Command line tool for Apollo GraphQL
Apollo CLI
[2022-01-21] Note - Upcoming Deprecation Plans: We (Apollo) are working towards fully deprecating this repository and its related projects. Most of the functionality in this repository has been replaced by newer projects and the rest will be soon. We'll share detailed migration documentation when everything here is ready to be officially deprecated, but just a heads up in case you're planning on adopting anything here for a new project (which you still can of course if the tooling here works for you - support for this tooling will be minimal however).
[2021-07-23] Note - Housekeeping: Apollo's GraphQL VSCode extension is no longer housed in this repository. It is now maintained separately in this repo.
Apollo CLI brings together your GraphQL clients and servers with tools for validating your schema, linting your operations for compatibility with your server, and generating static types for improved client-side type safety.
Disclaimer: The following API documentation is only for the latest version released on NPM, and may not be accurate for previous or future versions.
$ npm install -g apollo
$ apollo COMMAND
running command...
$ apollo (-v|--version|version)
apollo/2.34.0 linux-x64 node-v16.15.0
$ apollo --help [COMMAND]
$ apollo COMMAND
apollo client:check
apollo client:codegen [OUTPUT]
apollo client:download-schema OUTPUT
apollo client:extract OUTPUT
apollo client:push
apollo help [COMMAND]
apollo plugins
apollo plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
apollo plugins:install PLUGIN...
apollo plugins:link PLUGIN
apollo plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
apollo plugins:update
apollo service:check
apollo service:delete
apollo service:download OUTPUT
apollo service:list
apollo service:push
apollo client:check
Check a client project against a pushed service
$ apollo client:check
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID for the graph in Apollo to operate client commands with. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant of the graph in Apollo to associate this client to
--clientName=clientName Name of the client that the queries will be attached to
--clientReferenceId=clientReferenceId Reference id for the client which will match ids from client traces, will use
clientName if not provided
--clientVersion=clientVersion The version of the client that the queries will be attached to
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--excludes=excludes Glob of files to exclude for GraphQL operations. Caveat: this doesn't currently
work in watch mode
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to
add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the
`--header` flag.
--includes=includes Glob of files to search for GraphQL operations. This should be used to find
queries *and* any client schema extensions
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--queries=queries Deprecated in favor of the includes flag
--tagName=tagName Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals containing
GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
See code: src/commands/client/check.ts
apollo client:codegen [OUTPUT]
[DEPRECATED] Generate static types for GraphQL queries. Can use the published schema in the Apollo registry or a downloaded schema.
$ apollo client:codegen [OUTPUT]
Directory to which generated files will be written.
- For TypeScript/Flow generators, this specifies a directory relative to each source file by default.
- For TypeScript/Flow generators with the "outputFlat" flag is set, and for the Swift generator, this specifies a
file or directory (absolute or relative to the current working directory) to which:
- a file will be written for each query (if "output" is a directory)
- all generated types will be written
- For all other types, this defines a file (absolute or relative to the current working directory) to which all
generated types are written.
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID for the graph in Apollo to operate client commands with. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant of the graph in Apollo to associate this client to
--[no-]addTypename [default: true] Automatically add __typename to your queries, can be unset
with --no-addTypename
--clientName=clientName Name of the client that the queries will be attached to
--clientReferenceId=clientReferenceId Reference id for the client which will match ids from client traces, will
use clientName if not provided
--clientVersion=clientVersion The version of the client that the queries will be attached to
--customScalarsPrefix=customScalarsPrefix Include a prefix when using provided types for custom scalars
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--excludes=excludes Glob of files to exclude for GraphQL operations. Caveat: this doesn't
currently work in watch mode
--globalTypesFile=globalTypesFile By default, TypeScript will put a file named "globalTypes.ts" inside the
"output" directory. Set "globalTypesFile" to specify a different path.
Alternatively, set "tsFileExtension" to modify the extension of the file,
for example "d.ts" will output "globalTypes.d.ts"
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times
to add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using
the `--header` flag.
