JS validation utility
JS data validation tool featuring laconic schema format and a sexy name.
See detailed usage example in usage.js
const schema = {
id: "number",
username: ["string", x => x.length < 10],
post: "string",
comments: Arstotzka.ARRAY_OF({
author: ["string", Arstotzka.OPTIONAL],
text: "string"
const goodData = {
id: 1337,
username: "mr.hands",
post: "Henlo there",
comments: [
{author: "Johnny", text: "henlo"},
{text: "hey hey"},
{author: "miles", text: "birb"},
console.log(Arstotzka.validate(goodData, schema, {allowExtraProperties: false})); // Prints an array of errors
Arstotzka is an ES6 module, so:
import * as Arstotzka from "arstotzka";
or, if you are okay with polluting namespace:
import { validate, OPTIONAL, ARRAY_OF, ANY_OF, DYNAMIC } from "arstotzka";
Schema format:
Schema is a value that can be either of
string: such schema will make validator check coresponding value's type with typeof operator, with exception of "array" constraint -- validator will treat this type as special case;
function: such schema will make validator call it, pass corresponding value to it, and log an error if returned value is falsy;
x => !isNaN(x)
,x => x.length < 10
object: object schema requires corresponding value to also be an object, and will recursively match it's properties against provided value;
{name: "string", age: x => x.length > 21}
array, which elements are any of above. That will require a value it matched against to fullfill every requirement;
["string", x => x != x.trim()]
,["number", x => x >= 0, x => x % 1 === 0]
Arstotzka.ARRAY_OF(): the function accepts any of above and returns a special constraint appliable to an array of values;
,Arstotzka.ARRAY_OF({id: "number", text: "string"})
,Arstotzka.ARRAY_OF(["number", x => x > 0])
Arstotzka.ANY_OF(): the function accepts array or vararg of schemas and returns a special constraint, which will produce a specific error only if every provided schema is violated;
Arstotzka.ANY_OF(["number", ["string", x => !isNaN(parseInt(x))]])
Arstotzka.DYNAMIC(): the function accepts a callback that should return a valid schema, allowing to define schema at runtime;
Arstotzka.DYNAMIC(x => dynSchema[x.type])
Arstotzka.OPTIONAL: unlike others, this schema doesn't imply any requirements, but prevents validator from logging an error in case it's property is not present in target object;
Applying a schema to a property that is an object can be done by combining object schema with anything via array schema;
Available options:
- allErrors (default is
) : If false, will return errors as soon as encountered, interrupting validation - allowExtraProperties (default is
) : If false, adds specific error to a list for every property of target object not present in schema
Error format
{ // Example error item:
propertyName: 'age', // Name of a property that failed validation
id: 'typeMismatch', // String describing type of an error. Can be used to localize error message
message: 'Provided type is not allowed by schema', // Error message that coressponds to error id
expected: 'number', // Arbitrary-purpose fields
got: null
All error ids and messages can be found at Arstotzka.ERRORS
Shared under WTFPL license.