A library for interacting with Synthetix smart contracts
Contracts Interface to Synthetix
The official JavaScript library for interacting with Synthetix protocol contracts.
This library can be used in 2 different environments:
- Common-js module for node environments
- UMD module for browser environments
Instantiating in node.js or the browser
// For node environments:
const { synthetix } = require('asynthr-contracts-interface');
// For single page applications:
import { synthetix } from 'asynthr-contracts-interface';
// For browsers you can use a CDN of the minified files
// E.g. <script src=""></script>
// then you can access synthetix on the window object:
const { synthetix } = window;
// Instantiate the library with or without a provider
const snxjs = synthetix({ network: 'mainnet' });
// Note: for typescript applications
import { synthetix, Network } from 'asynthr-contracts-interface';
const snxjs = synthetix({ network: Network.Mainnet });
Reading state
const snxjs = synthetix({ network: 'mainnet' });
// If you want to interact with a contract, simply follow the convention:
// await snxjs[contractName].methodName(arguments)
const owner = await snxjs.contracts.Synthetix.owner();
// many arguments require being formatted toBytes32, which we also provide with the library
const { toBytes32 } = snx;
const totalIssuedSynths = await snxjs.contracts.Synthetix.totalIssuedSynths(toBytes32('sUSD'));
// We also expose ethers utils which provides handy methods for formatting responses to queries.
const { formatEther } = snxjs.utils;
formatEther(await snxjs.contracts.SynthsUSD.totalSupply());
formatEther(await snxjs.contracts.ExchangeRates.rateForCurrency(snxjs.toBytes32('SNX')));
// Note can optionally pass in a { blockTag: someBlockNumber } to get data from a specific block instead of {}
const snxAtBlock12m = await snxjs.contracts.ExchangeRates.rateForCurrency(snxjs.toBytes32('SNX'), {
blockTag: 12e6,
Signing transactions
// any old provider will do
const provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider('kovan');
// create a signer with a provider attached
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(
// just a dummy kovan wallet with a little keth from the faucet
// and then instantiate synthetix with the signer
const snxjs = synthetix({ network: 'mainnet', signer });
// mint 0.01 sETH via the NativeEtherWrapper
const response = await{
value: parseEther('0.01'),
gasPrice: parseUnits('5', 'gwei'),
gasLimit: 500e3,
console.log('Submitted', response.hash);
await response.wait();
console.log('Mined', `${response.hash}`);
See the examples folder for more usage details.