Avro Schema constructor
This package provides simple, well typed API for creating Avro Schemas.
🔥 Install
npm install avroschema-definer
👌 Usage
This package is used to create Avro Schema definitions. It was written in typescript and provide a lot of usefull info from typings, such as infering interface types from schema.
This package does not compile your schemas, it just provide simple API for creation of schemas (see avsc for compilation purposes).
Here is an example:
import A from 'avroschema-definer'
// Lets define a simple object schema
const UserSchema = A.name('user').namespace('com.mysite').record({
name: A.string(),
id: A.string().logicalType('uuid'),
password: A.string(),
role: A.enum('client', 'suplier'),
birthday: A.union(A.null(), A.long()).default(null)
// Now lets get interface of User from schema
type User = typeof UserSchema.type;
type User = {
name: string,
email: string,
password: string,
role: 'client' | 'suplier',
birthday: number | null
// Or get plain Avro Schema using .valueOf()
name: 'user',
namespace: 'com.mysite',
type: 'record',
fields: [
{ name: 'name', type: { type: 'string' } },
{ name: 'id', type: { type: 'string', logicalType: 'uuid' } },
{ name: 'password', type: { type: 'string' } },
name: 'role',
type: {
name: 'role_value',
type: 'enum',
symbols: [ 'client', 'suplier' ]
default: null,
name: 'birthday',
type: [ { type: 'null' }, { type: 'long' } ]
🏃♂️ Migration from plain avro schemas
Working with plain .avsc schemas can be painfull. So I written small cli which can transpile your plain avro schemas into avroschema-definer
$ avroschema-definer template --help
avroschema-definer template <schema> [template] [out]
Allows you to transpile your .avsc files into js/ts code using ejs templates.
--template, -t Path to .ejs template file. If not provided default template
will be used. Options that can be used in the template:
comment.description? - Description parsed from comments
comment.tags?[tag].(tag | name | type | description) - Tags
in format (@tag {type} name description) parsed from comments
schema - Your plain avro schema parsed using `JSON.parse`
avscToDefinerCode(schema) - Function that transpile your
plain avro schema in avroschema-definer code
[By default: null]
--out, -o Output file path (relative to CWD)
[By default: "./outputSchema.ts"]
--schema, -s Path to your .avsc file to parse (relative to CWD)
Lets say we have plain schema.avsc
* Some description
* @variableName NameFromCommentTag
"namespace": "namespace",
"type": "record",
"name": "someRecord",
"fields": [
{ "name": "field", "aliases": ["first"], "type": { "type": "string", "logicalType": "uuid" }, "doc": "some field" },
{ "name": "arr", "order": "ascending", "type": { "type": "array", "items": "string" }, "doc": "some field" },
{ "name": "union", "type": ["string", "null"], "doc": "some union field" },
{ "name": "fixed", "type": { "type": "fixed", "size": 10, "logicalType": "decimal", "precision": 10, "scale": 10 }, "doc": "some union field" },
{ "name": "map", "type": { "type": "map", "values": "string" }, "doc": "some union field" },
{ "name": "enum", "type": { "type": "enum", "symbols": ["some", "any"], "default": "some" } }
We can transpile it to avroschema-definer
code with such command:
$ avroschema-definer template schema.avsc
After that ./outputSchema.ts
will be created with next output:
import A from 'avroschema-definer'
* Some description // <--- This was parsed from schema.avsc top comment
// This name was also parsed from `@variableName NameFromCommentTag` tag from `schema.avsc`
// |
// |
const NameFromCommentTag = A.name('someRecord').namespace('namespace').record({
field: A.string().logicalType('uuid').doc('some field').aliases('first'),
arr: A.array(A.string()).doc('some field').order('ascending'),
union: A.union(A.string(), A.null()).doc('some union field'),
fixed: A.fixed(10).logicalType<number>('decimal', { precision: 10, scale: 10}).doc('some union field'),
map: A.map(A.string()).doc('some union field'),
enum: A.enum('some', 'any').default("some")
By default this script use next .ejs
import A from 'avroschema-definer'
<% if (comment.description) { %>
* <%= comment.description %>
<% } %>
const <%= comment.tags ? comment.tags.variableName.name : 'Schema' %> = <%- avscToDefinerCode(schema) %>
export default <%= comment.tags ? comment.tags.variableName.name : 'Schema' %>
You can pass custom .ejs
template with --template
Full list of options available during rendering you can find in cli help:
$ avroschema-definer template --help
Usage from code
Example of using transpiler from code:
import { templater, avscToDefinerCode } from 'avroschema-definer'
const result = templater('Your <%= additionalData %> ejs template')(plainAvroSchemaString, { additionalData: 'awesome' })
console.log(result) // Your awesome ejs template
// Or you can use plain transpiler
console.log(avscToDefinerCode({ type: "string" })) // A.string()
⭐️ Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
📚 API Documentation
Full documentation available here
Main exported variable A: SchemaFactory extends BaseSchema
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page.
Run tests
npm run test
👤 Igor Solomakha [email protected]
- Github: @Sujimoshi
📝 License
Copyright © 2020 Igor Solomakha [email protected]. This project is ISC licensed.
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