Use the Augnito React Native SDK to enable Text To Speech and voice commands into a React Native application.
Augnito React Native SDK
Use the Augnito React Native SDK to enable Text To Speech and voice commands into a React Native application.
Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
Microphone access/recording permission is required in order to work.
Add the following line to AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
Add the following to Info.plist:
<string>Microphone access required</string>
The Augnito React Native SDK has to be installed by running:
npm install augnito-rn-sdk
cd ios
pod install
Note on M1 family processor: refer to environment setup to solve compatibility issues for pods
Getting Started
The majority of the functionality goes through the DictationManager class via the use of callbacks.
To instantiate a DictationManager object an AugnitoConfig must be provided with valid authorization and keys provided.
Using artifacts from the SDK
import {
} from 'augnito-rn-sdk';
const augnitoConfig: AugnitoConfig = new AugnitoConfig(
'<your server>',
'<your accountcode>',
'<your accesskey>',
'<your lmid>',
'<your usertag>',
'<your sourceapp>'
And on an initialization method
const dictationManager: DictationManager = useMemo(
() => DictationManager.fromConfig(augnitoConfig),
Alternatively it can be initialized with a provided connection URL:
const dictationManager: DictationManager = useMemo(
() => DictationManager.fromCustomUrl('custom url'),
Dictation Manager
The DictationManager is used to initialize, receive, and stop communication with Augnito's server to provide Speech To Text and Commands support into a React Native app.
The way it works is via methods and callbacks.
Logging can be enabled via the DictationManager:
const enableLogging = true;
const dictationManager: DictationManager = useMemo(
() => DictationManager.fromConfig(augnitoConfig, enableLogging),
Dictation Manager Methods
|method|notes| |---|---| |toggleDictation|Turns on or off the audio processing and server communication.|
Dictation Manager Properties
|property|notes| |---|---| |isBusy|Indicates the Dictation Manager is currently performing an operation.|
Dictation Manager Callbacks
Callbacks are used to receive the output of the SDK as well as errors that may occur. The callbacks are provided via the DictationManager constructor as named optional parameters.
|callback|notes| |---|---| |onConnected|Invoked when the connection to the server has been established. This does not guarantees the audio stream has started.| |onDisconnected|Invoked when the server closes connection. It can be triggered on purpose by the DictationManager under certain conditions such as being unable to start audio streaming.| |onError|Invoked when an error occurs. Not all errors invoke a connection termination.| |onPartialResult|Invoked when an hypothesis or non processed final text has been obtained.| |onFinalResult|Invoked when a final text output (not command) has been processed. | |onCommandResult|Invoked when a command has been processed.|
Example usage
dictationManager.onConnected = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
dictationManager.onDisconnected = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
Dictation Manager Error Types
Dictation Manager will report back on errors via the onError callback. Besides the method itself an object with further details is provided.
The errorType property is the best way to determine what could be happening underneath. Possible types:
|property|notes| |---|---| |noNetworkConnection|| |lowBandwidth|| |serviceDown|| |noDictationStopMic|| |invalidAuthCredentials|| |socketDisconnect|| |socketConnectionError|| |audioRecorder|| |audioRecorderCouldNotInitializePermission|| |audioRecorderCouldNotInitializeGeneric|| |unknown||
Even further information will be provided on the errorMessage property when possible.
A note on noDictationStopMic: this will not terminate the connection but it's and indicator the microphone is open but idle. The consumer app may want to warn the user or terminate the session if this keeps happening.
Commands are represented by the ActionRecipe object. It includes the information required to be processed by the consumer app.
Commands are returned by the SDK via the onCommandResult callback (DictationManager).
As stated the result of a command (either Static or Dynamic) will be an instance of an ActionRecipe.
When a command is returned by the SDK the consumer needs to analyze it and determine what to do based on the properties of the ActionRecipe instance.
For example, a Static Command resulting ActionRecipe will always have it's isStaticCommand property set as true.
Other fields such as searchText, chooseNumber or selectFor are used to determine what to do with the command and in what context. For instance a Replace X with Y dynamic command will produce an ActionRecipe like:
// replace oranges with apples
name: 'replace', // AugnitoCommands.replace entry
isCommand: true,
searchText: 'oranges',
selectFor: 'apples'
ActionRecipe fields
|property|notes| |---|---| |name|Command name. Can be matched against one of the entries of AugnitoCommands class.| |action|| |chooseNumber|Unit: on commands that affect items it indicates how many.| |searchText|On most select/action commands this represents the item to be searched. For example paragraph, line, word, etc. On some commands this indicates what is being searched for.| |selectFor|Usually used to determine an action on most commands. For example delete, underline, etc.| |isCommand|Indicates the ActionRecipe is a command.| |isStaticCommand|Indicates this ActionRecipe is a static command.| |nextPrevious|Direction on how this command should affect the items.| |receivedText|Original received text.| |receivedTextWithoutSpace|Original text without spaces.|
Using Commands
Commands are meant to be used on their on and not in conjunction with regular dictation.
