Validate a model based on rules
Validate a model based on rules.
Built for appily an application generator but can be used by any project to validate forms or other data.
- Designed to be used in front and backend code
- No dependencies
- Supports JSON rules
- Full model validation allows complex rules
- Supports condtional validation
- Supports internationalization (i18n)
Getting started
$npm install appily-validate
How to use
validates a javascript object given a set of rules
import { validate, Validator } from 'appily-validate';
const rules = [
{ type: Validator.NotEmpty, property: 'name', message: 'required' }
const results = validate(rules, { color: 'red' });
results = {
valid: false,
properties: {
name: {
valid: false, messages: ['required']
Checks if a property on the given object is not empty
const rules = [
{ type: Validator.NotEmpty, property: 'name', message: 'required' }
Message can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Checks if a property matches a regEx, regEx can be a literal or a string
const rules = [
{ type: Validator.RegEx, property: 'name', regEx=/[A-Z][a-z]*/ message: 'Name must start with an uppercase' }
Message can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Comparison (=, <, <=, >=, >, !=)
Compares a property to another property or constant value
const rules = [
type: Validator.Comparison,
operator: '==',
property: 'confirmPassword',
compareTo: 'password',
message: 'Must match password'
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '<',
property: 'weight',
value: 250,
message: 'must be less than 250'
Supported operators are: =, <, <=, >=, >, !=
Message can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Checks the length of a property. Can use min, max and is. Can just set min or max if there is only one boundry.
const rules = [
type: Validator.Length,
property: 'zip',
is: 5,
message: 'Zip must be 5 characters'
type: Validator.Length,
property: 'name',
min: 2,
max: 100,
message: 'must 2-100 characters'
Message can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Is true if all rules are true.
const rules = [
type: Validator.And,
property: 'age',
message: 'must be between 0 and 120',
rules: [
{ type: Validator.Comparison, op: '>', property: 'age', value: 0 },
{ type: Validator.Comparison, op: '<', property: 'age', value: 120 }
- rules: can use any validator
- messages in inner rules are ignored
- message: can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Is true if one of the rules is true.
const rules = [
type: Validator.Or,
property: 'order',
message: 'must be chicken, beef or veggie',
rules: [
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'order',
value: 'chicken'
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'order',
value: 'beef'
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'order',
value: 'veggie'
- rules: can use any validator
- messages in inner rules are ignored
- message: can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Is true if rule is false.
const rules = [
type: Validator.Not,
property: 'name',
message: 'must not be Steve',
rule: {
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'name',
value: 'Steve'
- rule: can use any validator
- the message in the inner rule is ignored
- message: can be a string, object, code or i18n key
Is the results of then if the condition is true
const rules = [
type: Validator.Condition,
property: 'hasCarInsurance',
message: 'required',
condition: {
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'ownsCar',
value: true
then: {
type: Validator.Comparison,
op: '==',
property: 'hasCarInsurance',
value: true
- condition: can use any validator
- the message in the inner rule is ignored
- then: can use any validator
- the message in the inner rule is ignored
- message: can be a string, object, code or i18n key
More validators are coming soon
Custom Validators
addValidator can be used to add custom validators
addValidator takes a validator function with this signature
{ property, value, rule, model } => Boolean
Custom validators are global and can be resused throughout your app
import {addValidator, validate} from 'appily-validate'
//Make your custom validator
function eggStyleValidator({ value }) {
const styles = [
'sunny side up',
'over easy',
'hard boiled'
return styles.includes(value.toLowerCase());
validateOrder(order) {
//Register your custom validator
addValidator('EggStyle', eggStyleValidator);
const rules = [
type: 'EggStyle', //use your custom validtor in a rule
property: 'eggStyle',
message: 'Not an egg style option'
return validate(rules, model);
- Add more validators
- Range
- DateRange
- Min
- Max
- Object
- Array
- Contains
- Common regex
- phone
- zip
- Throw error on unfound validator
- Add multi rule tests
- Add global rules