A simple interface to apply features described in Gherkins to any test framework (BDD)
A Javascript testing adapter that fits with Jasmine, Mocha or any other BDD framework that uses "describe" and "it". The main goal is to provide a simple interface that process any .feature file written in Gherkin and link it with the specs.
npm install apolog --save-dev
How to integrate?
If you plan to use Apolog with Jasmine then I suggest you to do the following:
add this to the spec/helper directory
If you plan to use generators then don't forget to add this to the spec/helper directory
First helper gives you the freedom to write
feature(/Some feature.../, function() {
scenario(/Some scenario.../, function() {
// ...
Instead of
var apolog = require('apolog');
apolog.feature(/Some feature.../, function() {
apolog.scenario(/Some scenario.../, function() {
// ...
Check documentation about the second helper
For Mocha you should add similar code.
A simple example
Lets consider the first example given at cucumber.io
Feature: Refund item
Scenario: Jeff returns a faulty microwave
Given Jeff has bought a microwave for $100
And he has a receipt
When he returns the microwave
Then Jeff should be refunded $100
Step by step:
- npm install apolog jasmine --save-dev
- create features directory and add this file
- follow the instructions above "How to integrate?"
- add this file to the spec directory
- optionally, set the script for testing at package.json
- run tests "npm test"
As you noticed in the .spec.js are defined every step given at .feature file. Also, .spec.js points to the .feature file by calling loadFeature(...); so after loading one or more features you've to run the story against the definitions by calling run().
Internally run() matches all the definitions with the loaded features and finally resets everything. By this reason, run() must be the last thing that should be called at any .spec.js file.
Also run() returns an array with possible errors, i.e. if run() === [] then no errors were found, and all definitions matched each line from .feature file. But, if run !== [] then some errors ocurred silently. So, check everytime if errors were found after running run()