JavaScript module for handling properly typed optional function arguments
JavaScript module for handling properly typed optional function arguments.
The problem
Parsing the optional arguments on a JavaScript function call can be a complex process when number of arguments increases. Usually the code ends up looking something like this:
function functionWithOptionalArgs(optString, optNumber, optFunction) {
if(typeof optNumber === 'function') {
optFunction = optNumber;
optNumber = undefined;
if(typeof optString === 'function') {
optFunction = optString;
optString = undefined;
if(typeof optString === 'number') {
optNumber = optString;
optString = undefined;
The argShim provides a simple function wrapper that can be used for encapsulating a function call in a way that provides a consistent way for parsing and passing optional and required arguments. For example:
var argShim = require('argShim');
function functionWithOptionalArgs(optString, optNumber, optFunction) {
var argSpecs = [
var fn = argShim(argSpecs, functionWithOptionalArgs);
fn('str'); // function called with 'str', undefined, undefined
fn(42); // function called with undefined, 42, undefined
fn(function(){}); // function called with undefined, undefined, function
fn(42, function(){}); // function called with undefined, 42, function
fn('str', 42, function(){}); // function called with 'str', 42, function
Basically argShim ensures that the wrapped function is always called with full list of arguments and all missing arguments will be passed as undefined.
Required arguments can be specified by using required attribute on the argument specification objects:
var argSpecs = [
var fn = argShim(argSpecs, functionWithOptionalArgs);
fn('str'); // throws an error, required number is missing
fn(42); // function called with undefined, 42, undefined
fn(function(){}); // throws an error, required number is missing
fn(42, function(){}); // function called with undefined, 42, function
fn('str', 42, function(){}); // function called with 'str', 42, function
Default values for optional arguments can be specified with the default attribute:
var argSpecs = [
{optional:'String', default:'foo'},
var fn = argShim(argSpecs, functionWithOptionalArgs);
fn('str'); // throws an error, required number is missing
fn(42); // function called with 'foo', 42, undefined
fn(function(){}); // throws an error, required number is missing
fn(42, function(){}); // function called with 'foo', 42, function
fn('str', 42, function(){}); // function called with 'str', 42, function
Module API
The argShim module exports a single function that has the following signature:
argShim(argSpecs, wrappedFunction)
argSpecs: An array of objects that define the arguments for the resulting function. Each object must have either 1) required or 2) optional property and the property value must be 1) a string that defines the name of the class for the object or 2) an array of strings that defines all types for the object that can be accepted as the parameter at the given slot. If argument is optional it can specify an additional property called default that will be passed instead of the undefined when optional argument is missing from the call. The value must have the same type that was specified in the optional string or string array.
wrappedFunction: Function that will be called with the parsed arguments.
The return value of the argShim call is a new function that will accept all calls that specify the required and optional parameters. Issued a valid call the function will call the wrapped function with a value for each parameter. Missing parameters will have value undefined.
The resulting function will throw an Error if the function is called with arguments that do not match with the specified argument array.
If argShim is called with invalid parameters (e.g. with a non-array as the first parameter or without the wrapped function) the function will throw an Error.