Custom appID authentication application for ISH web apps
Custom appID authentication application for ISH web apps
How to publish
You must have an npm account with access to the @ish organization and must be logged in using npm adduser.
Checkout master branch and run git pull --ff-only
Reinstall dependencies: rm -rf node_modules && npm install
Bump package version using npm version
with one of these arguments:
(does not break lint): Changes to project metadata, documentation or structureminor
(does not break lint): Loosen existing rules, add a new configuration or small dependencies updatemajor
(might break lint): New rules, stricter rules or big dependencies update
Check if everything is OK and run git push --follow-tags
Publish using npm publish --access public
Local development
On the package project, create a symlink for the dependency project.
npm link
On the project were to use the local dependency to tell the application to use the local package instead, use the dependency name from the pakage.json file e.g. "appid-auth-app".
npm link appid-auth-app
Use npm unlink
when you finished with the local development.