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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




CDK Construct for setting up a simple live channel for testing





View on Construct Hub

CDK Construct for deploying a live video channel using AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage

  • The input is MP4 files
  • The output is MediaPackage V1 and V2 endpoints
  • You can specify encoding/packaging settings or leave them default




Sample code

Here's an example for setting up a SINGLE_PIPELINE MediaLive channel using a local MP4 file (./upload/test.mp4) as an input to get MediaPackage v1 and v2 endpoints

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { FilePublisher } from 'awscdk-construct-file-publisher';
import { LiveChannelFromMp4 } from 'awscdk-construct-live-channel-from-mp4-file';

export class ExampleStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    // Upload all the files in the local folder (./upload) to S3
    const publicFolder = new FilePublisher(this, 'FilePublisher', {
      path: './upload',

    // Create a MediaLive channel with MediaPackage V1/V2 endpoints
    const { eml, empv1, empv2 } = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
      source: `${publicFolder.url}/test.mp4`, // required
      channelClass: 'STANDARD', // optional: default = 'SINGLE_PIPELINE'
      encoderSpec: {
        gopLengthInSeconds: 2, // optional: default = 3
        timecodeBurninPrefix: 'Ch1', // optional: default = no timecode overlay
      mediaPackageVersionSpec: 'V1_AND_V2', // optional: default = 'V1_AND_V2'
      packagerSpec: {
        segmentDurationSeconds: 4, // optional: default = 6
        manifestWindowSeconds: 20, // optional: default = 60
      autoStart: true, // optional: default = true

    // Access MediaLive channel attributes via ``
    new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaLiveChannelId", {
      exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaLiveChannelId",
      description: "MediaLive channel ID",

    // Access MediaPackage_v1 endpoints attributes via `empv1.endpoints`
    if (empv1?.endpoints) {
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV1HlsEndpoint", {
        value: empv1.endpoints.hls.attrUrl,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV1HlsEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V1 HLS endpoint URL",
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV1DashEndpoint", {
        value: empv1.endpoints.dash.attrUrl,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV1DashEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V1 DASH endpoint URL",
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV1CmafEndpoint", {
        value: empv1.endpoints.cmaf.attrUrl,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV1CmafEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V1 CMAF (HLS with fMP4) endpoint URL",
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV1MssEndpoint", {
        value: empv1.endpoints.mss.attrUrl,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV1MssEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V1 Microsoft Smooth Streaming endpoint URL",

    // Access MediaPackage_v2 endpoint URLs via `empv2.endpointUrls`
    if (empv2?.endpointUrls) {
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV2HlsEndpoint", {
        value: empv2.endpointUrls.hls,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV2HlsEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V2 HLS endpoint URL",
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV2LlHlsEndpoint", {
        value: empv2.endpointUrls.llHls,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV2LlHlsEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V2 Low-Latency HLS endpoint URL",
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "MediaPackageV2DashEndpoint", {
        value: empv2.endpointUrls.dash,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "MediaPackageV2DashEndpoint",
        description: "MediaPackage V2 DASH endpoint URL",


Sample code (Harvest Job)

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { LiveChannelFromMp4 } from 'awscdk-construct-live-channel-from-mp4-file';
import { ScteScheduler } from 'awscdk-construct-scte-scheduler';

export class ExampleStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    // Create a MediaLive channel with MediaPackage V1 endpoints
    const ch = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
      source: `s3://my-bucket/test.mp4`,
    }), {eml, empv1: emp} = ch;

    // Harvest the HLS endpoint
    if (emp?.endpoints.hls) {
      // Get a Lambda function that schedules a harvest job
      const harvestJob = ch.createHarvestJob({
        endpoint: emp.endpoints.hls,
        publish: true,
        retain: true,
      // Invoke the function after inserting a 30-sec ad break x50 times
      new ScteScheduler(this, 'ScteScheduler', {
        scteDurationInSeconds: 30,
        intervalInMinutes: 1,
        repeatCount: 50,
        callback: harvestJob.func,
      // Print the URL of the harvested VOD content
      new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "HarvestedVODURL", {
        value: harvestJob.publishedUrl,
        exportName: cdk.Aws.STACK_NAME + "HarvestedVODURL",
        description: "Harvested VOD URL",

