Boilerplate for a stateful Express.js application running on AWS Lambda using Claudia.js, Babel, Webpack, DynamoDB and more.
Boilerplate for a stateful Express.js application running on AWS Lambda using:
- Claudia.js to deploy/manage AWS assets
- Babel to transpile code from es2017
- Webpack to bundle static files
- AirBnb eslint rules for code styling
- DynamoDB for session synchronization
- csurf for protection against CSRF
- Helmet.js to prevent several attack vectors
- Handlebars for server-side templating
- Local development with dynamodb_local
- Yarn for dependency management
Running locally
Start a local DynamoDB on port 8000 as described here or as a Docker container. Then run:
yarn start
Then access the application on https://localhost:8443.
Deploying to AWS
Setup AWS cli as described here.
Then run:
REGION=eu-west-2 PROFILE=myProfile yarn run deploy
Don't forget to add a trailing '/' on the lambda URL if you are not using a custom domain, otherwise relative paths won't work.
Updating a deployed app
PROFILE=myProfile yarn run update
Destroying/undeploying the app
PROFILE=myProfile yarn run destroy