React Native implementation of the Audienzz SDK
Audienzz React Native SDK
Audienzz React Native SDK is a React Native wrapper around the native Android/iOS Audienzz SDKs (Original and Rendering APIs).
Package manager
The easiest way to install is use your package manager:
npm install audienzz
yarn add audienzz
IOS Platform
An additional steps to install native modules for an IOS project:
Audienzz SDK works with the minimum version of iOS16. Add this min_ios_version_supported = '16.0'
to the ios/Podfile
# Resolve react_native_pods.rb with node to allow for hoisting
require Pod::Executable.execute_command('node', ['-p',
{paths: [process.argv[1]]},
)', __dir__]).strip
min_ios_version_supported = '16.0' // <<-- add this
platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported
target 'TestAudienzz' do
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
The Audienzz SDK works in conjunction with the Google Mobile Ads, and for correct work, the following settings are required.
Android Setup
Add your AdMob app ID, as identified in the AdMob web interface, to your app's AndroidManifest.xml
file. To do so, add a tag with android:name="". You can find your app ID in the AdMob web interface. For android:value, insert your own AdMob app ID, surrounded by quotation marks.
<!-- Sample AdMob app ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->
In a real app, replace the sample app ID with your actual AdMob app ID. You can use the sample ID if you're just experimenting with the SDK in a Hello World app.
iOS Setup
Update your app's Info.plist
file to add three keys:
- To display the App Tracking Transparency authorization request for accessing the IDFA, add the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key with a custom message describing your usage.
- A GADApplicationIdentifier key with a string value of your AdMob app ID found in the AdMob UI.
- A SKAdNetworkItems key with SKAdNetworkIdentifier values for Google (cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork) and select third-party buyers who have provided these values to Google.
<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>
In a real app, replace the sample app ID with your actual AdMob app ID. You can use the sample ID if you're just experimenting with the SDK in a Hello World app.
Initialize the Audienzz React Native SDK
Before loading and displaying ads, initialize the Audienzz React Native SDK. This needs to be done only once, ideally at app launch.
import RNAudienzz from 'audienzz';
.initialize('Company ID provided for the app by Audienzz') // Open-Ended Question
.then((value) => console.log(JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)));
Displaying Ads
The Audienzz React Native SDK allows you to display three types Ads - Banner
, Interstitial
and Rewarded
Original API
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'audienzz';
const bannerRef = React.createRef<OriginalBanner>();
const handleStopAutoRefresh = () => {
if (bannerRef.current) {
const handleResumeAutoRefresh = () => {
if (bannerRef.current) {
keywords={['clothing', 'sport']}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('success')}
onAdClicked={() => console.log('clicked')}
onAdOpened={() => console.log('ad opened')}
onAdClosed={() => console.log('ad closed')}
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) =>console.log(`ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
keywords={['clothing', 'sport']}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('INTERSTITIAL success')}
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) =>console.log(`INTERSTITIAL ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('REWARDED success')}
onAdClosed={(event) => {
console.log('REWARDED ad closed');
console.log(`The user received -> ${JSON.stringify(event, null, 2)}`);
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) => console.log(`REWARDED ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
| Name | Description | Required | Type | For the type Ad |
| ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| adUnitID
| An ID identifies your banner in the system. You should have a valid, active placement ID to monetize your app. | YES | string | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| auConfigID
| An ID of the Stored Impression on the Audienzz Server. | YES | string | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| width
| The width of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request. | YES | number | OriginalBanner
| height
| The height of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request. | YES | number | OriginalBanner
| isLazyLoad
| The property that controls when an ad request will be made (tracks the viewport). Default: true
. | No | boolean | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| pbAdSlot
| PB Ad Slot is an identifier tied to the placement the ad will be delivered in. The use case for PB Ad Slot is to pass to exchange an ID they can use to tie to reporting systems or use for data science driven model building to match with impressions sourced from alternate integrations. A common ID to pass is the ad server slot name. | No | string | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| gpID
| The Global Placement ID (GPID) is a key that uniquely identifies a specific instance of an adunit. | No | string | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| keyword
| This the context keyword for adunit context targeting. Inserts the given element in the set if it is not already present. | No | string | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| keywords
| This the context keyword set for adunit context targeting. Adds the elements of the given set to the set. | No | string[] | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| appContent
| This the content for adunit, content, in which impression will appear. | No | IAppContent | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| apiParameters
| The property is dedicated to adding values for API Frameworks to a bid response according to the OpenRTB 2.5 spec. Default: ['MRAID_2']
. | No | Array<'MRAID_1' | 'MRAID_2' | 'MRAID_3' | 'VPAID_1' | 'VPAID_2' | 'OMID_1' | 'ORMMA'> | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| videoProtocols
| Array or enum of OpenRTB 2.5 supported Protocols. Default: ['VAST_2_0']
. | No | Array<'VAST_1_0' | 'VAST_2_0' | 'VAST_3_0' | 'VAST_4_0' | 'DAAST_1_0' | 'VAST_1_0_Wrapped' | 'VAST_2_0_Wrapped' | 'VAST_3_0_Wrapped' | 'VAST_4_0_Wrapped' | 'DAAST_1_0_Wrapped'> | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| videoDuration
| A property representing the OpenRTB 2.5 video ad duration in seconds. Default: [5, 30]
// [min, max]. | No | [number, number] | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| videoBitrate
| The property representing the OpenRTB 2.5 bit rate in Kbps. Default: [300, 1500]
// [min, max]. | No | [number, number] | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| playbackMethod