Possible configurations


The input needs to be a single or multiple MP4 file(s). The following formats are supported:

  • Local filesystem path (using FilePublisher like the above code)
  • URL (http:// and https://)
  • S3 URL (s3:// and s3ssl://)

Also, you can convert File inputs into Push inputs before they're ingested by MediaPackage The following code creates 3x inputs with different routes:

  • MP4 ---> MediaLive ---> MediaPackage (defalut)
  • MP4 ---> MediaLive ---(RTP_PUSH)---> MediaLive ---> MediaPackage
  • MP4 ---> MediaLive ---(RTMP_PUSH)---> MediaLive ---> MediaPackage
// Create a live channel with 3x inputs
const {eml, empv1, empv2} = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
  source: [
      url: 's3://aems-input/test-1.mp4',
      conversionType: 'NONE', // default
      url: 's3://aems-input/test-2.mp4',
      conversionType: 'RTP_PUSH',
      url: 's3://aems-input/test-3.mp4',
      conversionType: 'RTMP_PUSH',
  autoStart: true,


By default, all possible endpoints will be created for each version of MediaPackage:

  • (MediaLive's MediaPackage output)---> MediaPackage V1 channel with 4x endpoints (HLS/DASH/CMAF/MSS)
  • (MediaLive's HLS output)---> MediaPackage V2 channel with 3x endpoints (HLS/LL-HLS/DASH)

You can specify only necessary MediaPackage version:

// Create a live channel with all MediaPackageV2 endpoints but LL-HLS
const {eml, empv2} = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
  source: 's3://aems-input/test-1.mp4',
  mediaPackageVersionSpec: 'V2_ONLY', // default = 'V1_AND_V2'
  mediaPackageV2Settings: {
    omitLlHls: true, // default = false


By default, the following parameters will be used for encoding and packaging:

  • Encoding
    • SINGLE_PIPELINE --> configurable
    • Frame rate 29.97fps
    • ABR with 3x bitrates (720p/540p/360p)
    • GOP length: 3 seconds --> configurable
    • Time-code burn-in: none --> configurable
  • Packaging
    • Segment length: 6 seconds --> configurable
    • Manifest length: 60 seconds --> configurable
    • DVR window: none --> configurable
    • Separate audio/video renditions: no separation (muxed) --> configurable
    • HLS ad marker: DATERANGE --> configurable

You can further configure the encoding/packaging behavior using low-level settings:

// Create a live channel using CfnChannel and CfnOriginEndpoint props
const {eml, empv1, empv2} = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
  source: 's3://aems-input/test-1.mp4',
  encoderSpec: { // CfnChannel.EncoderSettingsProperty
    outputGroups, // CfnChannel.OutputGroupProperty[]
    videDescriptions, // CfnChannel.VideoDescriptionProperty[]
    audioDescriptions, // CfnChannel.AudioDescriptionProperty[]
    timecodeConfig, // 'SYSTEMCLOCK' | 'EMBEDDED'
    availBlanking, // CfnChannel.AvailBlankingProperty
  packagerSpec: { // MediaPakcageV1Props
    startoverWindowSeconds, // 0 ~ 1209600 (14 days)
    endpointSpec, // CfnOriginEndpoint.XxxPackageProperty (Hls/Dash/Cmaf/Mss)
  } or { // MediaPakcageV2Props
    channelGroupName, // Existing channel group
    startoverWindowSeconds, // 0 ~ 1209600 (14 days)
    endpointSpec: {
      containerType, // 'TS' | 'CMAF'
      manifests, // CfnOriginEndpoint.XxxManifestConfigurationProperty[] (Hls/LowLatencyHls/Dash)
      segment, // CfnOriginEndpoint.SegmentProperty