apigee-helper is a small Node CLI that helps Apigee Eng make their life easier while they're developing in a local env and have to deploy on private Apigee edge env
apigee-helper is a small Node CLI that helps Apigee Eng make their life easier while they're developing in a local env and have to deploy on private Apigee edge env
Run npx apigee-helper
to see all the commands available
- Prepare for bundle
When you are developing localy and want to deploy to a private Apigee edge instance, you have to bundle your proxy into a .zip archive and upload it, and to do so you must create a custom XML file to define your proxy information and the policies for your proxy, it's like a proxy definition,
This command will generate this file for you
npx apigee-helper prepareToBundle [proxyPath] --displayName <string> -v <reveisionNumber> --basePath <proxyBasePath> --createdBy <creatorEmail>
- proxyPath is the directory where your proxy lies in (where the 3 main folders exists, policies,proxies,targets)
- Extract Varaibles From XML This command asks you for a XML Payloa dand generate a EV policy for you :-)
npx apigee-helper extractFromXML [proxyPath] --name <policyName>