Display and interact with the Anypoint Platform from the command line.
$ npm install -g @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-v4
$ anypoint-cli-v4 COMMAND
running command...
$ anypoint-cli-v4 (-v|--version|version)
@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-v4/4.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v16.14.2
$ anypoint-cli-v4 --help [COMMAND]
$ anypoint-cli-v4 COMMAND
anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:list
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:create NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:list
anypoint-cli-v4 account:user:describe
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:add APIINSTANCEID NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:list APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:autodiscovery APIINSTANCEID GATEWAYVERSION
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:change-specification APIINSTANCEID ASSETVERSION
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:classify DESTENVNAME APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:delete APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deploy APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deprecate APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:describe APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:download-proxy APIINSTANCEID TARGETPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:edit APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:list
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:manage ASSETID ASSETVERSION
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:promote APIINSTANCEID SOURCEENVID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:redeploy APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:undeprecate APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:contract:delete APIINSTANCEID CLIENTID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:contract:list APIINSTANCEID [SEARCHTEXT]
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:apply APIINSTANCEID POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:describe POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:disable APIINSTANCEID POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:edit APIINSTANCEID POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:enable APIINSTANCEID POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:list [APIINSTANCEID]
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:remove APIINSTANCEID POLICYID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:tier:add APIINSTANCEID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:tier:delete APIINSTANCEID TIERID
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:tier:list APIINSTANCEID [SEARCHTEXT]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:add NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:allowlist:remove NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:create [NAME] [VPC] [CERTIFICATE] [PRIVATEKEY]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:disable NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:dynamic-ips:enable NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:list
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:add NAME INPUTURI APPNAME APPURI [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:describe NAME [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:mappings:remove NAME INDEX [CERTIFICATENAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:add NAME CERTIFICATE PRIVATEKEY
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:describe NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:remove NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:ssl-endpoint:setDefault NAME CERTIFICATENAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:start [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:stop [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:add NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:load-balancer:whitelist:remove NAME CIDRBLOCK
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:region:list [FILE]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:add VPC BUSINESSGROUPS...
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:business-groups:remove VPC BUSINESSGROUPS...
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:create NAME REGION CIDRBLOCK [ENVIRONMENTS]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:set NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:dns-servers:unset NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:environments:add VPC ENVIRONMENTS...
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:environments:remove VPC ENVIRONMENTS...
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:add VPC CIDRBLOCK PROTOCOL FROMPORT TOPORT
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:describe NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:firewall-rules:remove VPC INDEX
anypoint-cli-v4 cloudhub:vpc:list
anypoint-cli-v4 conf [KEY] [VALUE]
anypoint-cli-v4 datagraph:load-balancer-config:add DLBURL
anypoint-cli-v4 datagraph:load-balancer-config:describe
anypoint-cli-v4 datagraph:load-balancer-config:remove
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:create NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:download NAME TARGETDIR
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:list [SEARCHTEXT]
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:publish NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 designcenter:project:upload NAME PROJDIR
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:copy SOURCE TARGET
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:delete ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:deprecate ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:describe ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:download [ASSETIDENTIFIER] [DIRECTORY]
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:list [SEARCHTEXT]
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:modify ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:mutableDataUpload ASSETIDENTIFIER [PROPERTIES]
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:delete ASSETIDENTIFIER [PAGENAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:download ASSETIDENTIFIER DIRECTORY [PAGENAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:list ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:modify ASSETIDENTIFIER PAGENAME
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:update ASSETIDENTIFIER PAGENAME MDPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:page:upload ASSETIDENTIFIER PAGENAME MDPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:resource:delete ASSETIDENTIFIER RESOURCEPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:resource:download ASSETIDENTIFIER RESOURCEPATH FILEPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:resource:list ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:resource:upload ASSETIDENTIFIER FILEPATH
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:undeprecate ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:updateStatus ASSETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 exchange:asset:upload ASSETIDENTIFIER [PROPERTIES]
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:api:evaluate
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:api:inspect INPUT
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:api:validate SPEC
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:document RULESET FILE
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:profile:create PROFILE-NAME RULESET-ASSET-IDENTIFIERS
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:profile:delete PROFILE-ID
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:profile:info PROFILEID
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:profile:list
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:profile:update PROFILEID
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:ruleset:clone RULESET TITLE DESCRIPTION
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:ruleset:info RULESET
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:ruleset:init SCHEMA
anypoint-cli-v4 governance:ruleset:validate RULESET
anypoint-cli-v4 help [COMMAND]
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:inspect PLUGIN...
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:install PLUGIN...
