The purpose of this tool that runs in Node.js and be able to process audio files. For example this tool is able to normalize the volume of the audio files that the user wishes to process.
Audio File Modifier
The purpose of this tool that runs in Node.js is to do several operations (normalize, split silences, apply a effect...) on audio files that the user wishes to process.
You need to have installed Node.js and npm. Also you must have installed SoX to can apply effects. Once you have your system ready you must clone this repo on your computer:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd audio-file-normalize
npm i
Windows installation
If you are a Windows user you should copy libmad0.dll and libmp3lame-0.dll (both included in this repo, on libmad & libmp3lame folder) into SoX installation folder (C:\Windows\Program Files (x86)\SoX-installation-folder). If you do not copy this files when you run effects tool you will get a error becouse your system will be not able to manipulate mp3 files.
MacOS installation
If you wish run this tool on a MacOS system you must have to install a Node version minor than 12.x. For the moment is not possible run some libraries on 12.x versions.
Bellow you can see avaible operations you can do:
- normalize: You can normalize any local sound file wich you spcify.
- volume: You can change volume on any local file wich you specify.
- split: You can remove the initial and final blank parts.
- fade: You can apply fade in/out/both to any local sound file.
- pitch: You can change pitch on any local audio file.
- effect: You can apply an effect to an audio file between several types.
- play: You can play any song from your local disk.
- record: You can record mic built-in signal and save in a mp3 file. You need to have installed on your machine sox (Mac/Windows Users) or ALSA tools for Linux.
You can use the tool with several options to modify behaviour:
- inFile: input file path (you must enter a valid audio file path)
- outFile: output file path
- overwrite: input file will be overwritted
- volume: output final volume
- sampleRate: output sample rate
- channels: output number channels
- pitch: pitch percent to transform file (1% to 200%)
- fade: if you specify this param the tool will create fadeIn and fadeOut with value you pass (default is false)
- fadeIn: miliseconds to create fade in, if you do not specify fadeOut param it will not create fade out
- fadeOut: miliseconds to create fade out, if you do not specify fadeIn param it will not create fade in
- recTime: seconds to recording stdin(mic)
- verbose: it will show or not logs by console (default is true)
Examples for use
# normalize volume of a local file
npm start normalize <path-to-audio-file>
# change volume to 20% more
npm start volume <path-to-audio-file> 120
# remove blank parts of a local file (begin and end)
npm start aplit <path-to-audio-file>
# create fade in/out with 5 secs to both
npm start fade <path-to-audio-file> 5
# change pitch to 20% less
npm start pitch <path-to-audio-file> 80
# record built-in mic for 30 seconds
npm start record 30
# play of a local file
npm start play <path-to-audio-file>
# apply a effect to a local file
npm start effect <path-to-audio-file> reverb|echo|chorus|flanger|distort|lowpass|highpass|bendup|benddown|reverse
Special thanks to :squirrel: Joan and :japanese_ogre: X-Hunter for their support.