auth server express middleware to validate and get user data with jwt
auth server middleware
this is developed to validate the request and get the user data from the jwt token with express.js
getting the accessToken from the cookie. used the cookie-parser and JWT for the validation and user Data.
$ npm install auth-server-cookie
var express = require('express')
var authServer = require('auth-server-cookie')
var secret_access = process.env.SECRET_ACCESS
var app = express()
Create a new cookie parser middleware function.
a string used for validating the JWT token. This is required and if not specified, will raise an error.
The middleware will parse the Cookie
header on the request and expose the
cookie data as the property req.cookies
make sure that you are storing the cookie in the client side or passing it in the cookie header and the token in the accessToken
router middleware
var { Router } = require("express");
var UsersController = require("../controllers/UsersController");
var authServer = require('auth-server-cookie')
const router = Router();
router.get("/users", authServer.check, UsersController.index);
export default router;
This is the router middleware to validate user request with jwt token and get the user data by parsing the jwt token.
The middleware will parse the accessToken from the cookie and validate it by using the JWT and the provided secret.
also it will parse data from the token and populate the data to the request. then we can access it in the controller.
like, request.userID
and request.userData
package use
cookie parse with cookie-parser.
token parse and verification with JWT jsonwebtoken