A React Typescript module that provides autocomplete components. It requires Bootstrap > 4.x
A React Typescript module that provides autocomplete components. It requires Bootstrap > 1.0
How to install:
npm install autocomplete-tools
How to include
Code is available in javascript and TypeScript versions
Step 1: Import the code
import { AutoComplete, AutoCompleteAjax } from "autocomplete-tools";
Step 2: Import the styles:
Make sure you include the styles in your project. Versions in css and scss are available
- css: autocomplete-tools/css/styles.css
- scss: autocomplete-tools/scss/styles.scss
NOTE: If you use the scss version, then make sure you include bootstrap.scss first to make sure the color variables are defined.
To use
Add the component to a Form as you would do with any other React-Boostrap form control
- AutoComplete: Component to autocomplete from elements from an in memory array
- AutoCompleteAjax: Component to autocomplete from elements received from an external API via AJAX
Javascript example:
<Form.Group controlId="test2-id">
<Form.Label>Array example</Form.Label>
<AutoComplete data={CountriesList} onSelect={doSomething} initialText={initialText} keyString={"name"} customRender={customRender}/>
<Form.Group controlId="test1-id">
<Form.Label>Select Airport</Form.Label>
<AutoCompleteAjax query={ajaxQuery} onSelect={(x: AirportTable) => setX(x)} initialText={""} keyString={"name"} customRender={renderAirport} placeholder="Type to search"/>
Typescript Example: You can inforce type by using the operators <>
Step 1: Define the type for your own data:
interface Employee {
id: number;
name: string;
lastname: string;
Step 2: Use the type when creating the component
<Form.Group controlId="test2-id">
<Form.Label>Array example</Form.Label>
<AutoComplete<Employee> data={CountriesList} onSelect={(country: Employee) => setcountry(country)} initialText={initialText} keyString={"name"} customRender={customRender}/>
<Form.Group controlId="test1-id">
<Form.Label>Select Airport</Form.Label>
<AutoCompleteAjax<Employee> query={ajaxQuery} onSelect={(x: Employee) => setX(x)} initialText={""} keyString={"name"} customRender={renderAirport} placeholder="Type to search"/>
- data: An array containing the autocompare available values [{id:123, name: "some text", other:"""}, ...]
- onSelect: A call back function that will be called when an element is selected: (item) => dosomething(item)
- initialText: The text that will be show when you first show the element
- keyString: The name of the key that provides the string to search
- customRender: Optional parameter. By default, the value of string is rendered as text. You can create a custom render for the items in the list
- placehoder: The text to display when the input is empty
- query: a function that returns the paramteters required to perform the ajax query.
Call back Examples
Example of AjaxQuery:
const ajaxQuery = (q) => {
const queryString = ""+q;
const headers = {};
return {
- Note: Internally AutoCompleteAjax uses 'fetch', so the parameters passed in the return are compatibles with it.
Example for custom render:
const customRender = (item) => (
<p className="mb-0 font-weight-bold line-height-1">
{}{" "}
<img src={item.flag} alt="flag" style={{ width: "30px" }} />
<Badge variant="primary">{item.region}</Badge>
<Badge variant="secondary">{}</Badge>
Code sandbox
A small code sandbox can be found here: