Production-ready AWS website deployment with minimal configuration.
Production-ready AWS website deployment with minimal configuration.
npm install aws-simple aws-cdk
Getting started
The following are the steps to deploy a website using aws-simple
and the AWS CDK.
1. Create a config file
Create a config file named aws-simple.config.mjs
, which exports a function that describes a
website stack:
// @ts-check
/** @type {import('aws-simple').ConfigFileDefaultExport} */
export default (port) => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
The exported function optionally gets a DEV server port
argument when called in the context of the
aws-simple start [options]
CLI command.
2. Create a public hosted zone on AWS Route 53
Create a public hosted zone on AWS Route 53 to make a website available under a particular
domain. The required certificate is created automatically by aws-simple
during deployment.
3. Create an AWS IAM user
Create an AWS IAM user with programmatic access and an AWS IAM policy with sufficient permissions.
4. Set the credentials
Set the credentials of the AWS IAM user using the two environment variables, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
. Alternatively, the credentials are retrieved using the AWS profile.
5. Set the AWS region
Set the AWS region using either the environment variable AWS_REGION
evaluated in the specified order. Alternatively, the region is retrieved using the AWS profile.
6. Bootstrap the AWS environment
npx cdk bootstrap --app 'npx aws-simple synthesize'
7. Deploy a website to AWS
npx cdk deploy --app 'npx aws-simple synthesize' && npx aws-simple upload
8. Optional: Start a local DEV server
npx aws-simple start
CLI usage
Usage: aws-simple <command> [options]
aws-simple synthesize [options] Synthesize the configured stack using the CDK. [aliases: synth]
aws-simple upload [options] Upload all referenced files to the S3 bucket of the configured stack.
aws-simple list [options] List all deployed stacks filtered by the specified hosted zone name.
aws-simple tag [options] Update the tags of the specified stack.
aws-simple delete [options] Delete the specified stack.
aws-simple purge [options] Delete all expired stacks filtered by the specified hosted zone name.
aws-simple flush-cache [options] Flush the REST API cache of the specified stack.
aws-simple redeploy [options] Redeploy the REST API of the specified stack.
aws-simple cleanup [options] Deletes unused account-wide resources created by aws-simple.
aws-simple start [options] Start a local DEV server.
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Alias record name
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
aliasRecordName: `stage`, // <==
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
An optional alias record name allows multiple website variants to be deployed and operated
simultaneously. Example:
Except for the specified hosted zone, the website variants do not share any infrastructure. For the management of multiple website variants, there are the following two CLI commands:
aws-simple list [options]
aws-simple purge [options]
S3 file routes
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `file`, // <==
publicPath: `/`,
path: `dist/index.html`,
// optional
responseHeaders: { 'cache-control': `max-age=157680000` },
Lambda function routes
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `function`, // <==
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`, // must be unique per stack and as short as possible
// optional
memorySize: 1769, // default: `128` MB
timeoutInSeconds: 3, // default: `28` seconds (this is the maximum timeout)
environment: { FOO: `bar` },
requestParameters: { foo: {}, bar: { cacheKey: true, required: true } },
// dist/hello.js
exports.handler = async () => ({
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ hello: `world` }),
Wildcard file/function routes
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `file`,
publicPath: `/*`, // <== matches '/', '/foo', '/foo/bar'
path: `dist/index.html`,
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello/*`, // <== matches '/hello', '/hello/world'
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
S3 folder routes
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `folder`, // <==
publicPath: `/*`, // matches '/foo' and '/foo/bar' but not '/'
path: `dist`,
// optional
responseHeaders: { 'cache-control': `max-age=157680000` },
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
cachingEnabled: true, // <==
routes: [
type: `file`,
publicPath: `/`,
path: `dist/index.html`,
cacheTtlInSeconds: 3600, // default: `300` seconds (if caching is enabled)
type: `folder`,
publicPath: `/*`,
path: `dist`,
cacheTtlInSeconds: 3600, // default: `300` seconds (if caching is enabled)
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
cacheTtlInSeconds: 3600, // default: `300` seconds (if caching is enabled)
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
authentication: {
username: `johndoe`, // <==
password: `123456`, // <==
// optional
cacheTtlInSeconds: 3600, // default: `300` seconds (if caching is enabled)
realm: `foo`,
routes: [
type: `file`,
publicPath: `/`,
path: `dist/index.html`,
authenticationEnabled: true, // <==
type: `folder`,
publicPath: `/*`,
path: `dist`,
authenticationEnabled: true, // <==
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
authenticationEnabled: true, // <==
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `file`,
publicPath: `/`,
path: `dist/index.html`,
corsEnabled: true, // <==
