Generate a new app
Generate an application form a simple json configuration. Perfect for MVP's and admin sites. Built on ideas from smalltalk and other data-model driven application creation.
Build an appilcation in minutes not months!
Alpha. We have met our alpha goals!
Appily can generate a react app that is able to perform full CRUD operations, with an Express, Postgres backend.
See change log for more details.
Getting started
$ npm install appily -g
Dev Setup
Environment Requirements
1. Node >= 14.x
2. Yarn
1. clone repo
2. $ yarn install
3. $ yarn link
$ appily config.json
"name": "video-game-app",
"models": {
"Video Game": {
"Title": "String",
"Year Published": "String"
"Publisher": {
"Name": "String"
| Property | Description | Default | | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | name | The name of your app | app | | dir | The relative directory the app will be created in | / | | api | express, indexedDB or stub | express | | db | postgres, indexedDB or none | postgres | | models | The data and relationships that make up your app, see below for more details | {} |
To use indexedDB you must set indexedDB for api and db
The above is based on the react template, you can make your own templates
models is a collection of models which are used to generate the UI, Api and DB
models {
modelName: {
"plural": modelNamePlural,
"properties": properties
You can also use the short form
models {
modelName: properties,
modelName: should be the name of your model as you want displayed in the app. It is recomended to include spaces.
Examples: "Theme Park Ride", "Car Part"...
Properties are a colection of the properties in your model.
properties {
propertyName: {type: type},
You can also use the short form
properties {
propertyName: type,
propertyName: should be the name of the model's property as you want displayed in the app. It is recomended to include spaces.
Examples: "Year Made", "Color"...
required property
To make a property required simple add an * to the end of its name
properties {
propertyName*: type,
Note the * will not be part of the properties' name
you can also do
properties {
propertyName: {type: type, required: true},
Types should be in quoutes like
properties {
propertyName: "String",
Supported types
| Type | Description | Renders As | | --------- | --------------- | ---------- | | "String" | A simple string | An Input | | "Boolean" | True or false | A Checkbox |
More types are coming
Contributors welcome
This project is in early stages and looking for contributers. See design.
Aim for progressive development with something useful asap See the road map.
- add github test badge
- add github test action (pipeline)
- add options cli option, print out options from manfesto
- add tests for cli
- try to fix nested app issue (apps don't run from manual folder - nested npm package issue confuses npm install)
- make tests cross OS
- add support for nested models
- add validation
- detect relationships
- create api/db to support this
- support single model relationship UI: add, remove
- support multi model relationship UI: add, remove
- add types
- Number - Alex calls dibs
- DateTime
- Enum
- link
- add better formatting/styling to types
- string elipses, wrapping, etc
- add spinner progress button
- internationalize app (setup)
- improve validation
- [ ] add validation on type
- [ ] Support validation rules
- add config validation for model and properties
- add cancel edit button
- move base out of express
- have docker include express server
- add logger (Pino?)
- add env support
- change createdAt, updatedAt to created_at, updated_at
- Pull validation into is own npm package
- remove shared code
- add better table filter
- add types
- tags
- address
- phone
- year
- dob
- date range
- time range
- time
- curency
- quantity
- add computed properties