Convert numbers to their arabic counterpart and vice versa.
:sparkles: arabic-digits-converter
Convert numbers to their arabic counterpart and vice versa.
:rocket: Installation
npm install arabic-digits-converter
yarn add arabic-digits-converter
:blue_book: Usage/Examples
toArabicDigit and fromArabicDigit, both take their second argument as intOnly, it decides whether to only send numbers back or not.
- Convert numbers to their arabic counterpart.
import { toArabicDigit } from "arabic-numbers-converter";
const num = 1234567890;
// intOnly is defaulted to false.
toArabicDigit(num); // => ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠
- Convert a paragraph with intOnly set to false.
import { toArabicDigit } from "arabic-numbers-converter";
const para =
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 loream ipsum dolor s12323it am123123et, consectetasd123123ur adipiscin11g elit.";
// intOnly set to false.
toArabicDigit(para, false); // => ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩ ١٠ loream ipsum dolor s١٢٣٢٣it am١٢٣١٢٣et, consectetasd١٢٣١٢٣ur adipiscin١١g elit.
- Convert a paragraph with intOnly set to true.
import { toArabicDigit } from "arabic-numbers-converter";
const para = "abcd 123 123 123";
// intOnly set to false.
toArabicDigit(para, true); // => ١٢٣١٢٣١٢٣
toArabicDigit(para, false); // => abcd ١٢٣ ١٢٣ ١٢٣
- Convert arabic numbers to their numeral counterpart.
import { fromArabicDigit } from "arabic-numbers-converter";
fromArabicDigit("١", false); // => 1
- Convert a paragraph with numbers in betweem
const paragraphWithArabicNumbers =
`١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.`;
fromArabicDigit(paragraphWithArabicNumbers); // => '1234567890 lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'
- Convert a line with intOnly set to true
const paragraphWithArabicNumbers =
`١٢٣٤٥٦٧ ٨٩٠ lorem ipsum dolor s٢٣٤٥it amet, consec٨٩tetur adipisc٨٩ing elit.`;
fromArabicDigit(paragraphWithArabicNumbers, true); // => 123456789023458990
- If the input in fromArabicDigits is only of type number (or only contains arabic digits), or intOnly is set to true, then the output type will be of number.
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