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:link PLUGIN
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
anypoint-cli-v4 plugins:update
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:deploy NAME DEPLOYMENTTARGETID RUNTIMEVERSION ARTIFACTID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:describe APPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:download-logs APPID SPECID DIRECTORY
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:logs APPID SPECID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:modify APPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:start APPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:application:stop APPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert-history:describe [NAME]
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-alert:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy SOURCE TARGET
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:copy-replace SOURCE TARGET
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:deploy NAME ZIPFILE
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:describe NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:download-logs NAME DIRECTORY
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:modify NAME [ZIPFILE]
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:restart APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:revert-runtime NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:start APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:stop APPLICATIONNAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cloudhub-application:tail-logs NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:add:server CLUSTERID SERVERID [SERVERIP]
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:create NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:delete CLUSTERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:describe CLUSTERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:modify CLUSTERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:cluster:remove:server CLUSTERID SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:rtf:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:server:delete SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:server:describe SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:server:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:server:modify SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:server:token
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:add:server SERVERGROUPID SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:create NAME [SERVERIDS]
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:delete SERVERGROUPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:describe SERVERGROUPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:modify SERVERGROUPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:serverGroup:remove:server SERVERGROUPID SERVERID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:create NAME
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:describe ALERTID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:modify ALERTID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:artifact IDENTIFIER DIRECTORY
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:copy SOURCE TARGET TARGETIDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:delete IDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:deploy TARGETIDENTIFIER NAME ZIPFILE
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:describe APPID
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:list
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:modify IDENTIFIER [ZIPFILE]
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:restart IDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:start IDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 runtime-mgr:standalone-application:stop IDENTIFIER
anypoint-cli-v4 version
anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:describe [NAME]
Show details of a business group. If "name" is omitted, defaults to the current session's business group
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:describe [NAME] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show details of a business group. If "name" is omitted, defaults to the current session's business group
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:list
Lists business groups
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:business-group:list [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>] [--client_secret
<value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
[-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists business groups
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:create NAME
Create new environment
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:create [NAME] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h] [-t <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<value> Environment type. Supported Values: design, production, sandbox
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create new environment
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:delete NAME
Delete an environment
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:delete [NAME] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete an environment
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:describe [NAME]
Show details of an environment. If "name" is omitted, defaults to the current session's environment.
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:describe [NAME] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show details of an environment. If "name" is omitted, defaults to the current session's environment.
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:list
Lists environments
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:environment:list [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>] [--client_secret
<value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
[-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists environments
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 account:user:describe
Show account details
$ anypoint-cli-v4 account:user:describe [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>] [--client_secret
<value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
[-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show account details
See code: anypoint-cli-account-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:add APIINSTANCEID NAME
Create API instance alert
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:add [APIINSTANCEID] [NAME] --severity Info|Warning|Critical --type
request-count|response-code|policy-violation|response-time --operator gt|lt|eq --threshold <value> --periods <value>
--duration <value> --durationUnit days|hours|minutes [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h] [--enabled] [--recipient <value>] [--email <value>] [--responseTime <value>] [--responseCode
<value>] [--policyId <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--duration=<value> (required) Condition occurrence period duration
--durationUnit=<option> (required) Condition occurrence period duration unit
<options: days|hours|minutes>
--email=<value> Email to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple
--enabled Whether alert should be enabled
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--operator=<option> (required) Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold
<options: gt|lt|eq>
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--periods=<value> (required) Number of consecutive periods condition should occur for
--policyId=<value> ID of a policy applied to API instance to trigger "policy-violation" alert type
--recipient=<value> Username to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple
--responseCode=<value> Response codes to trigger "response-code" alert type. Can be used multiple times to
specify multiple codes
--responseTime=<value> Response time to trigger "response-time" alert type
--severity=<option> (required) Alert severity
<options: Info|Warning|Critical>
--threshold=<value> (required) Condition occurrences threshold number
--type=<option> (required) Alert type/condition
<options: request-count|response-code|policy-violation|response-time>
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create API instance alert
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:list APIINSTANCEID
List alerts for an API instance
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:alert:list [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--limit=<value> [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
--offset=<value> Offset
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--sort=<value> [default: id] Field to sort results
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List alerts for an API instance
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:autodiscovery APIINSTANCEID GATEWAYVERSION
Show details of an API autodiscovery
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:autodiscovery [APIINSTANCEID] [GATEWAYVERSION] [--username <value>] [--password <value>]
[--client_id <value>] [--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show details of an API autodiscovery
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:change-specification APIINSTANCEID ASSETVERSION
Change asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:change-specification [APIINSTANCEID] [ASSETVERSION] [--username <value>] [--password <value>]
[--client_id <value>] [--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Change asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:classify DESTENVNAME APIINSTANCEID
Classify an API instance in a given environment
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:classify [DESTENVNAME] [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>]
[--client_id <value>] [--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Classify an API instance in a given environment
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:delete APIINSTANCEID
Deletes an API
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:delete [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Deletes an API
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deploy APIINSTANCEID
Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deploy [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [--target <value>] [--applicationName <value>] [--environmentName <value>] [--gatewayVersion
<value>] [--overwrite]
--applicationName=<value> Application name
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--environmentName=<value> Target environment name. Must be provided to deploy APIs from unclassified environments.
