a lightweight rapper around node-pg
#artisan-pg a lighweight wrapper for node-pg.
this is a work in progress, do not attempt to use in a production env
###works out of the box with the following structure
the location of these files can be changed in /lib/config.js
###currently supports 5 functions
bake create
creates a db with the name specified in db/config.json
bake drop
drops a db with the name specified in db/config.json
bake seed
runs db/seeds/index.js#seed
bake migration [filename]
creates a migration file in db/migrations
with the syntax [filename]_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.js
containing the code:
exports.up = function() {
exports.down = function() {
bake migrate [versionNumber - optional]
runs a migration from the version specified in `db/schema.js` (defaults to 0 if no file)
runs up or down to the specified version number (runs all the way up if none specified)
saves version number in `db/schema.js`
WARNING: Running this overwrites any content in `db/schema.js` or your specified schemaFile
###example `db/config.json` file
"username": "bendyorke"
, "password": "artisan-pg"
, "database": "postgres"
, "hostname": "localhost"
, "development":
"username": "bendyorke"
, "password": "artisan-pg"
, "database": "progress_dev"
, "hostname": "localhost"
###example `db/seeds/index.js` file
exports.seed = function() { var fs = require('fs') , path = require('path')
fs .readdirSync(__dirname) .filter(function(file) { return ( (file.indexOf('.') !== 0) && (file !== 'index.js') && (file.slice(-3) === '.js') ) }) .forEach(function(file) { require(path.join(__dirname, file))() }) }