Combined legend and layer list control for the Esri JS API V4. Uses React and Redux.
ArcGIS JS API V4 Legend
Combined legend and layer list control for the ArcGIS JS API V4.6+ that uses React and Redux
Run locally
grab this repo (fork / download) then run npm install
wait a while and then get running with npm start
then go to http://localhost:3000
. You can also append a webmap query paramter to load a webmap from ArcGIS Online http://localhost:3000?webmap=8e42e164d4174da09f61fe0d3f206641
If you are using 4.3 or lower of the ArcGIS JS API then make sure you use version 1.x of this control, version 2.x is for the ArcGIS API v4.4 to v4.6., version 3.x is for v4.6 or higher
To add to your site first make sure you have the dependencies installed, we assume you are using React, Redux and Esri Loader. For the full list refer to the package.json peerDependencies.
npm install esri-loader prop-types react react-dom react-redux redux redux-thunk arcgis-react-redux-legend
you can also use this with Preact by including preact-compat, see preact-legend
Now add the reducer
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {reducer as mapLegendReducer} from 'arcgis-react-redux-legend';
const reducer = combineReducers(
mapLegendConfig: mapLegendReducer
then where you are creating your map control you need to add the MapLegend component and initialise it
import {MapLegend,setInitialLegend} from 'arcgis-react-redux-legend';
// bootstrap the Esri API using esri-loader and create your view
// mapId should be the unique name / id to identify the map.
// You can add multiple maps and legends so long as the mapId is unique
this.props.dispatch(setInitialLegend(view, mapId));
// in your render function, use the ref to pass to the Esri JS API when creating the map and view
<div ref={node => (this.mapView = node)}>
<MapLegend mapId={mapId} title='My awesome legend' />
will listen for your view being ready and also watch the scale changing so that the legend scale dependency updates accordingly.
For a complete example check out the source in the docs folder for map-view
Currently supports MapImageLayers, FeatureLayers, GraphicsLayers, StreamLayers, SceneLayers, PointCloudLayers, and MapNotesLayers.