A curated list of awesome articles, videos and case studies about web performance budget.
Web Performance Budget
Curated list of why, how and tools to implement Web Performance Budget. Included few cases studies. Feel free to contribute.
- Why We need Performance Budget
- Articles
- Websites To measure Perf Budget
- Tools To measure Perf Budget
- Bundle Analyzers
- Videos
- Case Studies
Why We need Performance Budget
- JavaScript Start-up Performance - Performance Budget by Addyosmani.
- Performance Budget - Performance Budget by Addyosmani.
- Designing for Performance - How performance is important for designers.
- Web Performance for Designers and developers - Front-end performance for web designers and front-end developers.
- Performance as design - Best practise to see performance as an essential design feature.
- Inside Design - Setting a web performance budget - Setting a performance budget by Invision.
- Real-world Web Performance Budgets By Alex Russel - Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets.
- Performance Budget using Angular CLI - Implementing Performance Budget in Angular projects.
Websites To measure Perf Budget
- Performance Budget Calculator - Calculate A Performance Budget For Your Site.
- Web Page Test - Test your performance.
- Speed Curve - Measuring web performance, get today's performance metrics.
Tools To measure Perf Budget
- Bundle Size - Keep your bundle size in check.
- Using Webpack - If you are using Webpack in your project then you can prefer this.
- Grunt-perfbudget - Grunt task for performance budgeting.
- Size-plugin - Grunt task for performance budgeting.
- Performance Budget Builder - Lay out your template types, set a size budget for each template type, then plug in the sizes for each asset category that will load in the template.
- Progressive Web Metrics - Lay out your template types, set a size budget for each template type, then plug in the sizes for each asset category that will load in the template.
- rollup-plugin-size-snapshot - CLI tool and lib to gather performance metrics via Lighthouse.
- ImportCost - VS Extension - Extension to display inline in the VS code editor the size of the imported package.
Bundle Analyzers
- Bundlephobia - Find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle.
- webpack-bundle-analyzer - Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap.
- Disc - Visualise the module tree of browserify project bundles and track down bloat.
- lasso-analyzer - Analyze and Visualise project bundles created by Lasso.
- rollup-plugin-analyzer - Metrics about your roll up bundle, sneak into your bundle using this tool.
- Concept of Performance Budget - Performance Budget with Tim Kadlec.
- Implementing Performance Budgets - How to implement performance budgets to avoid regression - Google Chrome Developers.
Case Studies
- Zillow's Performance Budget - A true story of how Zillow uses performance budgeting.
- Tinder Web App Performance - A Tinder Progressive Web App Performance Case Study.
- Pinterest Web App Optimization - A Pinterest Progressive Web App Performance Case Study.
- Self-hosting Optimization - How we shaved 1.7 seconds off by self-hosting Optimizely.
- BBC - Cutting the mustard - Optimizations while building responsive websites.
- Treebo PWA Case Study - Treebo - React And Preact PWA Performance Case Study.
- Twitter Lite - A Twitter Lite Web App at Scale.
- Netflix Performance Improvement by shipping less JS - A Netflix Web Performance Case Study.
- Telegraph - Creating a web performance culture - Improving third-party web performance at The Telegraph.