| Array of OpenRTB 2.5 playback methods. Only one method is typically used in practice. It is strongly advised to use only the first element of the array. Default: ['AutoPlaySoundOn']
. | No | Array<'AutoPlaySoundOn' | 'AutoPlaySoundOff' | 'ClickToPlay' | 'MouseOver' | 'EnterSoundOn' | 'EnterSoundOff'> | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| adFormats
| This ad unit formats for the current ad unit. Default: (Multiformat) ['banner', 'video']
. | No | Array<'banner' | 'video'> | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
| videoPlacement
| OpenRTB 2.5 Placement Type for the auction. Default: 'inBanner'
. | No | 'inBanner' | 'inArticle' | 'inFeed' | 'interstitial' | OriginalBanner
| isReserved
| The property that can be used to determine how the banner will appear. With or without reserved space. Note: May be useful if the ad will be used where there is a lot of static content. Default: false
. | No | boolean | OriginalBanner
| autoRefreshPeriodMillis
| Number defining the refresh time in milliseconds. The value cannot be less than 30000ms. To stop or renew auto refresh, use the stopAutoRefresh
and resumeAutoRefresh
methods. | No | number | OriginalBanner
| minSizesPercentage
| Optional parameter to specify the minimum width/height percent an ad may occupy of a device’s screen. Default: [80, 60]
// [width, height]. | No | [number, number] | OriginalInterstitial
| onAdLoaded
| A callback triggered when an ad is received. | No | onAdLoaded?(): void | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| onAdFailedToLoad
| A callback triggered when an ad request failed. | No | onAdFailedToLoad?(error: {code: number, message: string}): void | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| onAdClicked
| A callback triggered when a click is recorded for an ad. | No | onAdClicked?(): void | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| onAdOpened
| A callback triggered when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen. | No | onAdOpened?(): void | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
| onAdClosed
| A callback triggered when the user is about to return to the app. NOTE: For OriginalRewarded
, there is a parameter that contains information about the reward received when interacting with ads. | No | onAdClosed?(): void || onAdClosed?(reward: {type: string, amount: number}): void | OriginalBanner
, OriginalInterstitial
, OriginalRewarded
Rendering API
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'audienzz';
keywords={['clothing', 'sport']}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('success')}
onAdClicked={() => console.log('clicked')}
onAdOpened={() => console.log('ad opened')}
onAdClosed={() => console.log('ad closed')}
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) =>console.log(`ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
keywords={['clothing', 'sport']}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('INTERSTITIAL success')}
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) =>console.log(`INTERSTITIAL ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
onAdLoaded={() => console.log('REWARDED success')}
onAdClosed={() => {
console.log('REWARDED ad closed');
console.log('The user can receive reward (own implementation) -> 💰');
onAdFailedToLoad={(error) => console.log(`REWARDED ERROR -> ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`)}
| Name | Description | Required | Type | For the type Ad |
| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------: | --------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| adUnitID
| An ID identifies your banner in the system. You should have a valid, active placement ID to monetize your app. | YES | string | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| auConfigID
| An ID of the Stored Impression on the Audienzz Server. | YES | string | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| width
| The width of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request. | YES | number | RenderingBanner
| height
| The height of the ad unit which will be used in the bid request. | YES | number | RenderingBanner
| adFormat
| This ad unit format for the current ad unit. | YES | 'banner' | 'video' | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
| isLazyLoad
| The property that controls when an ad request will be made (tracks the viewport). Default: true
. | No | boolean | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| pbAdSlot
| PB Ad Slot is an identifier tied to the placement the ad will be delivered in. The use case for PB Ad Slot is to pass to exchange an ID they can use to tie to reporting systems or use for data science driven model building to match with impressions sourced from alternate integrations. A common ID to pass is the ad server slot name. | No | string | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| gpID
| The Global Placement ID (GPID) is a key that uniquely identifies a specific instance of an adunit. | No | string | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| keyword
| This the context keyword for adunit context targeting. Inserts the given element in the set if it is not already present. | No | string | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| keywords
| This the context keyword set for adunit context targeting. Adds the elements of the given set to the set. | No | string[] | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| appContent
| This the content for adunit, content, in which impression will appear. | No | IAppContent | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| isReserved
| The property that can be used to determine how the banner will appear. With or without reserved space. Note: May be useful if the ad will be used where there is a lot of static content. Default: false
. | No | boolean | RenderingBanner
| skipDelay
| Sets delay in seconds to show close button. Default: 13
. | No | number | RenderingInterstitial
| minSizesPercentage
| Optional parameter to specify the minimum width/height percent an ad may occupy of a device’s screen. Default: [80, 60]
// [width, height]. | No | [number, number] | RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| onAdLoaded
| A callback triggered when an ad is received. | No | onAdLoaded?(): void | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| onAdFailedToLoad
| A callback triggered when an ad request failed. | No | onAdFailedToLoad?(error: {code: number, message: string}): void | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| onAdClicked
| A callback triggered when a click is recorded for an ad. | No | onAdClicked?(): void | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| onAdOpened
| A callback triggered when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen. | No | onAdOpened?(): void | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded
| onAdClosed
| A callback triggered when the user is about to return to the app. | No | onAdClosed?(): void | RenderingBanner
, RenderingInterstitial
, RenderingRewarded