type: `folder`,
publicPath: `/*`,
path: `dist`,
corsEnabled: true, // <==
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
corsEnabled: true, // <==
// dist/hello.js
exports.handler = async () => ({
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ hello: `world` }),
headers: {
'access-control-allow-origin': `*`, // <==
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
monitoring: {
accessLoggingEnabled: true, // <==
lambdaInsightsEnabled: true, // <==
loggingEnabled: true, // <==
metricsEnabled: true, // <==
tracingEnabled: true, // <==
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
monitoring: true, // <== shorthand form
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
// @ts-check
/** @type {import('aws-simple').Throttling} */
const throttling = {
rateLimit: 100, // default: `10000` requests per second
burstLimit: 50, // default: `5000` requests
/** @type {import('aws-simple').ConfigFileDefaultExport} */
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `file`,
publicPath: `/`,
path: `dist/index.html`,
throttling, // <==
type: `folder`,
publicPath: `/*`,
path: `dist`,
throttling, // <==
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
throttling, // <==
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
tags: { foo: `bar`, baz: `qux` }, // <==
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
Termination protection
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
terminationProtectionEnabled: true, // <==
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
Source maps
Enabling source maps for a Lambda function on AWS
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
environment: { NODE_OPTIONS: `--enable-source-maps` }, // <==
Enabling source maps for a local DEV Server
node --enable-source-maps $(npm bin)/aws-simple start
To implement advanced features, onSynthesize
hooks can be used. Below are two examples.
Configuring a firewall
import { aws_wafv2 } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
onSynthesize: ({ stack, restApi }) => {
const myWebAclArn = `...`;
new aws_wafv2.CfnWebACLAssociation(stack, `WebACLAssociation`, {
resourceArn: restApi.deploymentStage.stageArn,
webAclArn: myWebAclArn,
Allowing a Lambda function read-only access to S3 buckets
import { aws_iam } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
onSynthesize: ({ stack, restApi, lambdaFunction }) => {
Allowing a Lambda function to access a secret in the AWS Secret Manager
import { aws_iam } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [
type: `function`,
httpMethod: `GET`,
publicPath: `/hello`,
path: `dist/hello.js`,
functionName: `hello`,
onSynthesize: ({ stack, restApi, lambdaFunction }) => {
const mySecretId = `...`;
const secretsManagerPolicyStatement = new aws_iam.PolicyStatement({
effect: aws_iam.Effect.ALLOW,
actions: [`secretsmanager:GetSecretValue`],
resources: [
The onStart
hook can be used to customize the DEV server's
Express app, e.g. to configure a proxy middleware:
import { createProxyMiddleware } from 'http-proxy-middleware';
export default () => ({
hostedZoneName: ``,
routes: [{ type: `file`, publicPath: `/`, path: `dist/index.html` }],
onStart: (app) => {
target: ``,
changeOrigin: true,
Note: The onStart
hook is called before the routes are registered.
AWS IAM policy example
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Bootstrap0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "cloudformation:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:*:*:stack/CDKToolkit/*"
"Sid": "Bootstrap1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/cdk-*"
"Sid": "Bootstrap2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ssm:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ssm:*:*:parameter/cdk-bootstrap/*"
"Sid": "Bootstrap3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ecr:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:*:*:repository/cdk-*"
"Sid": "Bootstrap4",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::cdk-*"
"Sid": "AwsSimple0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "route53:ListHostedZonesByName",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "AwsSimple1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "cloudformation:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:cloudformation:*:*:stack/aws-simple-*"
"Sid": "AwsSimple2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::aws-simple-*"
"Sid": "AwsSimple3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "apigateway:POST",
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/deployments"
"Sid": "AwsSimple4",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "apigateway:PATCH",
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/stages/prod"
"Sid": "AwsSimple5",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "cloudformation:DescribeStacks",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "AwsSimple6",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "apigateway:DELETE",
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/restapis/*/stages/prod/cache/data"
"Sid": "AwsSimple7",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "apigateway:GET",
"Resource": "arn:aws:apigateway:*::/account"
"Sid": "AwsSimple8",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:ListRoles",
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/"
"Sid": "AwsSimple9",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies", "iam:DetachRolePolicy", "iam:DeleteRole"],
"Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/aws-simple-*"