Ui helper library for adding appwrite auth in react.js
Appwrite Authui React
Appwrite AuthUI React is a UI helper library for React.js which provides customizable and beautiful UI that make the implementation of appwrite authentication easier and simpler. It is built upon the top of Appwrite Auth
It can implement all authentication method including email&password, magicurl, phone, anonymous and OAuth and give independence to use all or some of them.
It also provides password recovery (forgot password) feature.
It also have resend link and resend recret feature in case user don't get the link, which makes it veru user friendly.
It provides great error handling and form validations feature.
Table of Contents
- Demo
- Installation
- Usage
- More Details for authOptions parameter
- Using AppwriteAuth with redirect
- Using AppwriteAuth with local state
- Changing color theme of AppwriteAuth Component
For a video demonstration of the library visit video link
For an example on how to use the Appwrite AuthUI React have a look at the example folder.
Install the appwrite-authui-react npm package in your app via npm using following command
npm install --save appwrite-authui-react
You also need to install peer dependencies appwrite and simple-react-validator
npm install appwrite simple-react-validator --save
You can then import the following modules within your source file
import { Client, Account } from 'appwrite'
import AppwriteAuth from 'appwrite-authui-react'
import 'appwrite-authui-react/dist/index.css'
Appwrite AuthUI React includes the following flows:
- Interaction with OAuth Providers such as Google and GitHub
- Sign Up and Sign In using emailand password
- Forgot Password
- Authentication using Magic URL(email link)
- Phone number based authentication
- Anonymous Sign In or continue as guest
Before getting started with the Appwrite AuthUI React you need to make some configuration based on the different authentication flows
1. Appwrite account configuration (Required for all authentication methods)
Appwrite account configuration is required for all the authentication methods
This can be done as follow
import { Client, Account } from 'appwrite'
const client = new Client()
.setEndpoint('https://[HOSTNAME_OR_IP]/v1') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('[project ID]') // Your project ID
const account = new Account(client)
For more deatils visit:
- (Installation of Appwrite)
- (Creating and configuring project in appwrite console)
2. SMS Provider Configuartion (Required for Phone number authentication)
If you are using phone number authentication in your application you need to configure a SMS provider which can delivery sms for you.
For this purpose any one among the following can be used:
- Twilio
- TextMagic
- TeleSign
- MSG91
- Vonage
For more deatils visit:
3. SMTP Configuration (Required for Forgot Password and Magic URL)
Forgot Password and Magic URL both send email to the user.
In order to deliver mails you need to setup proper SMTP configuration.
You can use 3rd-party SMTP provider like SendInBlue, MailGun, SendGrind or any other.
For more deatils visit:
4. OAuth Provider Configuartion (Required for OAuth Authentication)
For adding Google, Facebook, Amazon, LinkedIn, Github or other OAuth Sign In method you need to configure each provider you want to use in their own developer app settings.
For more deatils visit:
Adding AppwriteAuth Component
After making all necessary configuartion in your appwrite app, now you can begin with Appwrite AuthUI React
You can add AppwriteAuth component in your project as follows:
import React from 'react'
import AppwriteAuth from 'appwrite-authui-react'
import 'appwrite-authui-react/dist/index.css'
import { Client, Account } from 'appwrite'
const client = new Client()
.setEndpoint('https://[HOSTNAME_OR_IP]/v1') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('[project ID]') // Your project ID
const account = new Account(client)
const Example = () => {
return (
email: true,
phone: true,
magicurl: true,
anonymous: true,
oauth: ['google', 'github']
successUrl='[success redirect url]'
Different Parameter accepted by AppwriteAuth Component
- appwriteAccount takes the account object of appwrite (required)
- authOptions takes the object of auth options you want to use. (required)
- successUrl take the url of page where you want to redirect after successful login (optional) (default: url of current page without search params)
- theme takes the color you want to give to the auth component (optional) (default: #f02e65)
Important Points
- Importing react is important.
- Not importing CSS file will cause problem in style of auth component
- Name of auth options in authOptions parament must be in smallcase as given in above code snippet
- If you don't want redirect after successful login so don't add successUrl parameter but don't give empty string to it.
- It is preferable to put color hexcode in theme option
More Details for authOptions parameter
- For adding different oAuth providers give array of providers under oauth property like oauth : ['google', 'facebook'] in authOptions parameter
oauth: ['google', 'github']
- Available oAuth providers which you can add in you application are : amazon, apple, auth0, authentik, autodesk, bitbucket, bitly, box, dailymotion, discord, disqus, dropbox, etsy, facebook, github, gitlab, google, linkedin, microsoft, notion, okta, paypal, paypalSandbox, podio, salesforce, slack, spotify, stripe, tradeshift, tradeshiftBox, twitch, wordpress, yahoo, yammer, yandex, zoom
- Pass the name of providers in oauth array in smallcase.
Email & Password
- For adding email password auth add email : true in authOptions parameter
email: true
- Forgot password feature is inbuilt in email auth method
- For adding phone auth add phone : true in authOptions parameter
phone: true
Magic URL
- For adding magic url auth add magicurl : true in authOptions parameter
magicurl: true
Anonymous or Guest
- For adding anonymous or guest login add anonymous : true in authOptions parameter
anonymous: true
Multiple auth options
You can app multiple auth option as follow:
email: true,
anonymous: true,
oauth: ['google']
Using AppwriteAuth with redirect
If you want to redirect your application to another page after successfully signing In a user pass the success redirect url in successUrl parameter.
email: true,
phone: true
successUrl='[success redirect url]'
Using AppwriteAuth with local state
In case if you don't want to redirect after sign in but wants to change change the content of page or wants to hide AppwriteAuth component, you can use the component with local state
const Example = () => {
const [user, setUser] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
async function checkExistingUser() {
try {
const promise = await account.get()
} catch (error) {
}, [])
return !user ? (
email: true
) : (
onClick={() => {
Changing Color Theme of AppwriteAuth Component
It is the most common issue/concern that the color theme of your project don't matches the color theme of appwrite(our default theme), in this case you can pass hexcode of your theme color in theme parameter of AppwriteAuth component
For instance you want 'blue' theme
email: true,
phone: true
theme='#0000FF' //hexcode of blue
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