Forntend Library for using AutoDotNetCoreApi
AutoDotNetCoreApi work with Asp.Net Core .net 5.0 and above. AutoDotNetCoreApi can create CRUD Api for your Sql Server by just adding a middleware in your Startup.
Install AutoDotNetCoreApi Nuget package in your core application then Add Middleware in Startup file.
Following is the full signature for the UseAutoDotNetCoreApi Middleware. UseAutoDotNetCoreApi(ApiPath,AuthticationRequired,Role);
- T: T is type of Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext
- AuthticationRequired: Is Autitication Required by the client to access the api.
- ApiPath: this path will be used by AutoDotNetCoreApi every request to this path will going to be handled by UseAutoDotNetCoreApi.
If your are using for your application then by giving ApiPath="/api/values" api path is going to be:
And user must be in "SqlUser" role to access this api.
to use this package you have to send a json object to api, object is given below:
top: "2",
select: ["column1","column2","column2"],
where: [ { name:"columnName", value:"value", operator:"=" } ],
groupBy: ["column1","column2"],
orderBy:[ {name:"column1",by:"ASC|DESC"} ],
isDistinct: true|false,
betweens: [ { name:"columnName", value1:"",value2:"" } ]
- top: how many rows you need
- select: string array leave empty to select all columns
- where:array of object to filter data
- groupBy:string array leave empty if no group by required
- orderBy:array of ordering columns, leave empty if required none
- isDistinct: Wheather result should be unique or not
- betweens:arrayof objects for checking value of a column to be between in value1 and value2 , leave empty if required none
AutSqlServerApi also have ha npm package for create this object automatically for you. just add AutoDotNetCoreApi in your angular or react (or any client side framework how usage Typescript or Javascript).
Usage of npm AutoDotNetCoreApi package:
First create a class for representing your Sql Server Table or View
like :
class Employee {
employeeID: string
lastName: string
firstName: string
title: string
titleOfCourtesy: string
birthDate: string
hireDate: string
address: string
city: string
region: string
postalCode: string
country: string
homePhone: string
extension: string
photo: string
notes: string
eportsTo: string
photoPath: string
now crate a object of AutoSqlTable or View
var employees=new AutoSqlTable<Employee>("Employees");
Signature for crating new AutoSqlTable or AutSqlView Object:
T: T is your class type who represent your Table or View(All properties name must match the table columns name)
tableName: name of the table in your database;
Now you can use the employees object for:
- Getting the data of table,
- Filterint the table data,
- For updateing the row,
- For adding new row
- Get the count of table rows
- And more.
Available methods in npm package
- first
- select
- desc
- asc
- distinct
- orderBy
- where
- get
- count
- take
- delete
- add
- update
first() method will return the top row of table
select selcted columns form the table eg:["Id,name"]).getResult(p=>{
Select result in desc order.
Select result in asc order
employees.orderBy([{ name: "Year", by: SqlSortTypes.DESC }])
wll order the result by given array
will return the object of WhereClause set on the given column name;
In where clause you can create a chain of metods to filter the data like this
employees.where("DOBMonth").between("1", "2").where("id").above("1").getResult()
WhereClause have following Methods
- above(val:string);
- aboveOrEqual(val);
- below(val) ;
- belowOrEqual(val)
- between(val1, val2)
- equals(val)
- notEquals(val);
- isNull()
- isNotNull()
WhereClause metods returns the object of your tableClass so you can add another filter on the table.