Play sounds using Web Audio, fallback to HTML5 Audio
Play sounds using Web Audio, fallback on HTML5 Audio.
is specifically designed to works for games that have a big
quantity of audio assets. Loading and unloading is made easy and transparent.
// initialisation
var audioManager = new AudioManager(channelIds);
audioManager.setVolume(channelId, volume);
// play simple sound
audioManager.playSound(channelId, soundId, volume, panoramic, pitch);
// sound group
audioManager.createSoundGroups(soundGroupDefs, channelId);
audioManager.createSoundGroup(soundGroupId, soundGroupDef, muted);
audioManager.playSoundGroup(channelId, groupId, volume, panoramic, pitch);
// loop
audioManager.playLoopSound(channelId, soundId, volume);
// release memory
Create audioManager object and channels
Pass the list of channels to the constructor as an array of strings.
var channels = ['music', 'sfx', 'ui'];
var audioManager = new AudioManager(channels);
Setup audioManager path to sound assets folder
audioManager.settings.audioPath = 'assets/audio/';
Start audio engine.
To work correctly on iOS, this must be called on an user interaction e.g. user pressing a button. (C.f. this page to understand how this work.)
gameStartButton.on('tap', function () {
Set channel volume
By default, channel volume is set to 0 and channel is muted. No sounds will play until channel volume is set.
var volume = 1.0; // volume is a float in range ]0..1]
audioManager.setVolume('ui', volume);
Create and play a simple sound.
Create a sound and playing it in a channel. Sound is created and loaded automatically.
var fileName = 'laser1';
audioManager.playSound('sfx', fileName);
// volume and panoramic can be set optionally
var volume = 0.7; // volume is a float in range ]0..1]
var panoramic = 0.9; // panoramic is a float in range [-1..1], 0 is the center
audioManager.playSound('sfx', fileName, volume, panoramic);
Sounds creation and preloading can be forced.
Alternatively, sounds can be played outside channels.
var sound = audioManager.createSound(fileName);, panoramic, pitch); // all parameters are optional.
Detect playback end
An onEnd
callback function can be set to be triggered everytime the playback ends.
Set it back to null
to remove it.
sound.onEnd = function () {
console.log('sound playback ended');
sound.onEnd = null;
Change pitch
This feature is only available with WebAudio.
var pitch = -7.0; // in semi-tone
The pitch can be set at play.
audioManager.playSound('ui', fileName, volume, panoramic, pitch);
While a sound is playing, the pitch can be changed dynamically
var portamento = 3.0;
sound.setPitch(pitch, portamento);
Create and play sound groups.
A sound group is a collection of sounds that will play alternatively in a
round-robin pattern on each play
var soundGroupDef = {
id: ['punch1', 'punch2'],
vol: [1.0, 0.8],
pitch: [0.0]
audioManager.createSoundGroups('punch', soundGroupDef);
var volume = 0.8; // volume is a float in range ]0..1]
var panoramic = 0.3; // panoramic is a float in range [-1..1], 0 is the center
var pitch = 3.0; // in semi-tone
audioManager.playSoundGroup('sfx', 'punch', volume, panoramic, pitch);
You can create several sound groups in one function call
var soundGroupDefs = {
groupId1: { id: ['sound1', 'sound2'], vol: [1.0, 0.8], pitch: [0.0] },
groupId2: { ... },
audioManager.createSoundGroups(soundGroupDefs, 'sfx');
Play and stop looped sounds
Only one loop can play per channel. Playing a new looped sound in the same channel will stop current playing sound before starting new one.
var volume = 1.0; // volume is a float in range ]0..1]
var fileName = 'bgm1';
audioManager.playLoopSound('music', fileName, volume);
audioManager.stopLoopSound('music'); // stop looped sound in channel 'music'
audioManager.stopAllLoopSounds(); // stop all looped sounds in all channel
How looped sound fades and mixes can be set by modifying audioManager settings:
audioManager.settings.defaultFade = 3; // value in second
audioManager.settings.crossFade = true; // default is false
Release memory
Custom loader function
can be overriden if you want more control on how to
resolve files uri from sound id. The function have one on the following synchronous or
asynchronous profile:
function getFileUriSync(audioPath, id) {
var uri;
// ...
return uri;
function getFileUriAsync(audioPath, id, callback) {
var uri;
var error = null;
// ...
return callback(error, uri);
For instance, here's how you can add wizAssets to cache files on disc in a PhoneGap application:
if (window.wizAssets) {
audioManager.settings.getFileUri = function wizAssetsGetUri(audioPath, id, cb) {
window.wizAssets.downloadFile(audioPath + id + '.mp3', 'audio/' + id + '.mp3',
function onSuccess(uri) {
cb(null, uri)
cb // onFail callback