Tips for the Assemble CSS Framework.
Assemble Tips
Assemble Tips is a component of the Assemble CSS Framework. It will give you a solid base for using media players in your project. It has some default styles that can easily be overridden so you can add your own look.
- Assemble Tips requires Assemble Base.
- tip.js (found in this repo)
- npm install assemble-tips --save-dev
- You will then need to load the tips.js file in this repo into your project.
Import the _assemble-tips.css file from your css file.
@import '../node_modules/assemble-base/base';
Override variables here before the Assemble Components are loaded.
@import '../node_modules/assemble-tips/assemble-tips';
<div class="tip-container">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--**position modifier**">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close--default">×</span>
Options are set with variables. These variables are already set with their default values so they will just work out of the box. If you wish to change them just define the variable you want to change before you load the _assemble-tips.css file. You may wish you see Assemble Base for more examples and directions for setting up a Assemble project.
Design Variables
- Set the tip background color.
- Default: #002;
- Type: Color
$tip-background-color: #CCC;
- Set the tip text color.
- Default: #FFF;
- Type: Color
$tip-text-color: #000;
- Set the tip close background color.
- Default: #666;
- Type: Color
$tip-close-background-color: #999;
- Set the tip close background hover color.
- Default: #444;
- Type: Color
$tip-close-background-hover-color: #555;
- Set the tip close text color.
- Default: #FFF;
- Type: Color
$tip-close-text-color: #CCC;
- Set the tip close text hover color.
- Default: #FFF;
- Type: Color
$tip-close-text-hover-color: #CCC;
- Set the tip padding.
- Default: 5px 10px;
- Type: String
$tip-padding: 15px;
- Set the tip close padding.
- Default: 5px 9px 8px;
- Type: String
$tip-close-padding: 3px;
- Set the tip font size.
- Default: 12px;
- Type: Number
$tip-font-size: 14px;
- Set the tip line height.
- Default: 15px;
- Type: Number
$tip-line-height: 18px;
- Set what transition on tips should be.
- Default: 0.3s ease;
- Type: String
$tip-transition: 0.5s bounce;
Tip z-index
This component makes use of the postcss-map plugin to set the z-index. postcss-map is included with Assemble Base so you are good to go. This helps keep all our z-index values in one place. To get this working you will need to: 1- Create a 'constants.json' file and add this to it
"zIndexes": {
"tip": 11
2- Then in your main gulp file provide the path to the newly created constants.json in the assembeCore options.
basePath: 'src/',
maps: [ 'constants.json' ]
Now the assemble-tips component will pull the z-index values from the constants.js file. You can add more values there and call them in your css with
z-index: map(constants, zIndexes, something);
Modifier Variables
- Turn on/off the ability to put the tip container at the right. If true a class of .tip-container--right will be generated. This class requires .tip-container.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-container--right: true;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container tip-container--right">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--left">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
- Turn on/off the ability to allow tips to have fixed widths. If true a class of .tip--fixed-width will be generated. This class requires .tip. You will set the width with the $tip-width variable.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-enable-width: true;
- Set the width of tips. Needs $tip-enable-width to be true.
- Default: 210px;
- Type: Number
$tip-width: 250px;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container tip-container--right">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--top tip--fixed-width">
Tip content here that is really long to show that this won't wrap unless you put a fixed width on the tip.
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
Placement Variables
- Turn on/off the ability to show the tip on top of the trigger point. If true a class of .tip--top will be generated. This class requires .tip.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-enable-top: true;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--top">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
- Set how far from the top the top tips should be.
- Default: 20px;
- Type: Number
$tip-top-top-position: 10px;
- Set how far from the rigft the top tips should be.
- Default: 26px;
- Type: Number
$tip-top-right-position: 20px;
- Turn on/off the ability to show the tip on bottom of the trigger point. If true a class of .tip--bottom will be generated. This class requires .tip.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-enable-bottom: true;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--bottom">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
- Set how far from the bottom the top tips should be.
- Default: 20px;
- Type: Number
$tip-bottom-bottom-position: 10px;
- Set how far from the rigft the bottom tips should be.
- Default: 26px;
- Type: Number
$tip-bottom-right-position: 20px;
- Turn on/off the ability to show the tip on right of the trigger point. If true a class of .tip--right will be generated. This class requires .tip.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-enable-right: true;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--right">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
- Set how far from the right the right tips should be.
- Default: calc(-$tip-width - 8px);
- Type: Number
$tip-top-top-position: calc(-$tip-width - 10px);
- Set how far from the top the right tips should be.
- Default: -7px;
- Type: Number
$tip-top-right-position: -10px;
- Turn on/off the ability to show the tip on left of the trigger point. If true a class of .tip--left will be generated. This class requires .tip.
- Default: false;
- Type: Boolean
$tip-enable-left: true;
<ul class="form-thirds">
Input Field 2
<div class="tip-container">
<span class="tip-trigger">?</span>
<span class="tip tip--left">
Tip Content Here
<span class="tip__close">×</span>
<input type="text">
- Set how far from the left the left tips should be.
- Default: calc(-$tip-width - 33px);
- Type: Number
$tip-top-top-position: calc(-$tip-width - 38px);
- Set how far from the top the left tips should be.
- Default: -7px;
- Type: Number
$tip-top-right-position: -10px;