--includes=includes Glob of files to search for GraphQL operations. This should be used to find
queries *and* any client schema extensions
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--localSchemaFile=localSchemaFile Path to one or more local GraphQL schema file(s), as introspection result
or SDL. Supports comma-separated list of paths (ex.
--mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads Merge fragment fields onto its enclosing type
--namespace=namespace The namespace to emit generated code into.
--omitDeprecatedEnumCases Omit deprecated enum cases from generated code [Swift only]
--only=only Parse all input files, but only output generated code for the specified
file [Swift only]
--operationIdsPath=operationIdsPath Path to an operation id JSON map file. If specified, also stores the
operation ids (hashes) as properties on operation types [currently
--outputFlat By default, TypeScript/Flow will put each generated file in a directory
next to its source file using the value of the "output" as the directory
name. Set "outputFlat" to put all generated files in the directory relative
to the current working directory defined by "output".
--passthroughCustomScalars Use your own types for custom scalars
--queries=queries Deprecated in favor of the includes flag
--suppressDeprecationWarning Silence the deprecation warning output by the codegen command
--suppressSwiftMultilineStringLiterals Prevents operations from being rendered as multiline strings [Swift only]
--tagName=tagName Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals
containing GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
--target=target (required) Type of code generator to use (swift | typescript | flow | scala
| json | json-modern (exposes raw json types))
--tsFileExtension=tsFileExtension By default, TypeScript will output "ts" files. Set "tsFileExtension" to
specify a different file extension, for example "d.ts"
--useFlowExactObjects Use Flow exact objects for generated types [flow only]
--useFlowReadOnlyTypes Use read only types for generated types [flow only]. **Deprecated in favor
of `useReadOnlyTypes`.**
--useReadOnlyTypes Use read only types for generated types [flow | typescript]
--watch Watch for file changes and reload codegen
$ apollo codegen:generate
See code: src/commands/client/codegen.ts
apollo client:download-schema OUTPUT
Download a schema from Apollo or a GraphQL endpoint in JSON or SDL format
$ apollo client:download-schema OUTPUT
OUTPUT [default: schema.json] Path to write the introspection result to. Can be `.graphql`, `.gql`, `.graphqls`, or
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID for the graph in Apollo to operate client commands with. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant of the graph in Apollo to associate this client to
--clientName=clientName Name of the client that the queries will be attached to
--clientReferenceId=clientReferenceId Reference id for the client which will match ids from client traces, will use
clientName if not provided
--clientVersion=clientVersion The version of the client that the queries will be attached to
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--excludes=excludes Glob of files to exclude for GraphQL operations. Caveat: this doesn't currently
work in watch mode
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to
add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the
`--header` flag.
--includes=includes Glob of files to search for GraphQL operations. This should be used to find
queries *and* any client schema extensions
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--queries=queries Deprecated in favor of the includes flag
--tagName=tagName Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals containing
GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
See code: src/commands/client/download-schema.ts
apollo client:extract OUTPUT
Extract queries from a client
$ apollo client:extract OUTPUT
OUTPUT [default: manifest.json] Path to write the extracted queries to
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID for the graph in Apollo to operate client commands with. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant of the graph in Apollo to associate this client to
--clientName=clientName Name of the client that the queries will be attached to
--clientReferenceId=clientReferenceId Reference id for the client which will match ids from client traces, will use
clientName if not provided
--clientVersion=clientVersion The version of the client that the queries will be attached to
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--excludes=excludes Glob of files to exclude for GraphQL operations. Caveat: this doesn't currently
work in watch mode
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to
add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the
`--header` flag.
