Deployment helper
Thrifty incremental deploys.
Rough algorithm description:
- Figure out which files were changed since last deploy (through
git diff
). - Figure out which tasks should be executed.
- Execute tasks.
npm install -g app-deploy
Deploy app to production:
ad deploy production
Looks nice but first you need to configure!
Initial notices
is dedicated to do incremental deploy of already running app/service, first time you
should setup and run your application manually.
It's not dedicated to deploy "new app instances".
Triggers deploy config
Triggers config must be located in project root (and must be named app-deploy.json
It consists of simple rules and triggers which are used to figure out how to deploy app.
Sample config describes conditions and triggers for app-deploy
cli util:
"triggers": {
// if bower.json was changed since last deploy then execute "bower install"
"bower.json" : "bower intall",
// if bower.json was changed since last deploy then execute "npm install"
"package.json" : "npm intall",
// if there are any changed or added fiels matching database/** globa pattern
// then execute "knex migrate:latest"
"database/**" : "knex migrate:latest",
// if any local dependency which are required by any file under web/**
// were changed then execute "pm2 restart all"
"+web": "pm2 restart all"
Each "trigger" consits of condition (glob or requires matching pattern) and shell command
which will be executed if condition is true (if files diff since last deploy matches condition pattern)
Add remote server (for remote deploy)
Add remote:
ad remote add <remote name> <ssh connection string> [--env]
Example adding my-localhost-server
ad remote add my-localhost-server [email protected]:/var/www/application --env="override_some_stuff=123"
To work with remote deploys you must configure key-based ssh auth to work from your local machine to remote server.
How To Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication on a Linux Server
Now we are ready to deploy!
ad deploy my-localhost-server