shadow the following is needed:
- A AWS IoT “Thing” must be created
- A AWS IoT Custom endpoint found under settings
- The following 3 certificate files (can be generated by AWS IoT)
- private-key
- client-certificate
- ca-certificate
- AWS IoT policy created that gives the certificate's owner the right to Connect, Publish, Subscribe and Receive.
nad-controller --private-key=private.pem.key