Create an AWS Lambda Function that runs a suite of tests written using Jasmine. It then stores test results in AWS CloudWatch Logs and Amazon DynamoDB
From TypeScript CDK project run:
npm install aws-cdk-lambda-test-runner
This will install the CDK construct required to deploy TestRunner into your AWS account.
Developing Tests Locally
It is not strictly required to install Jasmine in your CDK project to run integration tests because TestRunner
will automatically package and execute tests in the Lambda environment. However, to speed up test development time, you can install Jasmine in your dev dependencies and execute the tests locally.
First install Jasmine and ts-node. ts-node will transpile your test code at runtime, allowing you to write tests in TypeScript without rebuilding before running tests.
npm install --save-dev jasmine @types/jasmine ts-node
Then create a script in your package.json
"scripts": {
"test:integ": "ts-node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js --config=/your-test-folder/support/jasmine.json"
For more information on writing tests see: Jasmine: Getting Started
Create a suite of unit tests using the Jasmine unit testing framework. Then use the TestRunner
construct to deploy them into an AWS Lambda function.
Upon execution the TestRunner
Lambda can be configured to publish metrics, write test results into a DynamoDB table, or you can parse the response to determine if the tests passed.
Test execution logs are written into CloudWatch Logs as JSON data using a customized test reporter.
Because tests are executed inside an AWS Lambda function, permissions can be managed through the IAM role assigned to the Function. TestRunner
implements IGrantable. This allows it to be use grant
functions inside the CDK to grant permission to it directly.
Extends LambdaInvokeAction and integrates the TestRunner
with an AWS CodePipeline
Getting Started
To create a TestRunner, initialize the construct. This example creates a Lambda which will be triggered every 30 minutes.
First create a set unit tests. Refer to Jasmine Documentation for a full list of features.
Create a test file like spec-directory/sample.spec.js
describe("A sample test file", () => {
it("should be able to do addition", () => {
expect(2 + 2).toBe(4);
Then in your CDK stack initialize the TestRunner
construct by pointing it to the new directory with test file.
new TestRunner(this, "test-runner", {
functionName: "MyTestRunner",
specDir: "spec-directory",
metricNamespace: "MyCustomMetricNamespace",
environment: {
E1: "V1",
E2: "V2",
resultsTable: {
tableName: "MyTestResults",
dataRetentionDays: 14,
schedule: events.Schedule.rate(core.Duration.minutes(30)),
lambdaOptions: {
logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.TWO_WEEKS,
Grant Permissions
implements IGrantable. This allows you to grant the TestRunner access to resources in your AWS account by passing it to any resource which accepts an IGrantable
import { Bucket } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3";
var testRunner = new TestRunner(this, ...);
var myBucket = new Bucket(this, "my-resource-bucket")
Integrating with AWS CodePipeline
can be used inside of an AWS CodePipeline to run integration tests during pipeline execution by using the TestRunnerAction
construct. The construct can be added to CodePipeline Stage and can detect when it is being run inside CodePipeline
To add TestRunner
to an AWS CodePipeline, first create an instance of TestRunner
const integrationTestRunner = new TestRunner(this, "integ-test-runner", { ...props });
Then you can insert it as an action to a CodePipeline stage
const pipeline = new codepipeline.Pipeline(this, "sample-pipeline", { ...pipelineProps });
const integrationTestStage = pipeline.addStage({ ...stageProps });
integrationTestStage.addAction(new TestRunnerAction({
testRunner: integrationTestRunner,
lambdaInvokeActionProps: {
actionName: "RunIntegrationTests"
TestRunner Properties
TestRunner Constructor Props
: Path to the directory where tests are stored (e.g. "spec" or "test")functionName
: Custom name to give to the AWS Lambda function createdenvironment
(Optional):Record<string, string>
of extra environment properties to pass to the Lambda function environmentresultsTable
object. Allows you to configure the DynamoDB table name anddataRetentionDays
for TTL on test results.lambdaOptions
object of extra configuration options for your Lambda for settings like Timeout or Memory Sizeschedule
TestRunner properties
: TestRunner exposes the DynamoDB created where it stores metricstestRunnerLambda
: TestRunner Lambda CDK constructfunctionUrl
: TestRunner creates a Lambda function URL to make requests to it directly
TestRunnerAction Constructor Props
: Instance ofTestRunner
used to execute testslambdaInvokeActionProps
: Configure other LambdaInvokeActionProps from underlyingLambdaInvoke
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.