The Athena Query Client is a simple package that provides a method to retrieve data from Amazon Athena by merely passing an SQL query as the single parameter of the method.
Athena Query Client
The Athena Query Client is a simple package that provides a method to retrieve data from Amazon Athena by merely passing an SQL query as the single parameter of the method.
AthenaQueryClient constructor params
- ClientConfig: Configuration settings for the AWS Athena client
- region: AWS geographical region, for example 'eu-west-1'
- Catalog: AWS Athena data source catalog name
- Database: AWS Athena database name. The database must exist in the catalog.
- WorkGroup: The name of the workgroup in which the query is being started. This is optional param, by default set to 'primary'.
- ResultReuseConfiguration: Specifies the query result reuse behavior for the query, how the query results are cached or reused. This is optional param, predifined by default.
- ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration: Specifies whether previous query results are reused, and if so, their maximum age.
- Enabled: A boolean value (true/false) that toggles this feature on or off. True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- MaxAgeInMinutes: Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60.
- ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration: Specifies whether previous query results are reused, and if so, their maximum age.
import { AthenaQueryClient } from 'athena-query-client';
The ResultReuseConfiguration and WorkGroup parameters is optional; it is set up by default, but you have the option to overwrite it.
const athenaQueryClient = new AthenaQueryClient({
ClientConfig: { region: 'eu-west-1' },
Database: 'all_cars',
Catalog: 'Databases',
WorkGroup: 'primary',
ResultReuseConfiguration: {
ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration: {
Enabled: true,
MaxAgeInMinutes: 60,
const data = await athenaQueryClient.query('SELECT * FROM cars_brands LIMIT 20');