A collection of headless components and utilities for Astro. Pagination, Breadcrumb, Themes, Copy buttons, and more!
Astro Headless UI
A headless component library for Astro
Note: This project is a work in progress, components with documentation are finished, if there are any changes they will be recorded in the wiki changelog
Submit an issue for bugs or suggestions
Style Components
HTML Element with an attached stylesheet
: CSS javascript detector (@predaytor)<AnimatedSpriteSheet>
: Animates a spritesheet as a background image on an element using css<IconSwitcher>
Animated icon switcher, used to display current theme, copy button state, and more using icons
Generates structured HTML
: Display a ratio using elements, useful for star ratings on products, posts, etc<Link>
: Active link component, used in<Navigation>
to generate link navigations<Navigation>
: Generate a list of links using props, useful for config files<TableOfContents>
: Generates a table of contents<Breadcrumb>
: Site/URL hierarchy navigation<Pagination>
: Page navigation for paginated routes<Paginate>
: SSR component version of Astro's SSGpaginate()
Utility / Flow Components
: Conditionally wrap a component<When>
: acts like a conditional/ternary statement, mostly used for<Switch/>
: Advanced conditional rendering, similar to SolidJS<Switch>
with extra features using slots<For>
in component form with extra features, similar to SolidJS<For>
Client Components
HTML element with client side interactivity using <script>
: Dark theme toggle button/script<MultiThemeToggle>
: Multi theme toggle button(s)/script<CopyCode>
: Attaches a button that copies code to all selected codeblocks
Client Scripts
Client side script that does not include HTML
: Access scroll position of window or element inside CSS as custom properties<MouseProperty>
: Access mouse position of window or element inside CSS as custom properties
: Create a hash from a string, for scoping CSS, HTML elements, and<script>