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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Discord bot framework





npm install --save augurbot-ts discord.js

  • The default type of interactions passed into Module.addInteraction functions defaults to Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction instead of all the interaction types.

  • onlyGuild and onlyDM properties in AugurCommandInfo and AugurInteractionCommandInfo provide type changes for the process and permissions properties.

  • Added AugurClient.get<Type>Channel method to get correctly typed channels.

  • Introduced Augur.GuildInteraction<InteractionType> as a shortcut type for guild based interactions

3.0.0 updated to D.JS v14 and changed quite a few things

  • The project now uses Typescript (can be used with require() or import)

  • All classes, variables, and functions now have correct typings, including the following

    • Module.addCommand()

    • Module.addInteraction()

    • Module.addEvent(), including event names and handler parameters

    • Module.setClockwork()

    • AugurClient config and options

  • Discord.JS's client class has been extended to include AugurClient's properties

  • Removed legacy DiscordInteraction and DiscordInteractionResponse from 2.3.0

  • Added the following as additional verifications for commands and interaction commands

    • userPermissions: Discord.PermissionResolvable[]

    • onlyOwner: boolean (false)

    • onlyGuild: boolean (false)

    • onlyDm: boolean (false)

  • Added commandExecution and interactionExecution to AugurClient's options as a way to customize the way message and interaction commands are handled

2.3.0 introduced several new features

2.0.1 automatically unloads all modules prior to executing client.destroy().

2.0.8 includes various bugfixes.

Augur Client

Within your base file, require augurbot-ts and create a new instance of AugurClient:

const { AugurClient } = require("augurbot-ts");

const  client = new AugurClient(config, options?);


The AugurClient will create the Discord Client, log it in using the token provided in config.token, listen for events, and process commands. Any gateway intents are automatically calculated based on

AugurClient Config

| PROPERTY | TYPE | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|---| | events | Discord.ClientEvents[] | ✓ | | An array of discord.js events to process, including messageCreate and messageUpdate, if your bot will be processing message commands. Gateway intents will be automatically calculated based on the events supplied. | | ownerId | Snowflake | ✓ | | The ID of the bot owner, used in the onlyOwner property in the command structure | | db | object | | | An object, including a model property which is the path to your database model, relative to the base file. | | prefix | string | | ! | A default prefix for commands | | processDMs | boolean | | true | Whether to process messages in DMs | | token | string | | | Your bot's Discord token to log in. If provided in the config object, it does not need to be passed to client.login(). If omitted, it must be passed to client.login(). | | ... | any | | | Any other properties you wish to be able to access from your command modules may be added. They will not work with intellisense, so this avoid this if possible. |

AugurClient Options (optional)

| PROPERTY | TYPE | DESCRIPTION | |:---:|:---:|---| | clientOptions | Discord.ClientOptions | An object containing options to be passed to the new Discord.Client. Gateway intents are automatically calulated based on If you would like to override the calculated intents, provide your own intents as usual for Discord.js | | commands | string | A directory, relative to the base file, containing any command modules you wish to automatically load. | | errorHandler | Function (Error | string, Discord.Message | Discord.Interaction | string) => any | void | A function accepting an Error and one of Discord.Message, Discord.Interaction, or string as its arguments. This will replace the default error handling function. | | parse | Function (Discord.Message) => Promise<{command: string, suffix: string, params: string[]}|null> | An asynchronous function accepting a Discord.Message as its argument, returning an object with command, suffix, and params properties. This will replace the default parsing function. (Useful in case different servers use different prefixes, for example. Awaited in the case of a database call). The function does not have to return a promise if you don't need it to. | | commandExecution | Function (AugurCommand, Discord.Message, string[]) => Promise<AugurCommand.process() | void> | An asynchronous function accepting an AugurCommand, Discord.Message, and string[] (params). This replaces the default execution function and should call command.process(message, ...params) | | interactionExecution | Function (AugurInteractionCommand, Discord.Interaction) => Promise<AugurInteractionCommand.process() | void> | An asynchronous function accepting an AugurInteractionCommand and a Discord.Interaction. This replaces the default execution function and should call command.process(interaction) |

The following are the default functions for the AugurClient options above.

