A try-catch wrapper around node’s fs/promises.
async-file-tried is a wrapper around node’s fs/promises
that abstracts the try-catch block for you.
Write more linear, better readable code by getting a concise response. Dependency free. TypeScript supported.
Copyright (c) 2023–24 Florian Walzel, MIT License
npm install async-file-tried
import fs from 'async-file-tried';
Usually we do not want to make calls against the file system without a proper error handling. But the try-catch block is somewhat unelegant because it moves code blocks in the bracket sub-space and thus disturbs the linearity of our programming. async-file-tried returns a tuple with either the response or the error from a fs call and simplifies error handling.
You can write now:
let [res, err] = await fs.readdir('.');
if (err) console.error(err);
else console.log(res);
... instead of:
try {
let res = await fs.readdir('.');
catch (err) {
Extra: joined paths
async-file-tried also has an in-built path.join()
so that you can alternatively pass the path argument as array of sub-elements.
You can write i.e.:
let [res, err] = await fs.appendFile(
['fs.__dirname', '..' , 'myfolder', `img_${i}.txt`],
'my text');
... and the path string will be composed automatically.
Public Functions
FS Function List
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, mode?: number|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.access('file.txt', fs.constants.R_OK);
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, data: any, options?: { encoding?: Encoding; mode?: number|string; flag?: Flags; })
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.appendFile('file.txt', 'foo');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, mode?: number|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.chmod('file.txt', '755');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, uid: number, gid: number)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.chown('file.txt', 1541, 999);
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (srcPath: string|Array<string>, destPath: string|Array<string>,flags?: number)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.copyFile('file.txt', 'file-copy.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (srcPath: string|Array<string>, destPath: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.cp('myfolder', 'myfolder-copy', {recursive: true});
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, mode?: number|string)
- Usage example: ``
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, uid: number, gid: number)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.lchown('./test/static-testfiles/symlinkToFile-append.txt', 1200, 1201);
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (existingPath: string|Array<string>, newPath: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await'file.txt', 'file-hard-link.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.lstat('symlinkToFile.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, atime: Date|number, mtime: Date|number)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.lutimes('file.txt', new Date(), new Date());
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: number|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.mkdir('./my-new-folder');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (prefix: string, encoding?: Encoding)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.mkdtemp('temp-');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, flags?: Flags, mode?: number|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await'file.txt', 'r');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, flags?: Flags, mode?: number|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.opendir('./test', { encoding: "utf8", bufferSize: 64 } );
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: Encoding)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.readFile('file.txt', 'utf8');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.readdir('./my-directory');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.readlink('symlinkToFile.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.realpath('./my-folder/../' );
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (oldPath: string|Array<string>, newPath: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.rename('old.txt', 'new.txt' );
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.rm('file.txt' );
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.rmdir('./my-folder');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: object)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.stat('file.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (target: string|Array<string>, path: string|Array<string>, type?: string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.symlink('file.txt', 'file-symlink.txt', 'file');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, len:number)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.truncate('file.txt', 760);
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.unlink('file-symlink.txt');
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, atime: number|string|Date, mtime: number|string|Date)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.utimes('file.txt', new Date(), new Date());
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (filename: string|Array<string>, options?: object|string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await'file.txt', (ev, file) => { console.log("Watcher: " + file); });
- Typescript implementation:
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, data: any, options?: Encoding)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.writeFile('file.txt', 'my text', 'utf8');
- Typescript implementation:
The Constants
- The FS constants object
- The equivalent to node’s
usable within ES6 Module Syntax. Returns the directory name of the current module. - Implementation:
- The equivalent to node’s
- The equivalent to node’s
usable within ES6 Module Syntax. Returns the filename of the code which is executed. - Implementation:
- The equivalent to node’s
Bonus Functions
- Checks if a file or directory exists, returns boolean
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let res = await fs.exists('file.txt');
- Checks if a directory exists, creates it if not
- Typescript implementation:
async (dir: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let res = await fs.ensureDir('./my-dir');
- Reads a JSON file and returns it as parsed Javascript object.
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, options?: Encoding)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.readJson('my.json');
- Expects a Javascript object, will stringify it and write it out as JSON.
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, data: Object, options?: Encoding)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.writeJson('my.json', { key : "value" });
- Reads a text file as UTF8
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.readTextFile('file.txt');
- Writes out a String as UTF8
- Typescript implementation:
async (path: string|Array<string>, data: string)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.writeTextFile('file.txt', 'Hello world!');
The Async Handler
This Handler is behind all Async-file-tried functions. You can pass any function (wrapped in an anonymous function) to it, and the Result/ Error will be returned as tuple.
- fs.asyncHandler
- Takes any asynchronous Function and will internally wrap a try-catch block around it. The Return is given in the tuple pattern
[res, err]
. - Typescript implementation:
asyncHandler = async (func: Function)
- Usage example:
let [res, err] = await fs.asyncHandler(() => await myCustomFunction(someParam));
- Takes any asynchronous Function and will internally wrap a try-catch block around it. The Return is given in the tuple pattern