Different methods to calculate distances, bearing and projections for aviation related software
Aviation Math
Aviation Math can be used in both node.js and in the browser.
Install Aviation Math using npm:
npm install aviation-math
Position class
Useful container for coordinates. The constructor expects two parameters lat
and lon
or a string. More documentation needs to be done here.
const { Position } = require("aviation-math");
const pos1 = new Position(35.161372664038055, 33.267828863069205);
// pos1.toDMS() --> 35° 09′ 40.94″ N 033° 16′ 04.18″ E
const pos2 = new Position("35.161372664038055 N 33.267828863069205 E");
// pos2.toDMS() --> 35° 09′ 40.94″ N 033° 16′ 04.18″ E
const pos3 = new Position("40° 7.38' 74° 7.38'");
// pos3.toDMS() --> 40° 07′ 22.80″ N 074° 07′ 22.80″ E
The class offers different conversion formats like toDMS
, toDMSCode
, toDMM
, toDDD
See http://www.c-dev.ch/2012/10/26/koordinatenformate/ for more information.
getBearing(from: Position, to: Position): DegreesTrue
This function calculates the true bearing from one position to another one.
const { Position, getBearing } = require("aviation-math");
const result = getBearing(
new Position(39.778889, -104.9825),
new Position(43.778889, -102.9825),
// result = 19.787524850709246
getDistance(from: Position, to: Position) : NauticalMiles
This function calculates the distance in nautical miles from one position to another one.
const { Position, getDistance } = require("aviation-math");
const result = getDistance(
new Position(50.02756868784301, 8.534261553454376),
new Position(50.04004266904205, 8.586451452554849)
// result = 2.149991944029959
getTurnRadius(speed: Knots, bankAngle: Degrees) : NauticalMiles
This function calculates the turn radius based on the speed in knots and the bank angle.
const { getTurnRadius } = require("aviation-math");
const result = getTurnRadius(160, 30);
// result is close to 0.645
projectBearingDistance(reference: Position, bearing: DegreesTrue, distance: NauticalMiles): Position
This function projects a new position based on a reference position and a certain bearing and distance.
const { Position, projectBearingDistance } = require("aviation-math");
const result = projectBearingDistance(
new Position(52.518611, 13.408056),
// result is { lat: 52.383863707381906, lon: 13.408056 }
projectBearingIntersection(point1: Position, bearing1: DegreesTrue, point2: Position, bearing2: DegreesTrue): [Position, Position]
This function projects two intersections of two points and their bearings. The closer intersection is always the first item of the list.
const { Position, projectBearingIntersection } = require("aviation-math");
const a = projectBearingIntersection(
new Position(39.778889, -104.9825),
new Position(43.778889, -102.9825),
// result[0] is { lat: 90, lon: -90 }
projectTurnPosition(reference: Position, inboundCourse: DegreesTrue, outboundCourse: DegreesTrue, radius: NauticalMiles, turnDirection: TurnDirection) : Position
This function projects a position based on a reference position (, its inbound course) and a turn radius to an outbound course.
const { projectTurnPosition } = require("aviation-math");
const result = projectTurnPosition(
new Position(50.0379326, 8.5599631),
// result is { lat: 49.90483820750475, lon: 8.5599631 }