--gatewayVersion=<value> Cloudhub Gateway version [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--overwrite Update application if exists
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--target=<value> Hybrid or RTF deployment target ID
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deprecate APIINSTANCEID
Deprecate an API instance
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:deprecate [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Deprecate an API instance
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:describe APIINSTANCEID
Show details of an API
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:describe [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-h] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show details of an API
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:download-proxy APIINSTANCEID TARGETPATH
Download API proxy zip file to a local directory
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:download-proxy [APIINSTANCEID] [TARGETPATH] [--username <value>] [--password <value>]
[--client_id <value>] [--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--gatewayVersion <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--gatewayVersion=<value> Gateway Version. Defaults to the latest version. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Download API proxy zip file to a local directory
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:edit APIINSTANCEID
Edit an API instance
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:edit [APIINSTANCEID] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>]
[--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>]
[--collectMetrics] [-p] [-r] [-m] [--deploymentType cloudhub|hybrid|rtf] [--uri <value>] [--scheme http|https]
[--port <value>] [--path <value>] [--providerId <value>] [--responseTimeout <value>] [--apiInstanceLabel <value>]
[--serviceName <value>] [--serviceNamespace <value>] [--servicePort <value>] [--endpointUri <value>] [--type
-m, --muleVersion4OrAbove Indicates whether you are managing this API in Mule 4 or above.
-p, --withProxy Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
-r, --referencesUserDomain Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain
--apiInstanceLabel=<value> API instance label. Optional. String.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--deploymentType=<option> Deployment type. Supported Values: cloudhub, hybrid, rtf
<options: cloudhub|hybrid|rtf>
--endpointUri=<value> Consumer endpoint URL
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--path=<value> Proxy path
--port=<value> Proxy port
--providerId=<value> Client Identity Provider Id in which the API will be associated with. Optional. String.
--responseTimeout=<value> Response timeout
--scheme=<option> Proxy scheme. Supported Values: http, https
<options: http|https>
--serviceName=<value> WSDL service name
--serviceNamespace=<value> WSDL service namespace
--servicePort=<value> WSDL service port
--type=<option> Endpoint type. Supported Values: http, raml, wsdl
<options: http|raml|wsdl>
--uri=<value> Implementation URI
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Edit an API instance
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:list
Lists all APIs in API Manager
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:list [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id <value>] [--client_secret
<value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics]
[--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h] [--assetId <value>] [--apiVersion <value>]
[--instanceLabel <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--apiVersion=<value> API version to filter results by
--assetId=<value> Asset ID to filter results by
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--instanceLabel=<value> API instance label to filter results by
--limit=<value> [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
--offset=<value> Offset
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--sort=<value> How to sort the results
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Lists all APIs in API Manager
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:manage ASSETID ASSETVERSION
Manage a new API or API version or new instance with an asset from exchange
$ anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:manage [ASSETID] [ASSETVERSION] [--username <value>] [--password <value>] [--client_id
<value>] [--client_secret <value>] [--bearer <value>] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-p] [-r] [-m] [--deploymentType cloudhub|hybrid|rtf] [--uri <value>] [--scheme
http|https] [--port <value>] [--path <value>] [--providerId <value>] [--responseTimeout <value>] [--apiInstanceLabel
<value>] [--serviceName <value>] [--serviceNamespace <value>] [--servicePort <value>] [--endpointUri <value>]
[--type http|raml|wsdl]
-m, --muleVersion4OrAbove Indicates whether you are managing this API in Mule 4 or above.
-p, --withProxy Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
-r, --referencesUserDomain Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain
--apiInstanceLabel=<value> API instance label. Optional. String.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--deploymentType=<option> Deployment type. Supported Values: cloudhub, hybrid, rtf
<options: cloudhub|hybrid|rtf>
--endpointUri=<value> Consumer endpoint URL
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--path=<value> Proxy path
--port=<value> Proxy port
--providerId=<value> Client Identity Provider Id in which the API will be associated with. Optional. String.
--responseTimeout=<value> Response timeout
--scheme=<option> Proxy scheme. Supported Values: http, https
<options: http|https>
--serviceName=<value> WSDL service name
--serviceNamespace=<value> WSDL service namespace
--servicePort=<value> WSDL service port
--type=<option> Endpoint type. Supported Values: http, raml, wsdl
<options: http|raml|wsdl>
--uri=<value> Implementation URI
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Manage a new API or API version or new instance with an asset from exchange
See code: anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:promote APIINSTANCEID SOURCEENVID
Promote an API instance from source e