For example:
Dictating Select next 3 words will produce a command
Dictating Patient presents with fever and chills select last 2 words will only produce a transcription
Matching commands
Commands can be matched with entries on the AugnitoCommands dictionary. In the previous example the name equals to AugnitoCommands.replace.
Static Commands
Commands that have not effect on specific units or items are denominated as static commands.
|Microphone Control Static Commands| |---| |stopMic|
|Selection Static Commands| |---| |selectAll| |selectChar| |selectWord| |selectLine| |selectNextLine| |selectPreviousLine| |selectParagraph|
|Lists Static Commands| |---| |startNumberList| |startBulletList| |stopBulletList| |stopNumberList| |stopList|
|Action Static Commands| |---| |undoIt| |redoIt|
|Text Modification Commands| |---| |startBoldText| |stopBoldText| |startBulletText| |stopBulletText| |startItalicText| |stoptItalicText|
|Modification Commands| |---| |deleteIt| |pasteIt| |copyIt| |cutIt| |headerIt| |underlineIt| |boldIt| |italicizeIt| |capitalizeIt| |bulletIt|
|Navigation Static Commands| |---| |moveUp| |moveDown| |moveLeft| |moveRight| |goToLineStart| |goToLineEnd| |giveSpace| |backspace| |goToDocumentEnd| |goToDocumentStart| |goToNextPage| |goToPreviousPage| |goToNextParagraph| |goTo|
|Field Navigation Static Commands| |---| |nextField| |previousField|
Dynamic Commands
Dynamic commands are more complex commands built based on the speech input and may contain extra information (always within the ActionRecipe itself).
Line and Paragraph number
Commands that affect a line or paragraph number via an action command such as select, bold, delete, etc.
^(select|choose|copy text|copytext|cut text|cuttext|correct|bold|underline|delete|header|capitalize|unbold|debold|dbold|uncapitalize|remove|capitalise|dcapitalise|decapitalicize|decapitalize|uncapitalize|Uncap|d capitalise|d capitalize|d underline|dunderline|deunderline|ununderline|goto|moveto|move|italicize|italicise|unitalicise|unitalicize)(the)?(line|para|paragraph|\n\n|\n)(number[ed]?)(.*?)(\.)?$
A correctly parsed Line and Paragraph number will have a structure similar to:
name: AugnitoCommands.goToLineNumber // or AugnitoCommands.goToParaNumber
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 10,
searchText: "line",
selectFor: "goToStart"
Example voice command
- choose line number 10
- delete paragraph number 5
- bold the para number 1
Go To New Line or New Paragraph
Simple Go To new line or new paragraph command.
name: AugnitoCommands.selectLine // or AugnitoCommands.selectParagraph
isCommand: true,
searchText: "line",
selectFor: "gotoend"
Example voice command
- go to new line
- go to new paragraph
Active X Dynamic Command
Action against the active line, paragraph, space, etc.
^(select|choose|copy text|copytext|cut text|cuttext|correct|bold|underline|delete|header|capitalize|unbold|debold|dbold|uncapitalize|remove|capitalise|dcapitalise|decapitalicize|decapitalize|uncapitalize|Uncap|d capitalise|d capitalize|d underline|dunderline|deunderline|ununderline|goto|moveto|move|italicize|italicise|unitalicise|unitalicize)(the)?(line|para|paragraph|\n\n|\n)(number[ed]?)(.*?)(\.)?$
Example voice command
- select active paragraph
- delete the current line
name: AugnitoCommands.selectActiveChar
isCommand: true,
name: AugnitoCommands.selectActiveWord
isCommand: true,
name: AugnitoCommands.selectActiveLine
isCommand: true,
name: AugnitoCommands.selectActiveParagraph
isCommand: true,
Navigation Without Go To Dynamic Command
Processes a direction plus a combination of item and distance.
Example voice commands
- next 3 lines
- last 5 paras
Go To X Dynamic Command
Processor to identify movement with direction and unit.
