This is a fork of implemention (
Evidently L2
This is a fork of implemention (
Core Constructs
A Project is an AWS Evidently project where you group and track features, launches and experiments.
A Feature is an AWS Evidently feature, a set of behaviour in your application that you wish to launch or test.
A Launch is an AWS Evidently launch which you use to schedule or incrementally release a feature.
An Experiment is an AWS Evidently experiment that helps you make feature design decisions based on evidence and data.
API Walkthrough with a Use Case Example
In an AWS News Blog article, author @sebsto demonstrates how to use AWS Evidently with a web application example.
Let's see how we would use the construct library to replace AWS Console tasks of the example.
- Create a Project
import * as evidently from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws_evidently'; const project = new evidently.Project(this, 'GuestbookWebApp', { projectName: 'AWSNewsBlog', description: 'AWSNewsBlogDemo', });
- Add a Feature
const editable = new evidently.Variation({ variationName: 'editable', valueType: VariationObjectValueType.BOOLEAN, value: true, }); const readonly = new evidently.Variation({ variationName: 'readonly', valueType: VariationObjectValueType.BOOLEAN, value: false, }); const feature = new evidently.Feature(this, 'EditableGuestbook', { project: project, featureName: 'Editing', variations: [ editable, readonly, ], entityOverrides: [ new EntityOverride({ entityId: 'seb', variation: editable, }); ], });
- Create a Launch
const editableGroup = new evidently.LaunchGroup({ groupName: 'Editable', feature: feature, variation: editable, }); const readonlyGroup = new evidently.LaunchGroup({ groupName: 'Readonly', feature: feature, variation: readonly, }); const launchConfiguration = new StepConfig({ groupsToWeight: [ { group: editableGroup, splitWeight: SplitWeight.50_PCT, } ], startTime: <timestamp>, }); const launch = new evidently.Launch(this, 'EditableGuestbook', { launchName: 'EditableGuestbook', description: 'Launch the editable guest book feature', groups: [ editableGroup, readonlyGroup, ], scheduledSplitsConfig: [launchConfiguration], });
- Start an Experiment
const goal = new evidently.MetricGoal({ desiredChange: MetricGoalDesiredChange.INCREASE, entityIdKey: 'user', eventPattern: 'eventbridge-pattern', metricName: 'Edits', valueKey: 'edits', }); const treatmentOne = new evidently.Treatment({ feature: feature, treatmentName: 'editing', variation: editable, }); const treatmentTwo = new evidently.Treatment({ feature: feature, treatmentName: 'readonly', variation: readonly, }); const config = new evidently.OnlineAbConfig({ controlTreatmentName: treatmentOne.treatmentName, treatmentWeights: [ new evidently.TreatmentToWeight({ splitWeight: 20000, treatment: treatmentOne, }), new evidently.TreatmentToWeight({ splitWeight: 80000, treatment: treatmentTwo, }), ], }); const experiment = new evidently.Experiment({ project: project, experimentName: 'EditableGuestBook', metricGoals: [goal], onlineAbConfig: config, treatments: [ treatmentOne, treatmentTwo, ], });
- If using feature flags in a web app, I strongly recommend looking at @sebsto example to deal with unauthenticated role and cognito ;)
- DOn't forget to grant permissions to your role used to be able to leverage aws-sdk V3 and
to get the feature flags values. For instance in your cdk code :this.unauthenticatedRole.attachInlinePolicy( new Policy(this, "EvidentlyPolicy", { statements: [ new PolicyStatement({ actions: [ "evidently:EvaluateFeature", "evidently:BatchEvaluateFeature", ], resources: [ `arn:aws:evidently:${Stack.of(this).region}:${Stack.of(this).account}:project/${this.featureFlagStore.project.projectName}/feature/*`, ], effect: Effect.ALLOW, }), ], }) ); ```