just small utility functions to make working in vanilla js faster(if you like staying in JS);
just small utility functions to make working in vanilla js faster(if you like staying in JS);
an example actually is my desktop dataframe app, at it's core is controlled by these functions
so they are well tested
getting started
npm i atomicus
npm i material-icons
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script type="module">
// npm i material-icons
import 'material-icons/iconfont/outlined.css';
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
padding: 1em 1em;
top: 0;
background: var(--grey);
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.tools_container > *:nth-child(2){
margin-top: 1em;
.Tools {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>
expects an object of the following interface:
interface element {
tag: string;
attrs?: Record<any, any>;
children?: Array<element | string>; // can be an object or string, or both
an object of sort
const el = {
tag: "div",
attrs: {
class: "my_div"
tag: "label",
attrs: {},
children: ["Hello"]
createElement(el) // will return an actual DOM node
remove all children nodes in the element
const app = document.getElementById("app")
clearEl(app) // will efficiently delete all children
simply create's channels that can be subscribed too, and subscribers can be notified
const Pub = new PubSub()
// args -> channel sub function -> returns an unsubcribe function
let unsub = Pub.subscribe("tools", (data)=> {
console.log("a tool has been clicked", data)
Pub.notify("tools", {type: "tool1", data: null})
full example
// read the following code from the bottom up to make sense
// gui.js
// Pub - PubSub
const bottomC = (Pub) => ([
tag: "span",
attrs: {
title: "Histogram",
class: "material-icons-outlined",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', "hist")
children: ['show_chart '] // material icon
const topC = (Pub) => ( [
tag: "input",
attrs: {
type: "file",
class: "inputCSV",
id: "f",
accept: ".csv"
tag: "div",
attrs: {
class: "selectDiv",
id: "sel"
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Data Shape",
onclick: () => Pub.notify("tools", "shape")
children: ['table_view']
{ tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Column Names",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', "cols")
children: ['view_column']
{ tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "drop all null rows",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'dropna')
children: ['error']
tag: "span",
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "drop columns and rows",
onclick: () => Pub.notify("tools", "drop")
children: ["arrow_drop_down_circle"]
tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Unique values",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'unique')
children: ['dataset']
tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Value Counter",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'counter')
children: ['123']
tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Replace value",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'replace')
children: ['find_replace']
tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "Rename Column",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'rename')
children: ['drive_file_rename_outline']
{tag: "span",
attrs: {
class: "material-icons-outlined",
title: "clear workspace",
onclick: () => Pub.notify('tools', 'reset')
children: ['restart_alt']
const topTools = (Pub) => ( {
tag: "div",
attrs: {
class: "Tools"
children: topC(Pub)
const bottomTools = (Pub) => ({
tag: "div",
attrs: {
class: "Tools"
children: bottomC(Pub)
export const tools = (Pub) =>{
return {
tag: "div",
attrs: {
class: "tools_container"
children: [
// app.js
import {createElement, clearEl, PubSub} from "atomicus"
import { tools } from "./gui"
const cache = {} // cache created to reduce recreating on page change and back
const app = document.getElementById("app")
const Pub = new PubSub()
clearEl(app) // making sure the el is clean
cache['GUITools'] = createElement(tools(Pub))
// the gui will notify this
Pub.subscribe("tools", (data)=> {
console.log("a tool has been clicked", data)
why do this?
well for one you have the full power of js(Objects) you can do some neat tricks before creating elements, loop over elements easily, fetch data and create reusable stateful elements etc.