Automatically refresh styles when files are updated
Automatically refresh styles when files are updated - allowing you to optionally execute a compile step.
npm install autorefresh -g
- Start up an autorefresh server
autorefresh -c [command] -p [port] [files...]
- -c [command] is the command to execute when one of the [files] change
- -p [port] is the port to run on, defaults to 2886
- -d [delay] is the time in milliseconds to wait before notifying the client that a command has finished
- -q [boolean] if we want to be quiet and not output anything
- [files] is a list of files or a glob pattern - just be sure to not match the files you generate, as this can cause an infinte loop
- Add a script tag in your html page in the head before the /html tag:
<script>document.write("<script src='//"+(||"localhost").split(":")[0]+":2886/refresh.js'><"+"/script>");</script>
Note: an example that uses LESS
is available in the /example
folder - be sure to install LESS: npm install less -g
Say you have a HTML file (test01.htm), add the Autorefresh script tag like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script>document.write("<script src='//"+(||"localhost").split(":")[0]+":2886/refresh.js'><"+"/script>");</script>
And where a LESS file (style.less) generates the style.css file like so:
@color-main: #007;
body { background: @color-main; }
Using a file to compile the LESS file like so:
lessc style.less>style.css
You simply run this command:
autorefresh -c ./ style.less
Now open test01.htm
in a browser, then edit style.less
and change the @color-main to "#0a0" and save - you should see the page instantly refresh the background style to a lovely green colour.
Note: you can add the following parameters to the refresh script:
is the URL for the socket you want to connect to, eg: "socketurl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A2886%2Fautorefresh"specify
is a boolean that allows you to specify which style tags are refreshed - by default we will refresh all style tags. Add adata-autorefresh="true
to the links you do want refreshed, eg:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" data-autorefresh="true" href="style.css">
<script>document.write("<script src='//"+(||"localhost").split(":")[0]+":2886/refresh.js?specify=true'><"+"/script>");</script>
Will only auto refresh the style.css file, and leave the base.css file alone.
Why yet another one of these?
There are quite a few good tools that do similar things to autorefresh, but I found that my use case wasn't easily implemented, or had issues such as timing and other compilation problems that just got in the way. The use case is this:
- Using LESS with source maps
- Integrating within an existing project using a particular IDE, (though we prefer the solution to be independent from the IDE)
- Reloading the whole page can take a while, so want to just refresh the CSS
- Minimal effort setup, allowing a compilation step