Aws DynamoDb Counter ====================
Aws DynamoDb Counter
Increments or decrements a counter in Dynamodb. The counter is atomic and idempotent. It works by saving the id in a string set and only incrementing the counter if the id is present in the set and only decrementing the counter when the id is present in the set.
Counter(table, hashKeyName, hashKeyValue, [rangeKey, rangeKeyValue])
table - dynamo table
hashKeyName - hash key in table to increment
hashKeyValue - hash key value
rangeKey - range key in table to increment
rangeKeyValue - range key value
var Counter = require('./counter')('dbName', 'HASH_KEY', 'HASH_KEY_VALUE');
increment(fieldsToIncrement, id, callback)
fieldsToIncrement - object containing (field name):(increment by) key vals to increment by
id = unique id of event (md5 of the event object)
UpdateExpression: ADD #id :ss, #counter :increment_by
ConditionExpresssion: attribute_not_exists(#id) or (NOT contains(#id, :id))
Counter.increment({ words:10, games:1 }, '55ad340609f4b302', function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
// Success!
decrement(fieldsToDecrement, id, callback)
fieldsToDecrement - object containing (field name):(increment by) key vals to increment by
id = unique id of event (md5 of the event object)
UpdateExpression: DELETE #id :ss SET #counter = #counter - :decrement_by
ConditionExpresssion: attribute_exists(#id) and contains(#id, :id)
Counter.decrement({ words:10, games:1 }, '55ad340609f4b302', function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
// Success!