errorHandler: (error, message) => {
    if (message instanceof Discord.Message) {
        const location = `${(message.guild ? (`${} > ${(}`) : "DM")}`
        console.error(`${} in ${location}: ${message.cleanContent}`);
    } else if (message) {
    parse: async (message) => {
        let content = message.content;
        let setPrefix = message.client.prefix || "!"
        if ( return null;
        for (let prefix of [setPrefix, `<@${}>`, `<@!${}>`]) {
            if (!content.startsWith(prefix)) continue;
            let [command, ...params] = content.substring(prefix.length).split(" ");
            if (command) {
                return {
                    command: command.toLowerCase(),
                    suffix: params.join(" "),
        return null;
commandExecution: async (cmd, message, args) => {
try {
	let reply = ""
	/**Enabled*/ if (!cmd.enabled) return;
	/**Only Owner*/ else if (cmd.onlyOwner && != message.client.config.ownerId) return;
	/**Only Guild*/ else if (cmd.onlyGuild && !message.guild) reply = `That command can only be used in a server.`;
	/**Only DM*/ else if (cmd.onlyDm && message.guild) reply = `That command can only be used in a DM`
	/**userPermissions*/ else if (cmd.userPermissions?.length > 0 && (message.guild ? !message.member?.permissions.has(cmd.userPermissions, true) : true)) reply = `You don't have permission to use that command!`;
	/**permissions*/ else if (!await cmd.permissions(message)) reply = `You don't have permission to use that command!`;
	if (reply) return message.reply(reply).then(DEFAULTS.clean);
	else return await cmd.process(message, ...args);
} catch (error: any) {
	if (cmd.client) cmd.client.errorHandler(error, message);
	else console.error(error);
interactionExecution: async (cmd: AugurInteractionCommand, interaction: Discord.BaseInteraction) => {
	try {
      let reply = ""
      /**Enabled*/ if (!cmd.enabled) return
      /**Only Owner*/ else if (cmd.onlyOwner && interaction.member? != cmd.client.config.ownerId) return;
      /**Only Guild*/ else if (cmd.onlyGuild && !interaction.guild) reply = `That command can only be used in a server.`
      /**Only Specific Guild*/ else if (cmd.guildId && interaction.guild?.id != cmd.guildId) reply = `That command can only be used in a specific server.`
      /**Only DM*/ else if (cmd.onlyDm && interaction.guild) reply = `That command can only be used in a DM`
      /**userPermissions*/ else if (cmd.userPermissions.length > 0 && (interaction.inGuild() ? !(interaction.member.permissions as Discord.PermissionsBitField).has(cmd.userPermissions) : true)) reply = `You don't have permission to use that command!`
      /**permissions*/ else if (!await cmd.permissions(interaction)) reply = `You don't have permission to use that command!`
      if (reply && interaction.isRepliable()) {
          if (!interaction.replied) interaction.reply({content: reply, ephemeral: true})
          else interaction.editReply({content: reply})
      else return await cmd.process(interaction)
  } catch (error: any) {
      if (cmd.client) cmd.client.errorHandler(error, interaction);
      else console.error(error);

AugurClient Properties

Properties of the AugurClient class:

  • config: The config object passed to the AugurClient.
  • augurOptions: The options object passed to the AugurClient upon initialization.
  • db: Your loaded database model.
  • clockwork: A collection of functions to be run by an interval, keyed by filepath.
  • commands: A collection of commands, keyed by command name
  • events: A collection of event handlers, keyed by event then keyed by filepath.
  • interactions: A collection of interaction event handlers for slash commands, keyed by interaction id.
  • moduleHandler: Helper methods for loading/unloading/reloading Augur AugurModules.

AugurClient Methods

Methods of the AugurClient class:

  • errorHandler: Error handling function.
  • parse: Parse a message into its command name and suffix. Returns an object containing command (string), suffix (string), and params (string[])
  • commandExecution: Handles command execution
  • interactionExecution: Handles interaction execution
  • get<Type>Channel: This method has been introduced to help with getting the correct type of channel for intellisense. This can replace the traditional channels.cache.get() and returns a channel of the correct type. This can also provide actual type safety, as it will return null if the channel type is incorrect.

The basic file structure should look something like this

  • index.js
  • config.json (contains your AugurClient Config)
  • ./commands (Also commonly called modules. The name doesn't matter, just make sure it's the same as the commands property in your AugurClient Options)
    • *.js (these are your AugurModule files)

The basic file structure for AugurModule files:

const  Augur = require("augurbot");

const  Module = new Augur.Module();

// Add commands, interactions, event handlers, etc. as necessary.

//Ex: Module.addCommand({...}).addCommand({...}).addEvent(...);

module.exports = Module;

In between, you can add one or more commands and event handlers, as well as a clockwork and unload function.

Module properties include:

  • config: Contents of the config object loaded with the AugurClient.

  • db: The loaded database model.

  • client: The Augur client which loaded the command module.

  • commands: The commands in the module

  • interactions: The interaction commands in the module

  • clockwork: The clockwork set in the module

  • init and unload: The initialized and unloaded data

All of the following methods are chainable:


The function passed to the .setClockwork() method should return an interval which will continue to run in the background. The interval is cleared and reloaded when the module is reloaded. Note that the clockwork function is run after the intialization function.