--includes=includes Glob of files to search for GraphQL operations. This should be used to find
queries *and* any client schema extensions
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--preserveStringAndNumericLiterals Disable redaction of string and numerical literals. Without this flag, these
values will be replaced with empty strings (`''`) and zeroes (`0`)
respectively. This redaction is intended to avoid inadvertently outputting
potentially personally identifiable information (e.g. embedded passwords or
API keys) into operation manifests
--queries=queries Deprecated in favor of the includes flag
--tagName=tagName Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals containing
GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
See code: src/commands/client/extract.ts
apollo client:push
Register operations with Apollo, adding them to the safelist
$ apollo client:push
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID for the graph in Apollo to operate client commands with. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant of the graph in Apollo to associate this client to
--clientName=clientName Name of the client that the queries will be attached to
--clientReferenceId=clientReferenceId Reference id for the client which will match ids from client traces, will use
clientName if not provided
--clientVersion=clientVersion The version of the client that the queries will be attached to
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--excludes=excludes Glob of files to exclude for GraphQL operations. Caveat: this doesn't currently
work in watch mode
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to
add multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the
`--header` flag.
--includes=includes Glob of files to search for GraphQL operations. This should be used to find
queries *and* any client schema extensions
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--queries=queries Deprecated in favor of the includes flag
--tagName=tagName Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals containing
GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
See code: src/commands/client/push.ts
apollo help [COMMAND]
display help for apollo
$ apollo help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
apollo plugins
List installed plugins.
$ apollo plugins
--core Show core plugins.
$ apollo plugins
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
Displays installation properties of a plugin.
$ apollo plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
PLUGIN [default: .] Plugin to inspect.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
$ apollo plugins:inspect myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo plugins:install PLUGIN...
Installs a plugin into the CLI.
$ apollo plugins:install PLUGIN...
PLUGIN Plugin to install.
-f, --force Run yarn install with force flag.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Can be installed from npm or a git url.
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.
$ apollo plugins:add
$ apollo plugins:install myplugin
$ apollo plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
$ apollo plugins:install someuser/someplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo plugins:link PLUGIN
Links a plugin into the CLI for development.
$ apollo plugins:link PLUGIN
PATH [default: .] path to plugin
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.
e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.
$ apollo plugins:link myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
Removes a plugin from the CLI.
$ apollo plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
$ apollo plugins:unlink
$ apollo plugins:remove
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo plugins:update
Update installed plugins.
$ apollo plugins:update
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-v, --verbose
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
apollo service:check
[DEPRECATED] Check a service against known operation workloads to find breaking changes
$ apollo service:check
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID of the graph in Apollo to check your proposed
schema changes against. Overrides config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant to check the proposed schema against
--author=author The author to associate with this proposed schema
--branch=branch The branch name to associate with this check
--commitId=commitId The SHA-1 hash of the commit to associate with this
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be
used multiple times to add multiple headers. NOTE: The
`--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header`
--ignoreFailures Exit with status 0 when the check completes, even if
errors are found
--json Output result in json, which can then be parsed by CLI
tools such as jq.
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--localSchemaFile=localSchemaFile Path to one or more local GraphQL schema file(s), as
introspection result or SDL. Supports comma-separated
list of paths (ex.
--markdown Output result in markdown.
--queryCountThreshold=queryCountThreshold Minimum number of requests within the requested time
window for a query to be considered.
--queryCountThresholdPercentage=queryCountThresholdPercentage Number of requests within the requested time window for
a query to be considered, relative to total request
count. Expected values are between 0 and 0.05 (minimum
5% of total request volume)
--serviceName=serviceName Provides the name of the implementing service for a
federated graph. This flag will indicate that the
schema is a partial schema from a federated service
--validationPeriod=validationPeriod The size of the time window with which to validate the
schema against. You may provide a number (in seconds),
or an ISO8601 format duration for more granularity
(see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations)
DEPRECATED: This command will be removed from the `apollo` CLI in
its next major version. Replacement functionality is available in
the new Apollo Rover CLI: https://go.apollo.dev/t/migration
$ apollo schema:check
See code: src/commands/service/check.ts
apollo service:delete
[DEPRECATED] Delete a federated service from Apollo and recompose remaining services
$ apollo service:delete
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID of the graph in Apollo for which to delete an implementing service. Overrides config
file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant to delete the implementing service from
-y, --yes Bypass confirmation when deleting a service
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to add multiple
headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header` flag.
