Package to validate function arguments
A library to ease argument checking, especially complex arguments like options objects.
Node, Browserify
At command prompt
npm install argument-spec
In code
argumentSpec = require('argument-spec');
Download argument-spec.js from the most recent release at and put it in your lib directory.
var argumentSpec = require('argument-spec');
Script tag
<script type="text/javascript"
Example of Use
var write = function(file, data, fetch) {
var fileSpec = {
name:argumentSpec.every([argumentSpec.length(10), '[a-z]+']) ,
extension: "jpg|gif"
var dataSpec = {
width: argumentSpec.range(20, 500),
height: argumentSpec.range(20, 500),
buffer: argumentSpec.instance(Buffer)
var errorArray = argumentSpec.validate('file', fileSpec, file);
errorArray = errorArray.concat(argumentSpec.validate('data', dataSpec, data));
errorArray = errorArray.concat(argumentSpec.validate('fetch', function(){}, fetch));
if (errorArray.length > 0) {
throw new Error(errorArray.join('\n'));
Specification meanings
|Specification|Valid argument| -----------|---------- |undefined|anything| |''|string| |'regex'|string argument matching regex| |0 (or any number)|number| |true (or false)|boolean| |[]|any Array| |[spec]|Array all of whose elements match spec| |[spec1, spec2, ...]|Exact match for the array argument| |function(a1,a2, ...)|Argument is function with matching number of arguments| |{}|Any Object| |{key1:spec, key2:spec2,...}| Object containing key1, key2,... where each property matches the corresponding spec. Keys are included in the name part of any error message.| |argumentSpec.Base->{validate:function, spec:{key1:spec, key2:spec2,...}}| A function that validates an argument using a spec object (see below).|
Array and object specs nest.
Validation Functions
Functions and related specifications are defined as properties of objects created by the function argumentSpec.Base.
Function| definition ------------|--- some([spec1, spec2,...])| some spec is true for argument every([spec1, spec2,...])| every spec is true for argument (useful for composing specs) range(low, high)| numeric argument in low..high range (inclusive) integer()| integer (fractional part is 0) length(maxLength) | argument.length <= maxLength (argument.length must exist) instance(object)|instanceof object exact(object)|exact match for object properties, useful for options without defaults optional(object)|permit missing properties in the argument, useful for options with defaults isFalse()|argument is exactly false You can write your own validation functions. Here is an example:
* Validation function that tests if the argument is an instance of another object
var instance = function (thing) {
var instance = new Base();
instance.validate = function(name, argument) {
if (! (argument instanceof thing)) {
return [name + " is not an instance"]
return [];
return instance;