This tool meant to be generating colors for your User Interfaces that will be used by kids with autism.
##Autism Spectrum Disorder Friendly Color Generator Espesially kids with autism usualy have a hard time managing their concentation while interacting with their environment. Some colors and patterns might also give them anxiety.
This tool meant to be generating colors for your User Interfaces that will be used by kids with autism. However, the colors that this tool is generating can be used in variaty of things like book covers, page and typography design or basicly wall color of the room that person with autism is going to live.
###How it works?
- Subdued and colours mixed with grey were favoured by the children with autism
- A predominant preference for colours in the Blue/Green hue sectors was notable
- A balance between colourfulness and greyness is seen to be popular. ![How?][how.png]
###How to use? Install via npm or clone this repo;
npm install autism-colors
Then require the module to your file an use like below;
var autismColors = require("autism-colors");
// autismColors(brightOrDark, lessOrMoreVariety, hueValue);
// Return special colors
console.log(autismColors(true, true, 'rgb')); // SMTH: [164,158,176]
// Return all tones of ASD Friendly colors
console.log(autismColors(true, false, 'hex')) // SMTH: #93ada2
// Return ASD Friendly color with 180 degree hue value.
console.log(autismColors(false, false, 'hsb', 180)) // SMTH: [180, 11, 61]