Example voice commands
- go last 4 word
- go to last space
- move the previous 4 words
// go last 4 word
name: AugnitoCommands.selectWord
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 4,
nextPrevious: 'last',
selectFor: 'gotostart'
// go to last space
name: AugnitoCommands.selectChar
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 0,
nextPrevious: 'last',
selectFor: 'gotostart'
// move the previous 4 words
name: AugnitoCommands.selectWord
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 4,
nextPrevious: 'previous',
selectFor: 'gotostart'
Select / Action on Item with Unit and Direction Dynamic Command
Identifies an action on an item that includes direction and unit amount.
^(select|choose|copy text|copytext|cut text|cuttext|correct|bold|underline|delete|header|capitalize|unbold|debold|dbold|uncapitalize|remove|capitalise|dcapitalise|decapitalicize|decapitalize|uncapitalize|Uncap|d capitalise|d capitalize|d underline|dunderline|deunderline|ununderline|goto|moveto|move|italicize|italicise|unitalicise|unitalicize)(the)?(last|previous|next)(.*?)(word[s]?|line[s]?|sentence[s]?|paragraph[s]?|para[s]?|char[s]?|character[s]?|space|\n\n|\n\ns|\n|\ns)$
Example voice commands
- choose the next 10 characters
- underline previous new line
- capitalize the next 5 words
- delete previous 5 paragraphs
// choose the next 10 characters
name: AugnitoCommands.selectChar
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 10,
nextPrevious: 'next',
searchText: 'characters',
selectFor: ''
// underline previous new line
name: AugnitoCommands.selectLine
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 1,
nextPrevious: 'previous',
searchText: '\n',
selectFor: 'underline'
// capitalize the next 5 words
name: AugnitoCommands.selectWord
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 5,
nextPrevious: 'next',
searchText: 'words',
selectFor: 'capitalize'
// delete previous 5 paragraphs
name: AugnitoCommands.selectParagraph
isCommand: true,
chooseNumber: 5,
nextPrevious: 'previous',
searchText: '\n\n',
selectFor: 'delete'
Replace X with Y Dynamic Command
Identifies the replace operation between two elements.
replace[d]?([A-Z a-z 0-9]+)with([A-Z a-z 0-9]+)
Example voice commands
- replace oranges with apples
- replace blue with red
- replace cars with buses
// replace oranges with apples
name: AugnitoCommands.replace
isCommand: true,
searchText: 'oranges',
selectFor: 'apples'
Select/Action Group Dynamic Command
Identifies a Select/Action command.
^(select|choose|copy text|copytext|cut text|cuttext|correct|bold|underline|delete|header|capitalize|unbold|debold|dbold|uncapitalize|remove|capitalise|dcapitalise|decapitalicize|decapitalize|uncapitalize|Uncap|d capitalise|d capitalize|d underline|dunderline|deunderline|ununderline|goto|moveto|move|italicize|italicise|unitalicise|unitalicize)(\sthe)?\s?(.*?)$
Example voice commands
- delete mistaken
- bold firstname
- capitalize last name
// delete mistaken
isCommand: true,
searchText: 'mistaken',
selectFor: 'delete'
Utils and Helpers
TextUtils support class
The SDK includes a support class used to handle basic operations on the TextInput control.
The methods included for the processor are:
|method|notes| |---|---| |processFinalResult|based on the current selection status, existing text and received text returns the final state of the text and where the cursor should be placed.| |selectLastLines|based on the current text, cursor position and amount of desired amount of lines the method returns a range indicating where in the string the selection starts and ends.| |selectLastWords|based on the current text, cursor position and amount of desired amount of words the method returns a range indicating where in the string the selection starts and ends.|
The usage of these methods is shown on the example app:
const processSelectWords = (
text: string,
caretPosition: number,
words: number,
selectFor: string,
updateStateFunction: (value: React.SetStateAction<string>) => void
) => {
const range = TextUtils.selectLastWords(text, words, caretPosition);
if (selectFor === Commands.Delete) {
const finalText =
text.substring(0, range.start) + text.substring(range.end);
start: range.start,
end: range.start,
} else {
start: range.start,
end: range.end,
iOS and background UI modes
In order to keep the app working on the background the info.plist requires the following entries:
Sample App
The SDK includes an app that shows how to use the SDK on basic text controls. The app is located on the /example directory.
Requirements and usage
The app requires the same environment setup as for any React Native app. The configuration for each supported OS and Platform is displayed on the official page.
Besides the regular setup, packages and and a local .env file must be present. On the example directory:
npm install
For the .env the .env.example can be cloned and renamed. Later, each parameter needs to be set to the one provided.
Running the Sample App
Once cloned or downloaded go to the Example directory and if the environment is properly configured follow the regular steps:
npx react-native start
npx react-native run-ios