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--serviceName=serviceName (required) Provides the name of the implementing service for a federated graph
DEPRECATED: This command will be removed from the `apollo` CLI in
its next major version. Replacement functionality is available in
the new Apollo Rover CLI: https://go.apollo.dev/t/migration
See code: src/commands/service/delete.ts
apollo service:download OUTPUT
[DEPRECATED] Download the schema from your GraphQL endpoint.
$ apollo service:download OUTPUT
OUTPUT [default: schema.json] Path to write the introspection result to. Supports .json output only.
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID of the graph in the Apollo registry for which to download the schema for. Overrides
config file if provided.
-k, --skipSSLValidation Allow connections to an SSL site without certs
-v, --variant=variant The variant to download the schema of
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to add multiple
headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header` flag.
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
DEPRECATED: This command will be removed from the `apollo` CLI in
its next major version. Replacement functionality is available in
the new Apollo Rover CLI: https://go.apollo.dev/t/migration
$ apollo schema:download
See code: src/commands/service/download.ts
apollo service:list
[DEPRECATED] List the services in a graph
$ apollo service:list
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID of the graph in the Apollo registry for which to list implementing services. Overrides
config file if set.
-v, --variant=variant The variant to list implementing services for
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to add multiple
headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header` flag.
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
DEPRECATED: This command will be removed from the `apollo` CLI in
its next major version. Replacement functionality is available in
the new Apollo Rover CLI: https://go.apollo.dev/t/migration
See code: src/commands/service/list.ts
apollo service:push
[DEPRECATED] Push a service definition to Apollo
$ apollo service:push
-c, --config=config Path to your Apollo config file
-g, --graph=graph The ID of the graph in Apollo to publish your service to. Overrides config file if
-v, --variant=variant The variant to publish your service to in Apollo
--author=author The author to associate with this publication
--branch=branch The branch name to associate with this publication
--commitId=commitId The SHA-1 hash of the commit to associate with this publication
--endpoint=endpoint The URL for the CLI use to introspect your service
--header=header Additional header to send during introspection. May be used multiple times to add
multiple headers. NOTE: The `--endpoint` flag is REQUIRED if using the `--header`
--key=key The API key to use for authentication to Apollo
--localSchemaFile=localSchemaFile Path to one or more local GraphQL schema file(s), as introspection result or SDL.
Supports comma-separated list of paths (ex.
--serviceName=serviceName Provides the name of the implementing service for a federated graph
--serviceRevision=serviceRevision Provides a unique revision identifier for a change to an implementing service on a
federated service push. The default of this is a git sha
--serviceURL=serviceURL Provides the url to the location of the implementing service for a federated graph
DEPRECATED: This command will be removed from the `apollo` CLI in
its next major version. Replacement functionality is available in
the new Apollo Rover CLI: https://go.apollo.dev/t/migration
$ apollo schema:publish
See code: src/commands/service/push.ts
The Apollo CLI and VS Code extension can be configured with an Apollo config file. Apollo configuration is stored as a plain object in an apollo.config.js
file which exports the configuration. For more information about configuring an Apollo project, see: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/devtools/apollo-config/.
Note: the use of the
key in the project's package.json file for configuration is deprecated, and will no longer be supported in Apollo v3
You'll need to set up your Apollo configuration for all the features of the Apollo CLI and VS Code extension to work correctly. For full details on how to do that, visit our docs. A basic configuration (apollo.config.js
style) looks something like this:
module.exports = {
client: {
name: "My Client Project",
service: "my-service-name"
Code Generation
Accompanying Libraries
See Apollo iOS for details on the mapping from GraphQL results to Swift types, as well as runtime support for executing queries and mutations. For Scala, see React Apollo Scala.js for details on how to use generated Scala code in a Scala.js app with Apollo Client.
template support
If the source file for generation is a JavaScript or TypeScript file, the codegen will try to extrapolate the queries inside the gql tag templates.
The tag name is configurable using the CLI --tagName
Typescript and Flow
When using the codegen command with Typescript or Flow, make sure to add the __typename
introspection field to every selection set within your graphql operations.
