Utility library for working with 2D arrays (arrays of arrays) in JavaScript
Array2D.js is a utility library for working with 2D arrays (arrays of arrays) in JavaScript. It provides a suite of 100-odd functions that make it simple to manipulate these grid-like data structures. It includes the essential tools you would expect, such as crop
, rotate
, and transpose
, as well as a slew of more specialized helpers. Array2D.js is small, standalone (no external dependencies), fully tested, and ready for use in Node.js or the browser.
Here's a quick usage example, to give a sense of Array2D.js' style.
var grid = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]];
var result = Array2D.swap(Array2D.transpose(grid), 1,1, 2,2);
// => [[1,4,7],[2,9,8],[3,6,5]]
And here's an illustration of the above operations:
1 2 3 1 4 7 1 4 7
4 5 6 transpose ~> 2 5 8 swap (1,1) with (2,2) ~> 2 9 8
7 8 9 3 6 9 3 6 5
See the unsophisticated demo page.
Features / Quick reference
Array2D.js provides the following functions. In general, each accepts an array of arrays (colloquially, a "grid") as the first argument. Arguments that take coordinate parameters receive them in row, column order (i.e., y, x). The input array is never modified; all functions whose purpose is to set/change the grid actually return a new grid.
get: Get a cell's value
set: Set a cell's value
width: Get the width of the grid (max row)
height: Get the height of the grid (max column)
dimensions: Get the grid's dimensions ([width, height]
area: Get the area of the grid (using width and height)
cells: Get the number of cells in the grid
crop: Extract a subgrid of the given dimensions from the grid
harvest: Like crop
, but can overstep the grid's bounds
rotate: Rotate the grid left/right (also lrotate
, rrotate
flip: Flip the grid vertically/horizontally (also vflip
, hflip
pan: Pan over the grid up/down/left/right (also upan
, dpan
, lpan
, rpan
slide: Slide the grid up/down/left/right (also uslide
, dslide
, lslide
, rslide
transpose: Transpose the grid (flip over its main diagonal)
antitranspose: Flip the grid over its secondary diagonal
fill: Fill all the grid's cells with a value
fillArea: Fill an area within the grid with a value
pad: Add padding to the grid on the top/bottom/left/right (also upad
, dpad
, lpad
, rpad
trim: Trim off from the grid's top/bottom/left/right (also utrim
, dtrim
, ltrim
, rtrim
stitch: Stitch two grids together (also ustitch
, dstitch
, lstitch
, rstitch
paste: Paste a grid within another grid, at the given coordinates
glue: Glue two grids together, at the given coordinates
shuffle: Rearrange the grid's cells randomly
tidy: Make the grid rectangular; fill missing cells with null
Construction / casting
clone: Clone (create a new copy of) the grid
build: Create a new grid with the given dimensions
buildWith: Create a new grid, using a cell-builder function
serialize: JSON-ify the grid
nullify: Convert all cells to null
integerize: Convert all cells to integers
stringize: Convert all cells to strings
Inspection / comparison / analysis
check: T/F whether the grid is an array of arrays
ragged: T/F whether any rows are different lengths
rectangular: T/F whether all rows are the same length
empty: T/F whether the grid has no cells
blank: T/F whether all the grid's cells are null
singular: T/F whether the grid has only one cell
multitudinous: T/F whether the grid has many cells
sparse: T/F whether the grid has any blank cells
dense: T/F whether the grid has no missing (undefined
) cells
same: Compare two grids cell by cell; T/F if they are the same
different: Compare two grids cell by cell; T/F if they are different
diff: Return the coordinates of cells that are different between two grids
contains: T/F whether the grid has any cell with the given value
includes: T/F/ whether the grid contains another grid
symmetrical: T/F whether the grid is symmetrical (also hsymmetrical
, vsymmetrical
Iteration / collection
eachCell: Iterate over every cell (row-major)
nthCell: Iterate over every nth cell (row-major)
eachRow: Iterate over every row (row-major)
eachColumn: Iterate over every column (column-major)
forArea: Iterate over an area within the grid
forRow: Iterate over the cells in a row
forColumn: Iterate over the cells in a column
flatten: Convert the grid to a flat, row-major array
squash: Convert the grid to a flat, column-major array
map: Remap the grid into a new grid, cell by cell
reduce: Reduce the grid to a flat array, row-by-row
boildown: Reduce the grid to a flat array, column-by-column
Rows / columns
row: Get the row at the given row-coordinate
column: Get the column at the given column-coordinate
top: Get the top row
bottom: Get the bottom row
left: Get the left column
right: Get the right column
widest: Get the widest row
thinnest: Get the thinnest row
tallest: Get the tallest column
shortest: Get the shortest column
setRow: Set a row to a given array
setColumn Set a column to a given array
fillRow: Fill a row with a given value
fillColumn: Fill a column with a given value
spliceRow: Insert a row
spliceColumn: Insert a column
deleteRow: Delete a row
deleteColumn: Delete a column
exists: T/F whether the cell at coordinates exists (is not undefined
occupied: T/F whether the cell at coordinates has content (is not null
inBounds: T/F/ whether the cell is within the grid's area
copy: Copy a cell from one coordinate to another
move: Move a cell from one coordinate to another
swap: Swap two cells
Location / relationships
edge: T/F whether the cell is on an edge
edges: Get the list of edges the cell is on
corner: T/F whether the cell is on a corner
corners: Get the list of corners the cell is on
boundary: T/F whether the cell is on a boundary (ragged edge)
boundaries: Get the list of (ragged) boundaries the cell is on
crook: T/F whether the cell is on a crook (ragged corner)
crooks: Get the list of (ragged) corners the cell is on
center: T/F whether the cell is the center cell
interior: T/F whether the cell is in the interior of the grid
quadrants: Get the list of coordinate-plane quadrants the cell is within
orthogonals: Get all cells orthogonally adjacent to a cell
diagonals: Get all cells diagonally adjacent to a cell
neighbors: Get all cells adjacent to a cell
neighborhood: Extract a 9x9 subgrid centered on the given cell
euclidean: Get the Euclidean distance between two cells
chebyshev: Get the Chebyshev distance between two cells
manhattan: Get the Manhattan distance between two cells
find: Get a list of the coordinates of all matching cells
contiguous: Get a list of groups of coordinates of contiguous cells
touching: Get a list of groups of coordinates of touching cells
surrounds: Get a list of coordinates of a cell's surrounding cells
Import / export
fromArray: Build a grid of the given dimensions from a flat array
fromCanvas: Convert a <canvas>
pixel data into a grid
toCanvas: Draw a grid onto a <canvas>
For complete documentation, please see the API reference.
You can install via npm:
npm install array2d
Or via Bower:
bower install array2d
Or simply download the minified source.
Pull requests are welcome.
Run the tests with:
$ mocha test
Run the benchmarks with:
$ node perf/general
See previous results in perf/
Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Trost
MIT. See LICENSE.txt in this folder.