Selendroid integration for Appium
This driver is the Appium interface to the Selendroid test automation framework.
Using with Appium server
From the Appium server it is requested by specifying the desired capability automationName
of Selendroid
when starting a session.
Most of the Selenium methods are handled by the Selendroid framework itself. This package simply handles the setting up of the session by instrumenting the application and making sure that both the application and the Selendroid server are signed with the same keys. It then provides a method for proxying through the appium-jsonwp-proxy to the Selendroid server running on the device.
proxyReqRes (request, response)
Some methods, however, are handled locally, if they either don't work in the Selendroid implementation, or they are Appium additions that are not currently supported by Selendroid.
Methods not proxied to Selendroid
The following methods are implemented by the appium-selendroid-driver
, either in full or by appropriately fixing state and then proxying to the Selendroid server.
| Methods |
| activateIMEEngine (engine)
| availableIMEEngines ()
| background (seconds)
| closeApp ()
| deactivateIMEEngine ()
| endCoverage (intent, path)
| getActiveIMEEngine ()
| getContexts ()
| getCurrentActivity ()
| getCurrentContext ()
| getLog (type)
| getLogTypes ()
| getNetworkConnection ()
| getSettings ()
| getStrings (language, stringFile)
| hideKeyboard (strategy, key, keyCode, keyName)
| installApp (appPath)
| isAppInstalled (bundleId)
| isIMEActivated ()
| isLocked ()
| keyevent (keycode, metastate)
| keys (value)
| launchApp ()
| lock (seconds)
| longPressKeyCode (keycode, metastate)
| mobileRotation (x, y, radius, rotation, touchCount, duration, element)
| mobileShake ()
| openNotifications ()
| performMultiAction (actions, elementId)
| pressKeyCode (keycode, metastate)
| pullFile (path)
| pullFolder (path)
| pushFile (path, data)
| receiveAsyncResponse (response)
| removeApp (appId, bundleId)
| replaceValue (value)
| reset ()
| setContext (name)
| setGeoLocation (location)
| setNetworkConnection (type)
| setValue (value)
| setValueImmediate (value)
| startActivity (appPackage, appActivity)
| toggleData ()
| toggleFlightMode ()
| toggleLocationServices ()
| toggleWiFi ()
| unlock ()
| updateSettings (settings)
Custom binaries url
To use a mirror of the Selendroid driver binaries use npm config property selendroid_driver_cdnurl
Default is
npm install appium-selendroid-driver --selendroid_driver_cdnurl=
Or add the property into your .npmrc
Another option is to use PATH variable SELENDROID_DRIVER_CDNURL
SELENDROID_DRIVER_CDNURL= npm install appium-selendroid-driver
Working on the package
gulp watch
gulp once