If you're using a client like apollo-client
that does this automatically for your GraphQL operations, pass in the --addTypename
option to apollo codegen:generate
to make sure the generated Typescript and Flow types have the __typename
field as well. This is required to ensure proper type generation support for GraphQLUnionType
and GraphQLInterfaceType
Why is the __typename field required?
Using the type information from the GraphQL schema, we can infer the possible types for fields. However, in the case of a GraphQLUnionType
or GraphQLInterfaceType
, there are multiple types that are possible for that field. This is best modeled using a disjoint union with the __typename
as the discriminant.
For example, given a schema:
interface Character {
name: String!
type Human implements Character {
homePlanet: String
type Droid implements Character {
primaryFunction: String
Whenever a field of type Character
is encountered, it could be either a Human or Droid. Human and Droid objects
will have a different set of fields. Within your application code, when interacting with a Character
you'll want to make sure to handle both of these cases.
Given this query:
query Characters {
characters(episode: NEW_HOPE) {
... on Human {
... on Droid {
Apollo Codegen will generate a union type for Character.
export type CharactersQuery = {
characters: Array<
| {
__typename: "Human",
name: string,
homePlanet: ?string
| {
__typename: "Droid",
name: string,
primaryFunction: ?string
This type can then be used as follows to ensure that all possible types are handled:
function CharacterFigures({ characters }: CharactersQuery) {
return characters.map(character => {
switch (character.__typename) {
case "Human":
return (
case "Droid":
return (
This repo is composed of multiple packages. The apollo-cli
contains the core CLI commands. The apollo-codegen-core
package contains all the compiler APIs needed to implement code generation support for new languages. The other apollo-codegen-*
packages implement code generation support for individual languages.
Running tests locally:
npm install
npm test
You can also run npm
commands within package folders after you have bootstrapped the repository (part of npm install
Note: if you have issues, try
npm run clean && npm i
to get a fresh install of the packages. Occasionally problems arise when removed dependencies stay around
Nock tests
To display the debugging messages for nock, run the following command:
DEBUG=nock.* npm test
It can also be helpful to print standard out during testing. To enable logging, add the following configuration to the stdout
function call during test creation:
.stdout({ print: true })
Active Development / Debugging
To simplify the development process, you may want to step through and debug commands whose behavior you're modifying. To do this, run the executable with node in debug mode like so, where <command>
is a valid CLI command like client:check
or service:push
node --inspect-brk=9002 packages/apollo/bin/run <command>
If you're using VS Code, you can run the included "Attach to CLI Debugger" launch task and debug right from VS Code! Otherwise, you may use the Chrome inspector or other Node debugger of your choice.
Regenerating Mocked Network Data
Some integration tests rely on mocked server data (service:check for example). Mock data is generated by making real network requests and recording those requests with nock
's recording feature. Stop mocking network calls and add nock.recorder.rec()
before network calls are made. For service:check
, change apiKey
to a real Apollo API key. Then run the tests and nock will output code to mock requests to the console. You can (and probably should) pare down the request to be less brittle (by only checking for an operation name, for example). See src/commands/service/__tests__/check.test.ts
for an example of how a mocked network request will look.
- Make sure the
is updated with all changes committed since the last release. Make sure the versions for each package to update are correct. - Run
npm run release:version-bump -- <bumpish>
- Can use major, minor, patch, prepatch, etc for the bump type. If not used, the command will prompt and ask for the bump type.
- This command updates git tags locally and on GitHub
- Run npm run release:start-ci-publish locally
- IMPORTANT: If publishing a prerelease (like
), set the tag that NPM will use to publish with theAPOLLO_DIST_TAG
environment variable. By default, if this isn't set, NPM will publish the prerelease to thelatest
tag (which isn't what we'd want). - Pushes a
tag to GitHub to trigger circle CI build
- IMPORTANT: If publishing a prerelease (like
- Circle will notify the appropriate Apollo team slack channel when ready to release
- Slack channel member will confirm through the Apollo Deploy Bot
- Circle will release to all channels (npm, cli binary to s3, vscode marketplace)
- Another slack bot notification will confirm success of release.
- @JakeDawkins (Apollo)