Runs a standalone ECS task and checks it's Cloud Log events
Start an ECS Standalone task, wait for it to complete and get it's logs from CloudWatch.
This package mimics the aws ecs run-task
aws-cli command and awaits it's execution.
Made for personal use, but if it suites your needs you are welcome to use it.
There is also a Github Action available.
Install it locally in your project folder:
npm i aws-ecs-standalone-task
# Or Yarn
yarn add aws-ecs-standalone-task
# Or pnpm
pnpm add aws-ecs-standalone-task
You need to have an ECS Cluster as well as a task definition created for your task along with container definitions and optionally a log group where it's container writes the log events.
import { EcsTaskManager, LogReader } from "aws-ecs-standalone-task';
Prepare credentials
// AWS Credentials
// ecs:RunTask and ecs:DescribeTasks permissions
// optional: logs:GetLogEvents permission for the log-group and log-stream
const awsConfig = {
region: "us-east-2",
credentials: {
accessKeyId: "********************",
secretAccessKey: "****************************************",
Initiate ECS and Logs
// Initiate the ECS task runner
const ecs = new EcsTaskManager(awsConfig, {
cluster: "ClusterName", // ECS Cluster Name
taskDefinition: "my-standalone-task-definition", // ECS Task Definition Name
securityGroups: ["sg-*****************"], // List of security group IDs for your Task's networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration
subnets: ["subnet-*****************"], // List of Subnet IDs for your Task's networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration
// Optional, if your Task logs to CLoudWatch, you need the log reader to check it's logs once it completes
const logs = new LogReader(awsConfig, {
logGroupName: "/ecs/my-standalone-ecs-task", // Name of the Log Group
logStreamPrefix: "ecs/my-task-container/", // Log stream prefix, on which the Task ID is added
async function runTask() {
// dispatch the task and wait for it to completes
// optional: pass interval and iterations, default check each 6 seconds for 20 times or throw an error
const taskId = await ecs.dispatchAndWait(6000, 20);
// or, dispatch, receive the taskId without waiting
const taskId = await ecs.dispatchTask();
// then, optionally wait for it to complete
const taskComplete = await this.waitForTaskComplete(taskId); // optional: interval and iterations
if (!taskComplete) {
throw new Error("Task completion timeout");
// fetch and parse the logs
const log = await logs.parse(taskId);
if (log.hasErrors) {
throw new Error("Task Failed");
console.log("Cloud Logs", log.messages);