Application Icons and colours for NSW DoE.
Single source of truth for DXP icons.
- start to use new icons for V3
- add my-community-languages-schools-program
- add my-etam, my-qplus
- add my-rbnsw
- add my-i-work-for-nsw
- add my-success-factors
- add my-scan
- fix my-training-services-rvp
- add my-urh
- added my-online-learning-tools-marketplace
- added my-tele-counselling
- added my-skills-broker
- added my-ssms
- added my-staff-mail-upgrade again
- added my-recruitment-beyond-nsw
- added my-training-services-wfd-salesforce, my-training-services-rvp
- added my-saap
- added my-rural-gap-access and my-training-services-wfd-salesforce
- added my-covid-vaccine-self-attestation and my-covid-vaccine-confirmation
- added my-staff-mail-upgrade
- added my-ttss
- added my-aware-super, my-class-cover, my-salary-package, my-school-stream, and my-wwcc
- added my-canva-for-education
- added my-professional-learning, my-attendance-matters, and my-perfect-presence
- added my-dart
- added my-pes
- changed my-tree-safety, my-sinsw-fm-web, and my-sinsw-fm-survey background color
- Added my-qtm
- Added my-tree-safety, my-sinsw-fm-web, my-sinsw-fm-survey, my-sinsw-online-portal
- Added my-scholastic-learning-zone
- Added app code mapping for VDL: my-school-digital-logbook
- Added my-accelerated-reader
- Added my-pei
- Added my-school-bytes
- Added my-school-digital-logbook
- Added my-renaissance
- Updated my-digitallearningselector icon
- Changed my-ssi background colour
- Added my-ssi
- Added my-dlrh
- Added my-inoffice
- Create bash script to automate part of the process to insert new icons
- Update background-colours
- Added my-staff-noticeboard
- Added my-statewide-staffrooms
- Added my-dart-connections
- Added my-school-sports-unit
- Added my-t4l-professional-learning-events
- Added my-t4l-podcast
- Added my-t4l-magazine
- updated my-nsw-gov
- Added my-itd-roadmap
- Added my-sre
- Added my-oscr
- updated my-HPEG
- Added my-HPEG
- Updated my-erg
- Added my-adobe-cc
- Added my-corporate-learning-center
- Added my-emh
- update nsw-gov
- Added my-ci-checklist
- Added my-seia-resources
- Added my-erg. Updated my-atso, my-plnts, my-sps and my-t4l.
- added my-t4l
- rollback compiled svgs because some apps referencing non 'my-' prefixed elements.
- recompiled svgs with app id suffixes to fix duplicate id accessiblitiy issues
- added my-plnts
- added my-evaluation-resource-hub
- added my-terminal
- added my-mma
- added my-atso
- added my-lifelauncher
- added my-zoom
- added my-dei
- added my-digitallearningselector
- added my-sentral
- added my-worldbookonline
- updated my-sps
- added my-yau
- added my-sps
- added my-scost
- added json to support iOS
- added my-sap-fiori
- updated my-alan, added my-perf-dev-non-teaching-staff
- added my-being-well, my-perf-dev-corporate-staff, my-teacher-performance-development
- added my-csaw, my-linkedin-training, my-learning-hub
- added my-edbay, my-bookboon
- added my-dls, nsw-gov logo
- added my-cas
- fix dup ids
- added my-alan, my-known-valued-cared, my-msa, my-sharepoint, my-ictplus icons
- update icon page to use relative paths to always show latest icons
- added my-master-schedule, my-my-future, and my-school-centric-delivery icons
- updated Scout icon
Related Resources
Application Icons svg:
Map between application and background colour css classes:
CSS file with css classes for app icon colours:
Map between application codes (from db) and svg icon ids
Icons insertion
The process to insert a new icon must follow these steps:
Add the icon's PDF version into PDFs folder. Filename must be the icon's name (lowercase separated by dashes).
Add the icon's SVG version into SVGs folder. Filename must be the icon's name (lowercase separated by dashes).
Add the icon's name and colour into the essentialIconsMap.json. The data must be inserted following the template:
{ ..., "my-<icon-name>": "essentials-<icon-colour>" }
From the root directory, run the command:
npm run build
Testing locally
You will need to serve the iconsheet page from a local web server so that the related js, css and svg files can be served to the page when requested.
With python installed, run the following command from the iconsheet folder:
npm run test
Then go to 'http://localhost:8000' in your web browser.
Icons deployment
Icons are deployed via npm. Before publishing a new version:
Update the version number in package.json.
npm version <update-type>
Update types can be "major", "minor", or "patch".
1.2.3 = major.minor.patch
The update type for adding new icons usually is "patch".
Update the version numbers referenced in this readme with a message about the change.
If it is the first time, you need to login to your npm account with:
npm login
Then the new version can be published:
npm publish --access public
Once published, tag the published commit (in git) with the version number.
The published files are accessed via jsdelivr:
The icon map page is deployed via npm.
The list of apps to display is derived from the object keys in essentialIconsMap.js.