Copy your server APIs to client without pain
Publish API from server to client and vice versa.
Server example
var apipub = require('apipub/server');
var express = require('express');
var promisify = require('bluebird').promisifyAll;
// promise API is preferred, but callback-style works too
var fs = promisify(require('fs'));
var app = express();
// create websocket RPC endpoint at /
apipub(app, '/', function (client) {
// mount whole `fs` library
client.mount('fs', fs);
// per client state and access control example
var authed = false;
client.mount('auth', function (pass) {
authed = pass == 'ossifrage';
client.mount('get', function (path) {
if (!authed) {
return Promise.reject('foo!');
return fs.readFileAsync(path).then(function (buf) {
return Promise.resolve(buf.toString());
// mount some object
client.mount('test', {a: 1, b: 2});
// when client connects, get its api
client.on('join', function (api) {
// call client-side mounted function
api.console.log('Hello, client!');
// something happened
client.on('error', function (err) {
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + "/index.htm");
app.listen('80', 'localhost');
Client example (browserify)
var apipub = require('apipub/client');
var Q = require('q');
var someFilePath = '.../file.txt';
// connect to current server to the / endpoint
apipub('/', function (server) {
// mount `console` object
server.mount('console', console);
// when we've connected to the server
server.on('join', function (api) {
// nice syntax for promise-based computations
// to use generators in older browsers you would need
// to add `babelify` transform to `browserify`
Q.spawn(function* () {
// call something from fs
api.fs.readFile(someFilePath, function (err, data) {
console.log(err, data);
// promise-style call
// mention that previously string-returning toString() returns a Promise now
console.log(yield (yield api.fs.readFileAsync(someFilePath)).toString());
// call with correct auth token
yield api.auth('ossifrage');
console.log(yield api.get(someFilePath));
// call with wrong auth token
yield api.auth('squeamish');
console.log(yield api.get(someFilePath));
// test object
console.log(api.test.a, api.test.b);