Module.setClockwork(function() {
    return  setInterval();


The .addCommand() method defines a new bot command.


| PROPERTY | TYPE | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|---| | name | string | ✓ | | A string for the name of the command | | process | Function (Discord.Message, ...string[]) => void | ✓ | | The function to run when the command is invoked. | | aliases | string[] | | | An array of strings that can be used as alternates to the command name | | syntax | string | | | A description of command syntax | | description | string | | | A short overview of the command | | info | string | | | A longer description of the command's usage | | category | string | | { The AugurModule filename } | The name of the category the command belongs in. Helpful for sorting/categorizing. | | permissions | Function (Discord.Message) => boolean | | | Used to validate if the command should be run based off of the message that triggered the command | | userPermissions | Discord.PermissionResolveable[] | | | Used to check if the member using the command has the right server permissions | | options | Object | | | An object of custom options that the developer may wish to use (e.g. in parsing messages) | | hidden | boolean | | false | A helper for hiding commands in your help functions | | enabled | boolean | | true | If set to false, the command will never run | | parseParams | boolean | | false | If set to true, the command suffix will be split by " " before passing the parameters to the process function. | | onlyOwner | boolean | | false | If set to true, only the user with the ID provided under ownerId in AugurClient Config will be able to run the command | | onlyGuild | boolean | | false | If set to true, the command will only be run if called in a server. This also changes the type of Discord.Message to be a server message.| | onlyDm | boolean | | false | If set to true, the command will only be run if called in a DM with the bot. This also changes the type of Discord.Message to be a DM message. |


The .addEvent() method adds an event handler for the various Discord.js events.

Module.addEvent("eventName", function(...args) {});

Interaction Commands

Interaction commands have to be registered with the Discord API before their first use, or after changes. Augurbot does not handle this. This is the script that Icarus, the main bot that uses this framework, uses to register it's commands.

The .addInteraction() method defines an interaction for slash commands.


| PROPERTY | TYPE | REQUIRED | DEFAULT | DESCRIPTION | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|---| | id | string | ✓ | | The interaction ID for the interaction command | | process | Function (Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction) => void | ✓ | | The function to run when the command is invoked. The type can change to be more specific, depending on the type property.| | name | string | | | The name of the command | | type | string | | | Sets the type of interaction the command should expect. Only used for type checking and intellisense, and does not provide any actual safety. | | syntax | string | | | A description of command syntax | | description | string | | | A short overview of the command | | info | string | | | A longer description of the command's usage | | category | string | | { The AugurModule filename } | The name of the category the command belongs in. Helpful for sorting/categorizing. | | permissions | Function (Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction) => Boolean | | | Used to validate if the command should be run based off of the message or user that triggered the command. Typing is also changed by the type property. | | userPermissions | Discord.PermissionResolveable[] | | | Used to check if the member using the command has the right server permissions | | options | Object | | | An object of custom options that the developer may wish to use (e.g. in execution) | | hidden | boolean | | false | A helper for hiding commands in your help functions | | enabled | boolean | | true | If set to false, the command will never run | | onlyOwner | boolean | | false | If set to true, only the user with the ID provided under ownerId in AugurClient Config will be able to run the command | | onlyGuild | boolean | | false | If set to true, the command will only be run if called in a server. Sets the type of interaction to be in a guild on top of the provided type. | | onlyDm | boolean | | false | If set to true, the command will only be run if called in a DM with the bot |


The .setInit(data) method accepts a function to run on module initialization. The data parameter will have a null value on the first run, and will contain the returned by the function defined with the .setUnload() method on subsequent reloads of the module.

Module.setInit(function(data) {});


The function passed to the .setUnload() method will be run when unloading or reloading the module.

Module.setUnload(function() {});
Clockwork Manager
  • register(AugurModule): Registers clockwork functions from a Module. Automatically called by client.moduleHandler.register(AugurModule).

  • unload(filepath): Unload a clockwork function from memory. Automatically called by client.moduleHandler.unload(filepath).

Module Manager
  • register(AugurModule, data): Register the module with optional data.

  • reload(filepath): Reload a module from a filepath, reregistering the module with data supplied by the command's .unload() method.

  • unload(filepath): Unload a module from memory.

Command Manager
  • aliases (Collection): Collection of commands, keyed by alias.

  • client (AugurClient): The client.

  • commandCount (Number): Integer of how many commands have been executed via commands.execute().

  • execute(commandName, message, suffix) (async function): Execute a command function. Automatically called by the event handler.

  • register(AugurModule) (function): Registers commands from a Module. Automatically called by client.moduleHandler.register(AugurModule).

Event Manager
  • register(AugurModule): Registers event handlers from a Module. Automatically called by client.moduleHandler.register(AugurModule).
Interaction Manager
  • register(AugurModule): Registers interaction commands from a Module. Automatically called by client.moduleHandler.register(AugurModule).