Library that makes it easy to work with AWS DynamoDB.
Helper library designed to reduce amount of code needed to work with DynamoDB.
Working with DynamoDB has always been a pain. Even with new docClient from Amazon you still need quite a bit of code to perform simple operations. Lack of support for promises is another issue. I wanted to have a simple to use library that abstracted away a lot of boiler plate code.
DynamoDB Expressions
This library expects that you know how to write DynamoDB expressions. If you don't you can get familiar with them here. Many methods will expect to get expression name and value maps, if you are not familiar why here are some references: name maps and value maps.
All both attrbiutes will follow the same format in both cases.
Expression Example
const expression = ':name = #value1 AND :year = #value2';
Name Map - Example
const nameMap = {
':name' : 'firstName',
':year' : 'makeYear'
Value Map - Example
const valueMap = {
'#value1' : 'john',
'#value2' : 1990
const Dynamo = require('aws-dynamo-helper');
const db = new Dynamo(region, profile);
- awsRegion - region in which your DynamoDB is located, default:
. (optional) - profile - profile that will be used to get your AWS credentials. If none provided aws-sdk will follow its default chain to get credentials from your environment. (optional)
Library supports following operations.
db.get(tableName, hashAndRange)
Fetches record from DynamoDB.
- tableName - name of the table (required)
- hashAndRange - is an object that follows format:
{ hashName: 'hashValue', rangeName : 'rangeValue'}
. If your table does not have range, ommit it. (required)
db.get('sampleTable', {
patientId: '1',
timestamp: 123456789
db.query(tableName, keyExpression, filterExpression, nameMap, valueMap)
Queries DynamoDB for a set of records that match specified pattern.
- tableName - name of the table (required)
- keyExpression - expression that will be used to filter your Key (hash and range) attributes. Query operation requires descrimination on key attributes (required)
- filterExpression - expression that will be used to filter your non-Keys attributes (optional)
- nameMap - attribute name map that will map attributes used in key and filter expressions to proper names (required)
- valueMap - value map that will map values used in key and filter expressions to proper values (required)
db.query('sampleTable', ':name = #name', ':yr = #yr', { ':name' : 'firstName', ':yr' : 'makeYear'}, {'#yr' : 1990, '#name': 'john'}).
then((items) => {
items.forEach((item) => console.log(item));
db.update(tableName, hashAndRange, updateExp, expNames, expValues)
Updates a specific record in a table using update expression.
- tableName - name of the table (required)
- hashAndRange - is an object that follows format:
{ hashName: 'hashValue', rangeName : 'rangeValue'}
. If your table does not have range, ommit it. (required) - updateExp - expression that will be used to update the record*(required)*
- expNames - attribute name map that will map attributes used in update expression to proper names (required)
- expValues - value map that will map values used in update expression to proper values (required)
db.update('sampleTable', { name: 'john' }, ':yr = #yr', { ':yr' : 'makeYear'}, {'#yr' : 1995}).
then(() => {
db.delete(tableName, hashAndRange, conditionExp, expNames, expValues)
Deletes a specific record or multiple records (that share same hash) in a table that match a conditional expression.
- tableName - name of the table (required)
- hashAndRange - is an object that follows format:
{ hashName: 'hashValue', rangeName : 'rangeValue'}
. If your table does not have range or you want to delete multiple items that share the same hash, ommit it. (required) - conditionExp - expression that will be used to verify that record qualifies for deletion*(optional)*
- expNames - attribute name map that will map attributes used in condition expression to proper names (optional)
- expValues - value map that will map values used in condition expression to proper values (optional)
db.delete('sampleTable', { name: 'john' }, ':yr > #yr', { ':yr' : 'makeYear'}, {'#yr' : 1995}).
then((items) => {
items.forEach((item) => console.log(`item deleted: ${item}`));
db.get(tableName, recordObj)
Stores a single item into a table.
- tableName - name of the table (required)
- recordObject - object that you want to store, it must have proper hash and range keys set. (required)
Example:'sampleTable', {
name: 'john',
makeYear: 1989,
taste: 'crappy'
I hope this library is helpful! For any questions or comments feel free to reach out to me via GitHub @glaciannex.